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surprising considering the reviews said his products sucked lmao

Aren't they all really the same at the end of the day?
??? which reviews? I feel like a lot of people just like to hate on youtubers... buts its expected since most youtubers come out with garbage supplements.

but pump n grind is act. good. Just take a look at the ingredients. And na, its not all the same. Imo pre jym really changed the game for pre workouts. pre kaged was created directly to challenge pre jym. pump n grind are really similar to pre jym in terms of ingredients. my favorite is pre jym, though.
Reading your guys 1RM, some of ya''ll are definitely sandbagging and stronger than you think. Whenever someone "guesses" their 1RM I always add at least 15lbs.
@MPLSdunk i missed it as well.

When i first started, like everyone else i hopped onto the c4 train and now that i look back it i just laugh, i dont even use those pre-workout supps anymore, just black coffee or some green tea.

before i workout i take arginine and carnitine, the pump will arrive.

Who here tried Synedrex, the fat burner from metabolic nutrition?
GOAT fat burner for me.
ever try gat jetfuel superburn? goat fat burner for me
Na havent but ill keep it in mind if ever think of getting fat burners.

Plus i do love GAT brand
Spotify is Life.
ive been pu t on to soo much good music. and i have about 4 different playlist i listen to consistently.
I also have heard some pre set playlist ( i think other people control it and add songs.) and those have been good too.
My girl does spin classes. and they have a spin class playlist you can go and us yourself.
I originially liked Sony Music. but i got expensive and I stopped using my playstation 3.

they finally sent my stuff
Amd 2 bottles.
Nice. Where'd you get it from. Any good deals for it?

Chrome Supps website.

my first bottle of Intense 2.0 turned in to a black Tar or something after only 6 months, I took a picture, sent it to them, and they sent me these for free.

Crush is easily the best Pre workout i've ever taken. the flow of energy through out the work out is...well "Intense"
surprising considering the reviews said his products sucked lmao

Aren't they all really the same at the end of the day?

??? which reviews? I feel like a lot of people just like to hate on youtubers... buts its expected since most youtubers come out with garbage supplements.

but pump n grind is act. good. Just take a look at the ingredients. And na, its not all the same. Imo pre jym really changed the game for pre workouts. pre kaged was created directly to challenge pre jym. pump n grind are really similar to pre jym in terms of ingredients. my favorite is pre jym, though.
I believe It was on amazon. But I'll take your word forit.

@MPLSdunk i missed it as well.

When i first started, like everyone else i hopped onto the c4 train and now that i look back it i just laugh, i dont even use those pre-workout supps anymore, just black coffee or some green tea.

before i workout i take arginine and carnitine, the pump will arrive.

Who here tried Synedrex, the fat burner from metabolic nutrition?

GOAT fat burner for me.

ever try gat jetfuel superburn? goat fat burner for me
Ill keep this in mind. Might cop it. But a fat burner basically supersedes your appetite, speeds your metabolism and ... helps burn fat, right?

Coffee is eh for me. Caffeine doesn't do much. I'll check out the other two you mentioned though
@MPLSdunk i missed it as well.

When i first started, like everyone else i hopped onto the c4 train and now that i look back it i just laugh, i dont even use those pre-workout supps anymore, just black coffee or some green tea.

before i workout i take arginine and carnitine, the pump will arrive.

Who here tried Synedrex, the fat burner from metabolic nutrition?

GOAT fat burner for me.

ever try gat jetfuel superburn? goat fat burner for me
YOOOO!! My old coworker bodybuilds (He's in my one of my videos). He told me about this. He said it was so powerful they had to change the name???? So you're cosigning?? I just looked it up. Same one.
ever try gat jetfuel superburn? goat fat burner for me
ever try gat jetfuel superburn? goat fat burner for me
I recommend its a great fat burner been on it for years still haven't got immune  to it.  They have a powder form of it now also... bought some at this fitness expo I went to a month ago.... powder form is already I prefer the pill for some reason.

but metabolic nutrition ESP preworkout is like the goat to me as far as preworkouts.... pwo had me up like a crackhead at night and I took it at lunch lol

the double sided scoop is a great idea too....***** side scoop and real man gains scoop side lol

Metabolic Nutrition is a great brand their protein and bcaas are great also
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fat burners should be last weight loss option. So if you hit a plateau i would say yea go for it.
I think i have hit a plateau...or maybe its the weekly in n out, tacos, and pizza 

I think after my next crossfit competition next month i will detox and try to get my food on point for a bit. 
Came in wanting to do shoulders... got here pre workout kicked in and now going to do squats...
I see why u guys use this stuff so much
@MPLSdunk i missed it as well.

When i first started, like everyone else i hopped onto the c4 train and now that i look back it i just laugh, i dont even use those pre-workout supps anymore, just black coffee or some green tea.

before i workout i take arginine and carnitine, the pump will arrive.

Who here tried Synedrex, the fat burner from metabolic nutrition?

GOAT fat burner for me.

ever try gat jetfuel superburn? goat fat burner for me
which one?
Came in wanting to do shoulders... got here pre workout kicked in and now going to do squats...
I see why u guys use this stuff so much
Should've hit shoulders, bested on military press. Beasted on dumbbell press with the 90s.... man you about to make me hit legs too.

My girl was supposed to shoot me today. Was gonna beast on back. But she feeling sick from meds. So thursday. F it.

Legs it is.
All day i just knew i was going to do shoulders. Took that pre workout i showed u guys last page. I only take pre wprkout maybe 3 months a year (5 week cycles) and my brain was like for get this youre gon put that work in today.
Worked my way up to 350x2. Then a bunch of pause squats at 225.
Incline backwards treadmill walk. Fpr 20 mins.
I look like i just dipped in a pool.
I hate this dip in temperature and rain. **** has my right arm hurting.

Dealt with shoulders and legs today.

135x5 x5

315x5 x3
335x5 x2

Might take the day off tomorrow before deadlift thursday or might just do some bicep work.

jkitty jkitty kabob is the ****! My pops chefs it up marvelous. Might have to convince him to make some this weekend :lol:
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