Started 2016 by picking up where I left off in mid 2015, weighed in at 119, but now I'm at 125. I'm a pretty frail dude but I've been trying my best to keep my caloric intake at 3-3500 daily. Counting the calories from my dinner is thought since I'm not cooking it, protein I'm cheating horribly by going to McDonald's and getting 2 double cheeseburgers about 2x a week. I'm buying my mass gainer that I bought from GMC tomorrow (packed about 50-60 grams of protein with 5-600 calories). I don't OD on the scoops since 2 is sufficient for my weight right now even though they recommend 4. I seriously need to learn how to cook though. Usually what I do is eat left over dinner for breakfast, then for lunch at work I eat dinner again, then once I get home I eat dinner. Of course in between I'm eating snacks like granola bars or some snack to keep up with every two hours. As far as workouts I'm only at 20 lbs for curls, lifting the weight up my sides to work my traps, and laying down on my back then bringing the weight up and down to work my bird chest
but I feel as if I need 25 since I'm able to go through my first two sets with ease (12 reps first two, then 15 on the last). For abs upper and lower I'm doing 80 for now, next month I'm hitting 100 reps each day I workout. Guide me NT fam, my goal is 150.