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ahhh Ok

I can't speak for anyone else, but when I bulk I bulk for about 8 months..

Big boss bulks year round right??? :nerd:
Because youre putting on weight, and to be honest about it its highly unlikely its actual muscle, with the end goal of dropping weight once youve put on weight.

If you need to add weight for a reason, bulk up. If its for the purposes of adding muscle mass youre wasting your time. Its not healthy or productive from a physical standpoint.

Its a bodybuilding term thats made its way i to the mainstream and the vast majority of people have no need to do it. Its an excuse to eat **** food for a little bit. If thats the reason thats fine, but it serves no purpose from a muscle building perspective.

2 steps forward, 2 steps back.

So how do I put on muscle? Just eat enough protein and keep pushin these heavy *** weights?
Yeah. Do it frequently and consistently. Bulking for a few weeks/months isnt going to build an amount of noteworthy muscle.

What do you recommend for building muscle mass and losing body fat?
So how do I put on muscle? Just eat enough protein and keep pushin these heavy *** weights?

was going to ask the same thing ^^

Druden your statement made it seem like the people who are "Bulking and Cutting" aren't doing it for the very reason to.............Bulk and gain and then cut and trim.

A lot of people aren't doing shows but we want the same results

It's like saying why go out and shoot basketball if you're not going to play for the NBA

(this is at least how I interpreted your words)

That analogy doesnt work but i get the point.

You cant just think "these guys who are doing shows do this, so i should be doing it too".

Its a flawed logic. Youre putting on weight to then drop weight. Youre not putting on a lot of muscle during a bulk and then magically revealing a new body after the cut.

Work out frequently and be consistent with it. Eat enough of the right foods and be consistent with it.
I think Durden is coming from more of the athletic performance and general health perspective then body building and power lifting.

Basically and i think most people fall under those categories unless youre in one of the last 2 and if youre not competing in the last 2.... Youre not in the last 2.
Because youre putting on weight, and to be honest about it its highly unlikely its actual muscle
i don't necessarily agree with this unless you're talking about a really poor dirty bulk or someone that bulks for a few weeks. i agree that it's highly unlikely that it's 100% actual muscle.

you're right about the up and down though. i've actually put some mass on my chest from eating at a caloric surplus as well as a bunch of fat on my belly but it really shouldn't be like that for me. i need to cut down to a decent level and eat the proper amount of calories with a decent macro breakdown and pack on lean mass and not fat.

edit - i see your clarification above and i agree.
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Basically and i think most people fall under those categories unless youre in one of the last 2 and if youre not competing in the last 2.... Youre not in the last 2.
Then Tdogg's basketball analogy applies. You're saying if you're not competing in power lifting or bodybuilding then you're not a power lifter or bodybuilder correct?

What if I want a bodybuilder type body but I'm a skinny dude? You're saying that eating a high calorie diet to add mass then once I've reached the desired size, reducing body fat to look cut is unhealthy? 
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Basically and i think most people fall under those categories unless youre in one of the last 2 and if youre not competing in the last 2.... Youre not in the last 2.
Then Tdogg's basketball analogy applies. You're saying if you're not competing in power lifting or bodybuilding then you're not a power lifter or bodybuilder correct?
What if I want a bodybuilder type body but I'm a skinny dude? You're saying that eating a high calorie diet to add mass then once I've reached the desired size, reducing body fat to look cut is unhealthy? 
No the analogy still doesnt work but thats besides the point.

Im saying that if youre not conpeting in either one of those sports then you dont need to follow the same training and dietary habits as those who do compete.

If youre a skinny dude and want to be a bodybuilder type dude you have no business cutting. Youre going to have a hard enough time putting on a desirable amount of lean mass anyways.

Edit: in regards to the powerlifting example, whats the point of cutting? Youre not competing to make a weight class so why do you need to cut?
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To add to Durdens point:

I think a lot of dudes are bulking and then cutting away everything they just gained. They're not gaining enough muscle in their bulk to compensate for what they will lose in the cut
The point of bulking and cutting for non-competitors: aesthetics. Gain muscle, trim fat. That's the entire point in a nutshell.
The point of bulking and cutting for non-competitors: aesthetics. Gain muscle, trim fat. That's the entire point in a nutshell.

I feel like a lot of dudes aren't bulking long enough to put on legit muscle. And some are "dirty" bulking, eating everything in site and just putting on fat.

At the end of the day, it's all fun discussing this stuff. But I believe that as long as you have balance and eat stuff that's "good" for you, that's all you need.

