STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I like Fage because I can add the amount of fruit I want into the yogurt. Chobani tastes too sugary for me now.
So I figured I'd post in this thread.

I'm 5'8 and 150 and I am in pretty good shape BUT.. I want better abs. I developed a stomach pouch and I want to get rid of it. I started to eat clean and exercise but haven't seen much result. Like my abs are showing better but my lower stomach pouch is still there.

Any ideas on how to get rid of this bump?
ya'll have any homies that SWEAR they're gym goers and front like no other? like i got a homie who posts nonstop IG pics of him in the gym but all he does is hit the elliptical and machines :lol:

homie eem got crossfit olympic lifting shoes. homie doesnt eem know where the squat rack is :lol:

i usually dont let that **** get to me but its weird knowing how someone is personally, and then you see the image they try to portray on social media :smh:

I have a friend who talks to me all the time about the gym and talks about all the supplements he knows and always critiques what i eat and says there is too many carbs or sugars in that. Talks about all the clowns at his gym and their bad form and what not. He goes to the gym 3 times a week max....and he is 5 foot 8 about 180lbs (not jacked....pudgy).

Thats where i understand the mentality of "shut up and lift". Like yes don't just wing it when you are in the gym you can get hurt...but the only thing he doesn't do is kick his *** in the gym.....but yet he knows everything else you are "supposed" to do.
Asics Gel Cumulus or Gel Kayano, depending on your pronate. Cumulus for Under, Kayano for over. I like the Gel Cumulus for me personally. Also I've been hearing really good things about Adidas' Boost technology. IMO stay away from Nike when it comes to running shoes.
man how do you guys complain about any greek yogurt. They all taste like greek yogurt to me. I like them all. Right now im eating safeway knock of brand lucerne they were 70 cents a pop and 6 ounces...the oikos was 5.7 ouces for $1 and chobani and fage was 1.29

Try Fage's far the best tasting greek yogurt I've had.
Belly fat/love handle are usually the last to go for guys, to those who are asking about losing it. Cant spot reduce either.
For unemployed brahs get a job at a warehouse for that ultimate cardio daily.

Im actually trying to gain weight but with my job I've been shedding pounds like crazy.
I just stick with the plain Oikos Greek yogurt since it's the cheapest where I go, all plain taste the same to me.
Belly fat/love handle are usually the last to go for guys, to those who are asking about losing it. Cant spot reduce either.

I've cut down most of my body fat.
From around 12.5% 6 months ago to around 9% now.

My body is lean but I still have that pudgy little bit of belly fat that holds my 6 pack from showing.

It's so frustrating.

I went from 6'3 196 lbs 12.5% body fat (around August 2013), to now 177 lbs around 9% body fat.

I eat healthier than you would imagine. I eat so healthy my friends and family don't invite me to go to restaurants with them.

I work out 5 times a week. Have done HIIT. Play ball a few times a week.

Point being, I eat lean proteins, good carbs, good fats. Diet is on point, I workout and stay active.

Have gained noticeable lean muscle mass across my body, you can notice I've even gained abs. They're just beginning to peek but that last bit of belly fat just won't go. :smh:

I'm trying a new method starting yesterday where I'm going to slowly bulk and put on more muscle mass and hope that extra muscle helps speed up the last bit of fat burning I need. Because if I stay at any more of a calorie deficit I'll sacrifice way too much size just for a 6 pack.

I could continue to keep trimming off that body fat but at 177 I'm already looking way too thin for my height. If I get any lighter I'll be a complete twig on the basketball courts. So I'm going to slowly bulk up again by mildly going over maintenance by a few hundred calories and hoping that growing a nice and slow 2-4 lbs of muscle over the next
Month or two will help 1) build more ab muscle along with full body muscle and 2) speed up the last bit of fat burning with the assistance of the extra muscle.

@Durden7 @bwood056 @Freeze big boss.

