STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I usually do 1.5 hours including foam rolling and stretching pre and sometimes post.
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I go 2 hrs every session. Bout 5 times a week. Usually 3-4 days on a day or 2 off. Legs, back, chest n shoulders, arms, and then a day to hit some of the lesser body parts thst arent directly hit real hard like forearms and calves and abs. Counting macros, lean and muscular ike a young demi gawd.
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Don't judge me JP. Byt ive only foam rolled like 3 times and never felt that much better after. I subbed to your youtube tho so ill be watching more of your vids
I feel like I'm lifting to much, or spending to much time at the gym on workout day.

How long do you guys spend at the gym? What's the appropriate amount of time?
There is no universal set amount of time to be in the gym. Everyone is going to be different. My week nights are always 1.5 hours if not a little more and on Sundays I have to make myself leave after 2 hours otherwise I'll just keep going 
   I mainly do that so I can have more time to chill at home since its my only day off from work.
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Well done that you foam roll and pre stretch very nice [emoji]128076[/emoji]
thanks bro! To be honest, never did any of that until I injured my lower back (piriformis syndrome), back in March. :smh: Foam rolling works miracles for me and injuries/flexibility
There's this huge, super swole dude at my job who swears back when he had more time, he could spend 8 hours in the gym in a day. I was super skeptical and I told him so, but he still swears so. Lol

Also, even though he's a monstrous beast as is, he swears that he's super out of shape compared to when he was younger. 'The younger me would eat me!'

He's the type of dude that if the topic is working out, he can literally carry the conversation by himself for an hr.

He's always pushing me to work out with him, which is the weirdest thing. My one rep maxes are his warmup. He's like, 'That's no problem, we'll workout with your weights. I'll just do non stop supersets' lmao

'You know I weightlift and don't workout like you right? '

' That's ok, we'll do things your way, that way I can confuse my body and it can adapt! ' :rofl:
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I train to become the prince of all saiyans once again!

But mostly to see what I can squeeze out of my genetics and surpass my pre-acl tear self (which I think I have).

I think for most of us it's therapy I get the tell the world to shut the **** up and suck my ****.
Man I would love to get back to my basketball playing athleticism level of 6+yrs ago (I'm 30 now). Seems pretty impossible, I don't even ball now though I lift regualrly, have put on 50lbs since then (some of it's muscle but obviously not most). Beyond ambitious, but we'll see. I have been doing well the last 2 weeks on my diet and workout, got such a LONG way to go. Not even going to try to ball or get back into plyos until I get down to a certain weight
Don't judge me JP. Byt ive only foam rolled like 3 times and never felt that much better after. I subbed to your youtube tho so ill be watching more of your vids
I never judge lol. 3 times ever in life? Trust me bro foam roll and do your mobility work youll feel and do better in the gym I promise you. I appreciate you subbing bro means a lot! Have you checked out my vids by chance?
Man I would love to get back to my basketball playing athleticism level of 6+yrs ago (I'm 30 now). Seems pretty impossible, I don't even ball now though I lift regualrly, have put on 50lbs since then (some of it's muscle but obviously not most). Beyond ambitious, but we'll see. I have been doing well the last 2 weeks on my diet and workout, got such a LONG way to go. Not even going to try to ball or get back into plyos until I get down to a certain weight
I sprained my ankle. Had x ray done the other day. No fracture. Going in 3 weeks and I still can't jog because of a sharp pain. I'm 32. You just gotta adapt the way you play the game as you age. Use the basketball iq as your advantage against young guys. Cuz these young guns be jumping high as hell and running all over the place. Can't keep up with that no mo
thanks bro! To be honest, never did any of that until I injured my lower back (piriformis syndrome), back in March. :smh: Foam rolling works miracles for me and injuries/flexibility
See why you gotta wait til you get injured first lol do it before so you prevent them. That's good that you started tho! Best one for that is getting a lacrosse ball or a hard ball in general and sitting on it really targets that piriformis that ties in into the low back. Wonders like magic
There's this huge, super swole dude at my job who swears back when he had more time, he could spend 8 hours in the gym in a day. I was super skeptical and I told him so, but he still swears so. Lol

Also, even though he's a monstrous beast as is, he swears that he's super out of shape compared to when he was younger. 'The younger me would eat me!'

He's the type of dude that if the topic is working out, he can literally carry the conversation by himself for an hr.

He's always pushing me to work out with him, which is the weirdest thing. My one rep maxes are his warmup. He's like, 'That's no problem, we'll workout with your weights. I'll just do non stop supersets' lmao

'You know I weightlift and don't workout like you right? '

' That's ok, we'll do things your way, that way I can confuse my body and it can adapt! '

dude sounds chill though.
See why you gotta wait til you get injured first lol do it before so you prevent them. That's good that you started tho! Best one for that is getting a lacrosse ball or a hard ball in general and sitting on it really targets that piriformis that ties in into the low back. Wonders like magic

:lol: so true. Thanks though man. Yeah I've heard of that as well. Need to buy one soon. Btw finally got a chance and subbed. :nthat:
so true. Thanks though man. Yeah I've heard of that as well. Need to buy one soon. Btw finally got a chance and subbed.
Yea man trust me feels amazing get on it lol. I appreciate that sub and support man means a lot! Have you checked some of the vids?
I picked up some dymatize iso 100, in the fudge Browne flavor today. Going to take it in the morning before I hit the gym then again post workout.
foam rolled today.. Probably completely wrong, feel a bit better though.

JR I saw your lacrose ball video, do you have a foam roll one too.? or can you make one of how to do it
There's this huge, super swole dude at my job who swears back when he had more time, he could spend 8 hours in the gym in a day. I was super skeptical and I told him so, but he still swears so. Lol

Also, even though he's a monstrous beast as is, he swears that he's super out of shape compared to when he was younger. 'The younger me would eat me!'

He's the type of dude that if the topic is working out, he can literally carry the conversation by himself for an hr.

He's always pushing me to work out with him, which is the weirdest thing. My one rep maxes are his warmup. He's like, 'That's no problem, we'll workout with your weights. I'll just do non stop supersets' lmao

'You know I weightlift and don't workout like you right? '

' That's ok, we'll do things your way, that way I can confuse my body and it can adapt! ' :rofl:


dude sounds chill though.

Word. Probably just wants a friend.
I can agree with JP. Put the effort in on your mobility work and rolling. Break up that tissue and fascia. Your body will thank you.
jphysique jphysique Definitely will soon. Haven't been able to really sit down and watch. I did see you have a foam rolling video though lol.

I can agree with JP. Put the effort in on your mobility work and rolling. Break up that tissue and fascia. Your body will thank you.

This. Foam rolling is for loosening up connective tissue, not just muscles.
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