Sometimes we go deeper than we have to. Spending more time discussing these things than we do in the gym
I feel like a lot of dudes aren't bulking long enough to put on legit muscle. And some are "dirty" bulking, eating everything in site and just putting on fat.

At the end of the day, it's all fun discussing this stuff. But I believe that as long as you have balance and eat stuff that's "good" for you, that's all you need.

Sometimes we go deeper than we have to. Spending more time discussing these things than we do in the gym
It's all trial and error anyway. Maybe eating like **** works for someone whereas it doesn't for someone else. No one's right or wrong as long as the individual is getting what they want out of what they're doing and if they're not they have the responsibility to either change it or be a bum about it.
That analogy doesnt work but i get the point.

You cant just think "these guys who are doing shows do this, so i should be doing it too".

Its a flawed logic. Youre putting on weight to then drop weight. Youre not putting on a lot of muscle during a bulk and then magically revealing a new body after the cut.

Work out frequently and be consistent with it. Eat enough of the right foods and be consistent with it.

Your initial response I disagreed with 100% but this post I agree with 100%, I think you explain it better here.
Question. Who in here does something with their workouts. Sports/crossfit comps/ power lifting comps. Body building comps.

I did a BB show in 2013. Looking to do one again in 2016. Going over seas from 2014-2015 (feb) threw me off.
I know super Ju competed also.

Big boss does PL comps.
Bwood is just a beast
Boxer15. Is a boxer
Who else does what in here.
Yeah. Do it frequently and consistently. Bulking for a few weeks/months isnt going to build an amount of noteworthy muscle.
I got you, someone might Chris Jones might disagree, but very few have them genes lol
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Big boss bulks year round right???
I just eat what I want when I want. Im not purposely trying to gain weight anymore, just get stronger.

Dudes in here only care about the mirror and girls, its like NTs version of the misc.
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Question. Who in here does something with their workouts. Sports/crossfit comps/ power lifting comps. Body building comps.

I did a BB show in 2013. Looking to do one again in 2016. Going over seas from 2014-2015 (feb) threw me off.
I know super Ju competed also.

Big boss does PL comps.
Bwood is just a beast
Boxer15. Is a boxer
Who else does what in here.

I do recreational sports, but none of them are really a big deal. basketball, slow pitch softball, flag football, kickball.
I just eat what I want when I want. Im not purposely trying to gain weight anymore, just get stronger.
Dudes in here only care about the mirror and girls, its like NTs version of the misc.
Haha true remember when dude was like he's doing it to get women..........smh

I do recreational sports, but none of them are really a big deal. basketball, slow pitch softball, flag football, kickball.
Still a good reason to be in good physical condition.

how competitive are your leagues?
I just eat what I want when I want. Im not purposely trying to gain weight anymore, just get stronger.
Dudes in here only care about the mirror and girls, its like NTs version of the misc.

I do recreational sports, but none of them are really a big deal. basketball, slow pitch softball, flag football, kickball.
Still a good reason to be in good physical condition.

how competitive are your leagues?

Some of the leagues are pretty competitive... kickball? not so much. :lol:

Flag football is really competitive. Theres some really talented guys who play in the league and about 90% of the teams can say theyve got a legitimate chance of winning every week. Softball is really competitive, but I feel like most leagues take slow pitch softball a litttttle too seriously. Basketball is pretty good, depends on which league and who's playing. Kickball is really just an excuse for us to hang out and drink.
i workout for a bunch of reasons. none of them are the best reasons but it is what it is: 1) don't want to be embarrassed when i take off my shirt at the beach. i've posted my before pic on here before and i was pretty sloppy. 5'6" about 210# and very little muscle. never had to worry about women because that wasn't a problem but i admit to being self-conscious at times. 2) i started to despise being really weak. like when i help out at work or something had to be moved/lifted, i was afraid to volunteer because i was weak. i want to crush that weak part of me every day for as long as i live. each time i put more weight up, i kill a little more of that weak part of me. 3) i'm older than most all you guys probably and as i age, i realize that getting in shape would make that less of an issue in my life. be strong. be healthy (and more recently, become more mobile and agile). 4) my son is 2.5 years old and i want to be an active part of his life. i want to ride skateboard with him, surf, diving, hiking etc. i don't want to be a fat slob sit on the couch watching tv dad. 5) i like to eat and if i don't exercise, i'll get fat. 6) i workout while at work and on the clock. rather be lifting weights than sitting at my comp.
I feel like I'm lifting to much, or spending to much time at the gym on workout day.

How long do you guys spend at the gym? What's the appropriate amount of time?
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