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Lactating? :x

Everytime I think about using, I hear stories like that and I think, I'm good
Lol yeah he wasn't happy at all but that's what happens when you have no idea what you're taking and don't have any ancillaries on hand. The labeling on those old prohormones was absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah I remember the old sports nutrition stores down in dallas would sell kids prohormone stacks... my buddy went in there (17 at the time) said he just started lifting right and ol boy gave him trenazone (trans dermal tren) and anavar lol

Dude went nuts after a couple weeks
Yeah I remember the old sports nutrition stores down in dallas would sell kids prohormone stacks... my buddy went in there (17 at the time) said he just started lifting right and ol boy gave him trenazone (trans dermal tren) and anavar lol

Dude went nuts after a couple weeks
Woooo. I wish I was around during those days. Semi-srs lol.
Hit a sloppy 295 on bench after squatting yesterday and boozing last night. Going for a PR of 300 this week.
The problem was the stores didn't sell pct so you would get big and strong for a month and then lose it all as your body tried to recover on its own. I think I kept like 5-7 pounds after that superdrol cycle lol. Strength was crazy though I went from 245 for 4 on bench to 285 for 6 in 30 days.
Did u have any negative side effects mr drop ten?
Depends on what you're taking and depends on the person. Worst side affect for me, was making me emotional like a lil ***** :lol:

I took the original superdrol back in the day. Guy told me it was a natural test booster lol. I gained 20lbs in a month but got some gyno. My lifting buddy started lactating lmfao. Thank god for letro
Superdrol is one of the worst prohormone/steroids ever created. I took the OG superdrol in my early 20s and lactated as well. Mine lactation was a black greenish color :lol:
Strength gains were off the chain and would put on a good 10 lbs in a week but loose it after the cycle :lol: Later when I dabbled in the joose, I added superdrol to my cycle and the sides were some of the worst. I didnt lactate, but it enlarged my prostate which eventually went back to normal. Its crazy harsh on the liver also.

Thanks man. At one point, I was considering using cupcakes. Even just eating the frosting for a little bit. Definitely not anymore. :rofl:

Thanks man. At one point, I was considering using cupcakes. Even just eating the frosting for a little bit. Definitely not anymore. :rofl:

There's over 40 maybe 50 different types of joose. Depending on its characteristics, it will have different affects. If done properly and safely, its not a big deal. Though for me it took about 6 cycles to finally tune everything to my specific needs with minimal to no side affects. Ive permanently put on a solid 15-20lbs of muscle without the need to cycle again and im satisfied with that but alot of guys keep going and going and goin and not thinking about the long term affects on their health. I tell people, if you ever choose to do it, do it right, get in and get out but alot of dudes, even women become understandably addicted. Women have it easy because they only use about 1/10 of what men use, so health affects for them are pretty minimal in terms of heart issues
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Depends on what you're taking and depends on the person. Worst side affect for me, was making me emotional like a lil ***** :lol:
Superdrol is one of the worst prohormone/steroids ever created. I took the OG superdrol in my early 20s and lactated as well. Mine lactation was a black greenish color :lol:
Strength gains were off the chain and would put on a good 10 lbs in a week but loose it after the cycle :lol: Later when I dabbled in the joose, I added superdrol to my cycle and the sides were some of the worst. I didnt lactate, but it enlarged my prostate which eventually went back to normal. Its crazy harsh on the liver also.
yeah stuff was terrible lol. I remember dudes were stacking it with phera plex and blowing up! Once I felt that strength tho I was like where the needles at? there was no going back. I've been training natty for a few years now but only because I got hurt.
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yeah stuff was terrible lol. I remember dudes were stacking it with phera plex and blowing up! Once I felt that strength tho I was like where the needles at? there was no going back. I've been training natty for a few years now but only because I got hurt.

Yea man, the feeling, specially the crazy sex drive makes it so addicting. Good you put your health over it though
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tha sex drive was crazy.

Drop what state did you compete in.

do you miss being on stage?
I competed in MD. Was only once though and came in 2nd in the novice. The following year I planned on competing also. Was 3 weeks out and looked better than I did the day of my first contest. Then things happened and I said F it. It was a great experience and I think about doing it again, but if the people around you dont understand how selfish you have to be and dedicated, then it will be a difficult prep.
We may know some of the same people.
Yea ive only done one show. But my prep started 2 weeks after my father passed away. Motivation was hard and almost didnt do it. But the feeling on stage and after was AWESOME
When I get back to the states in feb from overseas I want to do one in sunmer. Summer preps are better than winter. You only miss 4th of july cookout potato salad
Double meat chicken + brown rice from Sarku Japan.

Amazing, took some brown rice out to save from carbs and its probably a half cup or more right there. :lol:
Just on the health side I've been eating only seafood no red meat for the last 2 months. I'm not attributing it to any gain or losses but I definitely feel lighter than I usually do. Never have that full feel like crap after effect. It makes it easier to turn down stuff as well

I can't wait til this semester is over so I could be in the gym consistently
Just on the health side I've been eating only seafood no red meat for the last 2 months. I'm not attributing it to any gain or losses but I definitely feel lighter than I usually do. Never have that full feel like crap after effect. It makes it easier to turn down stuff as well

I can't wait til this semester is over so I could be in the gym consistently
watch that mercury
Deadlifted yesterday.  Has to be my favorite lift.  Pulled 365lb for 3.  Then just said eff it and went for 415 (new PR).  Did it for one and it was not bad at all.  Probably because i got so pumped to do it i prob could have got a second rep but i didn't want to hurt anything.

My goal for end of february is 405 max squat and hopefully 455 Deadlift.  Thinking i might finally pull the trigger on a belt though.  
How accurate do you guys feel one rep max calculators are

Some people I know say that once you get over a certain rep range it's not a good indicator of what your one rep max is... For example, if you get 20 reps of x doesn't mean your one rep max is x1
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How accurate do you guys feel one rep max calculators are

Some people I know say that once you get over a certain rep range it's not a good indicator of what your one rep max is... For example, if you get 20 reps of x doesn't mean your one rep max is x1
Use it for 6 reps and under, along with the RPE scale.

Lets say you do a true 3 rep max, meaning you would have failed on the 4th rep, I would add 10 to maybe 15lbs and that's your 1rm.
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caught a stomach virus from my kid. probably ate about 3000 cals in the past 4 days. appetite suppression is fantastic. wonder if i can make the virus in powder form and sell it to gnc :lol:
This was a secret santa gift from another website I frequent. Forgot to include Ammonia and chalk but they sent that too.
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