STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

yea most federal jobs want military or law enforcement experience..... smh they pass up on a lot of good people like that imo.
Yea it is what it is though i have a good job now and just got offered a position overseas i think ima take... hard to get gainz over there so ill prolly be maintaining while there because its easy to go out on weekends and splurge or eat a lot
where at overseas?  what will you be doing?

I got offered a private security gig (Aegis) in Afghanstian.... I turned it down wasn't paying enough for me to go out there
Man. Last night was just one of those nights were the weights felt heavy. I intended to work my way up to a 205lb snatch, but got stuck on 185lbs. Back at it today.
each set i always feel like i could've done more or better that's why i go up so high
yeah I get that, but the progression makes no sense, most people make 50/90 pound jumps until they get to their working sets. Hop on a program it will be more beneficial to you.
@xcellz Korea general contracting. Not security or anything.

I work with people now that work with Aegis. If you not pulling 70+ dont do it theyre jipping you.

Korea tho is cool ive worked there for 3 years before. They are getting in to cross fit there (booo) but there are a ton of gyms. Just healthy eating is a bit expensive. No Walmarts where i can get $2 a lb chicken breast.. at best it will be like 4.
But asian sweet potatoes >>>>>>>>>>american sweet potatoes /yambs
(If you ever had a Jersey white sweet potato ots a similar consistency and taste)

@boss. Yea i should. But i had never really done a lot of power lifting in my programs prior. Ill pm you soon

Also woke up 189lbs :frown: ive lost 11lbs in 6/7 weeks. All this stress and personal drama going on...but im happy again so hopefully i can get it back to 195
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Korea general contracting. Not security or anything.

I work with people now that work with Aegis. If you not pulling 70+ dont do it theyre jipping you.

Korea tho is cool ive worked there for 3 years before. They are getting in to cross fit there (booo) but there are a ton of gyms. Just healthy eating is a bit expensive. No Walmarts where i can get $2 a lb chicken breast.. at best it will be like 4.
But asian sweet potatoes >>>>>>>>>>american sweet potatoes /yambs
(If you ever had a Jersey white sweet potato ots a similar consistency and taste
yea they were offering 60 I believe..... aint worth it I can make 55 out here easy
@xcellz Korea general contracting. Not security or anything.

I work with people now that work with Aegis. If you not pulling 70+ dont do it theyre jipping you.

Korea tho is cool ive worked there for 3 years before. They are getting in to cross fit there (booo) but there are a ton of gyms. Just healthy eating is a bit expensive. No Walmarts where i can get $2 a lb chicken breast.. at best it will be like 4.
But asian sweet potatoes >>>>>>>>>>american sweet potatoes /yambs
(If you ever had a Jersey white sweet potato ots a similar consistency and taste)

@boss. Yea i should. But i had never really done a lot of power lifting in my programs prior. Ill pm you soon

Also woke up 189lbs :frown: ive lost 11lbs in 6/7 weeks. All this stress and personal drama going on...but im happy again so hopefully i can get it back to 195

Hop on the ed coan program. Sick program. Pretty sure it was boss that originally mentioned it in here, and mpls got me on it too. It helps a lot esp the accessory work.
Tdogg do you know what your max is? Just start out at around 75% for 5x5 and go from there.
Tdogg do you know what your max is? Just start out at around 75% for 5x5 and go from there.
i wish i could just warm up and hhit mymax right after. Always feel like i could have done more. But i know a round about # for the 3 big lifts
lmao wow... yea you been here main street is the most "live" street... it is like a mini canal street. I know you know about how ghetto hopkins street is lmao

thats good you aint touch a girl down here bro, city too small everybody messing with everybody.  I rarely go that way, I'm trying to branch out from this area actually.

If I get this air marshal gig I could possibly be anywhere.

I'll def hit you up if I'm ever in Houma or New Orleans area
Probably so, I just don't remember street names well.  It was wild. One of the best time of my life.  Kappa Party in Lafayette...

Yeah.  Hopefully we can link up during Mardi Gras.
Do u guys have a plan or anything for when you try your 1RM? I was trying to hit 315 by the new year but idk if I'm gonna :lol:

This is from Saturday. I know I can do 275 at least once but I wanna see if I can actually get 315
My coach and I was talking about how there's programs that is design for you to prepare for a 1max rep. 

