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Neither one of those are strength rep ranges so don't look for gains to come. Are you on a program? I can help you out if you want.

I'm essentially doing a full-body routine that includes squatting 3xweek. It's the Hercules Workout with my own variation. For squats, I decided to increase the weight by 20lbs once I can get 10 reps or more, hence going from 315-335. Ultimately, I want to squat 405 for reps. I was squatting heavy singles up until I was able to get 415x1 but I find high rep ranges to be much easier on my joints.

@Stuntman Mike, I'll consider that. Props.
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Creatine is no joke, just started taking it again after some months off, can definitely feel some strength gainz!
Creatine is no joke, just started taking it again after some months off, can definitely feel some strength gainz!

What's funny is I've been getting stronger and this post just made me realize I haven't been taking my creatine o_O

Usually I'm good about remembering..

*goes to take it now
Creatine is no joke, just started taking it again after some months off, can definitely feel some strength gainz!
Not saying creatine doesn't work, but the placebo effect is strong 
Creatine does work. When I was taking it twice a workout day, I was hitting weights through the roof. Only thing is people comment about me looking bloated so I only take it once a workout day.
Creatine does work. When I was taking it twice a workout day, I was hitting weights through the roof. Only thing is people comment about me looking bloated so I only take it once a workout day.
Not overnight though. Also if you've never been serious about lifting or just started you can make strength gains very quickly. (referring to tooeasy891)
These squats, man. I can get 315x13 but I've been stuck at 335x7 for a while; I think I've hit a plateau.

Do you have a goal?

How do you know if you're plateauing without a goal.

Max weight x max reps program...

There's programs that work for a 20RM, programs that work off 10RM, most work with 5RM/3RM/1RM

Boss kind of touched on it.

Creatine is extremely beneficial, but yeah long term. Them noob placebo gains though, sometimes you just have to get the mind right.
Anybody ever bought stuff from Their Creatine seems to be highly rated, both in quality and price.
eventually they're gonna come out with a mechanism for reracking the bar on a failed barbell bench press. like spring loaded safety bars or something foot-button-press and it comes back up some **** like that

never liked asking dudes for spots, though I did do it back in the day, cause it be like they're trying to tea bag you.

that's the only reason you get that extra rep is outta the fear that they just might drop the tea bag and you're just adreline'd up tryna push that bar at the mother ****** nahwhat i'm tombout

They beat you to it fam

Lol its like once we get on a topic thats been discussed before we still beat it over and over again with a stick. We should collectively make a FAQs for this board and have them put in on op 1st post.
Flavors for protein
Calculator websites.
I like being hyped. But that angry hype is OD by people sometimes. That video including.

Whatever you gotta do ro push the weight tho i guess
About to try and bench press some more today
Any tips?
Why is my incline max so lower than my flat and decline Max

I don't like asking for spots cus my gym is full of freaks. So I stick with a weight I can handle myself (225)

Any tips for my inner quads/thighs?
Shoulders are probably weakd, and for the most part your flat and decline SHOULD be more than your incline max. A lot of people dont even do decline, let a lone make it a focus for a chest workout.
Dude is folding every time he squats.
Lol, still strong though.
Yeah considering his background you think he would have better form, but he is number 2 in the WORLD in the IPF 205 class right now so whatever works for him. 
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