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Any tips on taking strain off the shoulders when benching? Doing sets of 245*3*3 after warming up and the first 2 reps would go up pretty smooth, but on the third rep I could feel the strain on my shoulders. It felt like my shoulders were doing the brunt of the heavy lifting at that point. Usually my grip is index finger on the hash mark. Any advice would be much appreciated NT fam.
As in your index is on the rings? That's super wide grip man that's one reason for your shoulder strain. You've got to have great form to be able to bench that wide. Id suggest bringing your grip in and practice "bending" the bar as it comes down then flare your elbows out on the way up. Ive been trying to widen my grip but Ive noticed some strain whenever I go past my pinkies. The best way is to just move it out over months at a time.
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As in your index is on the rings? That's super wide grip man that's one reason for your shoulder strain. You've got to have great form to be able to bench that wide. Id suggest bringing your grip in and practice "bending" the bar as it comes down then flare your elbows out on the way up. Ive been trying to widen my grip but Ive noticed some strain whenever I go past my pinkies. The best way is to just move it out over months at a time.

I used to bench with my ring finger on the rings but I've been experimenting with my grip lately. Mannnn I don't know how you powerlifting guys tuck your elbows like that, I've been trying to do it but when the loads get really heavy it just feels so unnatural :frown: . I'll closen my grip, focus on keeping everything tight, and try flaring my elbows out on the way up. Appreciate the tips Boss :smokin
Someone posted a video in here long ago on tips to improve benching, helped me a ton.. If someone remembers which video it might be please repost for others reference.
I used to bench with my ring finger on the rings but I've been experimenting with my grip lately. Mannnn I don't know how you powerlifting guys tuck your elbows like that, I've been trying to do it but when the loads get really heavy it just feels so unnatural
. I'll closen my grip, focus on keeping everything tight, and try flaring my elbows out on the way up. Appreciate the tips Boss
Just physically try to bend the bar on the way down and squeeze your shoulder blades together as hard as you can. Youtube anything with Mark Bell and Eric Spoto about benching, it will help you a ton.
Someone posted a video in here long ago on tips to improve benching, helped me a ton.. If someone remembers which video it might be please repost for others reference.
Chris Jones has a really good video on it and he keeps its real simple too.
went jogging yesterday, lower back still hurts a bit, which is wild because I haven't felt that pain in awhile.
Was feeling uninspired the last four months and so and have been to the gym sporadically

Then I heard that they have a dedicated olympic weightlifting program at a crossfit only 12 minutes from where I live at. This olympic weightlifting program was only available at one other gym in my state but it's over an hour commute

Just what I needed to get back in the swing of things. Cancelled my membership at my gym and started my membership at this new gym today :pimp:
I wish I had other options than a commercial gym.

IMO, if someone opened a more hardcore gym in the southwest Houston area, it would kill.
I wish I had other options than a commercial gym.

IMO, if someone opened a more hardcore gym in the southwest Houston area, it would kill.
as much as I like my golds
If I had a Iron addicts gym like what CT runs. I would beast in that also

btw. right now Vitamin world has buy 1 get 1 free of Turbo Tea
Taste like wawa tea with 125 mgs of caffeine. picked up 8 bottles
@ooIRON MANoo I'm LOVING CF, bruh.

Toughest workout that I've had was tonight...

Chipper Partner WOD

Partner A: 300m Row

Partner B: Chipper

100 Alternating Pistols

100 Double Unders (200 singles)

100 Push Ups

Cash Out: 200m Partner Carry (alternate as much as necessary)
Partners switch every time partner A completes the 300m row.

My legs feel like jello :lol: Partner carry was a hell of a way to end the workout.
I'm so hyped up today I finally hit the single digit 200's. I weighed in at 209 this morning. Only 9 more pounds to go until I reach my goal. I'm down a total of 41 pounds in 6 months.
@ooIRON MANoo I'm LOVING CF, bruh.

Toughest workout that I've had was tonight...

Chipper Partner WOD

Partner A: 300m Row

Partner B: Chipper

100 Alternating Pistols

100 Double Unders (200 singles)

100 Push Ups

Cash Out: 200m Partner Carry (alternate as much as necessary)
Partners switch every time partner A completes the 300m row.

My legs feel like jello :lol: Partner carry was a hell of a way to end the workout.

Lol, this is one of those WODs where the better you are, the harder it is
I wish I had other options than a commercial gym.

IMO, if someone opened a more hardcore gym in the southwest Houston area, it would kill.
you are a mean little man bashing poor Vince smh lol

You don't live near any of the Metroflexs? 
Damn Boss, you bench with pinky on the ring?

Isnt the general consensus middle finger on the ring? Thats what I do.
Nah there is no general consensus, not for just general training at least. Now obviously the wider you go the less ROM you have so its better for competition. Also if you go wider it involves more pecs so that could be good for tearing more muscle down with hypertrophy style training. 
sup fitness famb.

had some awful news come for me and my family today.

im going to destroy back and biceps to get the demons out tomorrow.

i made a new gym shirt too:
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