You guys agree with my strategy? I've run out of ideas on how to get rid of that last bit of belly fat without losing any more weight.
It's so damn stubborn :smh:

Anyone relate to my situation? Any tips would be appreciated greatly.
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I've cut down most of my body fat.
From around 12.5% 6 months ago to around 9% now.
Not to hate but at 9%, abs will automatically show.  Trust me.  People just underestimate body fat by a lot more often than not.  The handhelds and scales that measure body fat are off a lot due to water fluctuation and how much you've eaten that da.
I've cut down most of my body fat.

From around 12.5% 6 months ago to around 9% now.
Not to hate but at 9%, abs will automatically show.  Trust me.  People just underestimate body fat by a lot more often than not.  The handhelds and scales that measure body fat are off a lot due to water fluctuation and how much you've eaten that da.

I don't disagree with you.
That's why I went to a water tank for a more
Accurate assessment last August.

I haven't done it since I've been waiting to do it again because it costs 49 dollars to do it.

So my 9% is more of an eye estimate but certainly not accurate. But I did the math and judging by the amount of weight I've lost and the amount of body fat lbs the water tank said I had I came up with a calculated guess of being around 9%.
I could be off though.

But at worst I cannot possible be over 10... I've been working my *** off since last august and I don't see how losing 19 lbs (the healthy way) wouldn't at least eliminate 2.5%
man how do you guys complain about any greek yogurt. They all taste like greek yogurt to me. I like them all. Right now im eating safeway knock of brand lucerne they were 70 cents a pop and 6 ounces...the oikos was 5.7 ouces for $1 and chobani and fage was 1.29

Try Fage's far the best tasting greek yogurt I've had.

its like like 30g of sugar man :x i had the vanilla and it wasnt good IMO

im just talking plain

if they made them with less than 10g of sugar id cop
Any of you workout in the morning before work?
What do you guys pack for food? I switched to morning workouts and im starving at work all day. I cant go back home to eat before work.

We have a small fridge at work so i dont know what all i could bring.

6am I wake up have a meal replacement shake
7am Work out
8amEat some eggs i cooked the night before
10amLater in the morning i have two yogurts.
12pm I bring lunch (chicken or beef and a side)
6pmEat dinner (pretty good meal).

What else can i add besides almonds and another shake?

On chest days i am famished.
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Ideas on lunches to pack if you have no fridge/microwave? It's gotta sit in my car for 4 hours

I have basically 8 hours straight of class with only a 15 minute break twice a week.
So you too cool to put a lunch bag in your backpack full of greek yogurt, sandwiches, almonds, or chicken breast
Feeling discouraged as of late.  Used to run 20-25 miles a week and changed my diet to a much leaner diet than before.  The lightest I got down to was 147(I'm 5'6") but I still had the midsection.  Incorporated weights and ab work.  Arms saw a little definition but midsection still present. 

Decided to switch up my workout and started doing the Insanity program and cleaned up my diet even more and my weight and midsection remained the same. 

Midsection has stayed the same from when I was eating like crap to when I started eating healthier.....smh.
Belly fat/love handle are usually the last to go for guys, to those who are asking about losing it. Cant spot reduce either.

And you know I've read about belly fat being the last to go in a ton of different sites/books. But it's just kinda crazy walking around with sagging pants (due to smaller waistline) and fat belly, lol.
@Durden7 @bwood056 @Freeze big boss.

You guys agree with my strategy? I've run out of ideas on how to get rid of that last bit of belly fat without losing any more weight.
It's so damn stubborn

Anyone relate to my situation? Any tips would be appreciated greatly.
Put some mass on man, get strong, dominate on the court. Profit.

At your height and your current stats, I don't doubt your right at 10% at that weight, you could bulk up well over 200 with minimal fat gains. 

The whole body image, do whatever it takes just to get abs mantra is ridiculous these days. I watched a video Jason Blaha did on it and how some people have a serious body image disorder. All these fitness aesthetics guys are to blame, half of them aren't natural and they make guys believe that if you don't have "cuts" you aren't anything, which is total BULL ****. Rant over.
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