You start off with hi reps/sets and 75% of weight

as you get closer to your 1 max rep, you lower the reps/sets and increase the weight

the last 2 weeks, you want to deload so that your body is ready for that 1max rep.

The next 2 weeks for me is going to be really light maybe 60% if that.  low numbers of set and low weights.

I can't wait.
Ur talkin DL, I dunno, stop me if I'm wrong but I don't really have a problem with just throwing that weight on there that you think u can hit, in this case 315, and seeing what happens. If it was squat that's different. Bench, throw the plates on there and see what happens if you have a spotter. That's assuming ur in the ballpark and by ur numbers I bet u can pull 3 plates. Tell me if I'm wrong bros.


Lmao im ******ed it clearly says DEADLIFT in the pic he posted.

But ya man like homie above said throw the weights on and go for it.
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I usually go by percentages and if i'm feeling good when i get to my 90%, i'll do a few attempts at a max. 
Marmourjr, do you have a core/accessory/mobility workout that you can recommend for me that I can do twice a week

I want to concentrate on flexibility, core and upper body stability.
Marmourjr, do you have a core/accessory/mobility workout that you can recommend for me that I can do twice a week

I want to concentrate on flexibility, core and upper body stability.
Some of the stuff my coach has me doing for wieghtlfiting.  Be careful, you don't want to over work it. Switch it up and do maybe 2 times a week. 4 sets of 10's is good enough.

German Situps

Hyperextensions (sometimes with weight) (row with weight, medicine ball or weight)

Zombie Front Squats

Split Stance Overhead Triceps Extension

Barbell Row as if you're coming from the 2nd pull to 3rd pull

Dumbell Row

Kettlebell Overhead Press or Push Press or Overhead Squat

Hip Thrusters

Box Jump

Romanian Deadlift

Weighted Planks

Band OHS - Doing OHS with BAND and pressing outward with the band

Handstand holds against the wall

Dumbell farmer's walk
Marmourjr, do you have a core/accessory/mobility workout that you can recommend for me that I can do twice a week

I want to concentrate on flexibility, core and upper body stability.

Some of the stuff my coach has me doing for wieghtlfiting.  Be careful, you don't want to over work it. Switch it up and do maybe 2 times a week. 4 sets of 10's is good enough.

German Situps
Hyperextensions (sometimes with weight) (row with weight, medicine ball or weight)
Zombie Front Squats
Split Stance Overhead Triceps Extension
Barbell Row as if you're coming from the 2nd pull to 3rd pull
Dumbell Row
Kettlebell Overhead Press or Push Press or Overhead Squat
Hip Thrusters
Box Jump
Romanian Deadlift
Weighted Planks
Band OHS - Doing OHS with BAND and pressing outward with the band
Handstand holds against the wall
Dumbell farmer's walk

Yo thanks man. You do all this in one sitting? Or you split it? Like half one day and the other half the other.

Also I need to look most of this up lmao.
Gonna try 275 as my 3rd or 4th set on Saturday and see what happens :evil:
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8-lbs Optimum Nutrition Gold 100% Whey Protein (Chocolate or Vanilla) $65 + Free Shipping

Double Rich Chocolate
Vanilla Ice Cream

Repped just copped

I have too much protein now..
I have like half a tub of orange dymatize which is pretty good and I just got 2 tubs of cookies and cream MP which is alright. It's gonna be hard to finish 10 lbs of that :lol: I was expecting "cookies and cream" like an Oreo but it's chocolate chip "cookies and cream" :stoneface:
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Yo thanks man. You do all this in one sitting? Or you split it? Like half one day and the other half the other.

Also I need to look most of this up lmao.

Oh Gawd no. Depending on the programming. For instance I may have to focus on Press and Jerks. So at the end I may do 4 x 10 German Sit-up. And maybe split stance overhead tricep extension. This on Monday.

Then Saturday is snatch. Ohs band and hyperextension with weight.

I just put random ones. Depending what you are working on the accessory should follow at the end
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