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Was focusing on strength. Cutting now and going to work on aesthetics but try not to lose too much strength.
Are you guys mostly working for strength or hypertrophy? Are you working on the aesthetics of your physiques or mainly just looking to get your numbers up?
since im injured hypertrophy, before that it was strength .

Any tips for the biceps?
I'm doing arms today and I wanna try some new excercises that specifically hit my upper bicep (closer to the armpit)
I notice a lot of biceps excercises I do usually hit the opposite part :frown:
youtube ct fletchers armed warfare, that will kill your arms for you
Been on a cut since last summer...cant wait to get on a surplus again. Surprisingly i haven't lost a lot of strength. 8 percent body fat here i come
I'm really bad at lifting but can anyone tell me why I'm not getting beginner gains in the deadlift department?

This is what ive been working on for the past month or so. I'm giving it my all and I am resting 3 minutes between each set. I deadlift once a week, my lower back is sore after this

95 x 8
95 x 8
100 x 8
110 x 5
115 x 4

Haven't really been able to add weight, the same workout doesn't feel easier
Could be a million reasons. Maybe your nutrition isn't on point, and you're not building muscle. Maybe while you're lifting, you're not using proper form and recruiting the wrong muscles during the lift.

Is it only your max that isn't improving? Do you notice you get fatigued at different rates week to week, or is it the same every time? What is your cadence like during each rep(like slow reps each time or quick explosive reps)

How old are you, and how long have you been lifting? After months of training, I agree you should have seen major newbie gains by now. Might have to take a step back and have your posture looked at, make sure there aren't any deviations and focus on more stability/mobility exercises before you jump right into heavy lifts.

Oooorrrrr you might have to keep playing around with your volume and intensity until you see gains. Without knowing anything about you except the 5 sets you do once a week, it could really be anything.
I'm really bad at lifting but can anyone tell me why I'm not getting beginner gains in the deadlift department?

This is what ive been working on for the past month or so. I'm giving it my all and I am resting 3 minutes between each set. I deadlift once a week, my lower back is sore after this

95 x 8
95 x 8
100 x 8
110 x 5
115 x 4

Haven't really been able to add weight, the same workout doesn't feel easier

How is your nutrition? Also, are you just like "doing the sets" or are you really trying to "do the damn sets"?
I'm really bad at lifting but can anyone tell me why I'm not getting beginner gains in the deadlift department?

This is what ive been working on for the past month or so. I'm giving it my all and I am resting 3 minutes between each set. I deadlift once a week, my lower back is sore after this

95 x 8
95 x 8
100 x 8
110 x 5
115 x 4

Haven't really been able to add weight, the same workout doesn't feel easier
So since the weight is lighter than 135, are you using the smaller plates like 25s and 35s? If so that puts you lower to the ground which would be deficit DLs which are harder to do.

Also if you feel you are terrible, something tells me your form might need work. I'd get some help from someone reputable
So since the weight is lighter than 135, are you using the smaller plates like 25s and 35s? If so that puts you lower to the ground which would be deficit DLs which are harder to do.

Also if you feel you are terrible, something tells me your form might need work. I'd get some help from someone reputable

naw my gym has all plates the size of a 45

How is your nutrition? Also, are you just like "doing the sets" or are you really trying to "do the damn sets"?

I don't get to have full 3 meals + snacks every single day of the week because I cannot afford it. on the ones that I don't I drink a protein shake. The day after workouts I make sure I eat the full 3 meals + snacks. I only weigh 145, I shouldn't need that much food to meet the calories needed.

I'm busting my *** doing this, my whole face is red and I'm panting after the set.

Could be a million reasons. Maybe your nutrition isn't on point, and you're not building muscle. Maybe while you're lifting, you're not using proper form and recruiting the wrong muscles during the lift.

Is it only your max that isn't improving? Do you notice you get fatigued at different rates week to week, or is it the same every time? What is your cadence like during each rep(like slow reps each time or quick explosive reps)

How old are you, and how long have you been lifting? After months of training, I agree you should have seen major newbie gains by now. Might have to take a step back and have your posture looked at, make sure there aren't any deviations and focus on more stability/mobility exercises before you jump right into heavy lifts.

Oooorrrrr you might have to keep playing around with your volume and intensity until you see gains. Without knowing anything about you except the 5 sets you do once a week, it could really be anything.

It's the 8 rep sets that I haven't found to get easier. All 3 take max effort from me. I'm going explosively up and I bring it down quick.
I'm 21 and have been deadlifting for months. A lot of it spent on just 65 pounds learning the form.

It's getting real frustrating lately, I'm putting hours in the weightroom but my body isn't showing results
I know I'm doing something wrong. Most of my lifts in general have stalled
I don't get to have full 3 meals + snacks every single day of the week because I cannot afford it. on the ones that I don't I drink a protein shake. The day after workouts I make sure I eat the full 3 meals + snacks. I only weigh 145, I shouldn't need that much food to meet the calories needed.

I'm busting my *** doing this, my whole face is red and I'm panting after the set.

I'm not trying to get you all worked up. I'm just saying, some people "lift" but there is never much "intensity" there. I understand the not being able to afford it part. The only thing I might say is, if you are smaller and have a high metabolism the 3 meals might not be enough food. If a meal is like 1/2 cup rice and 4 oz chicken breast, that just probably isn't enough food......not for anyone in here.
True, your metabolism could just be crazy high. Do you do a lot of cardio?

Also what are your goals even? Why is deadlift important to you in the grand scheme of things? Are you stretching? Foam rolling?are there any other lifts or exercises that you feel have plateau'd or are below what you feel you should be at?
True, your metabolism could just be crazy high. Do you do a lot of cardio?

Also what are your goals even? Why is deadlift important to you in the grand scheme of things? Are you stretching? Foam rolling?are there any other lifts or exercises that you feel have plateau'd or are below what you feel you should be at?

I play basketball 4-5 times a week

My goal is to get to 180 lbs the perfect 5'9 basketball player body. I need the dl because it's a compound exercise that builds lots of mass and will help my posterior chain. My vert is around 30 inches with this frail body I know if I get stronger and my lifts to respectable numbers I can get it close to 40

I do stretch n I do foam roll. My back biceps and shoulders are lagging behind my chest and triceps. Those pull lifts I'm not making gains.

Will pay more attention to my nutrition and work harder
If you're trying to improve your vert, the overall weight shouldn't be a huge priority. being good at bball has more to do with power type programming and plyometric training. Goals based on performance.

If you simply want to lift the heaviest amount in your deadlift, that's a more STRENGTH based programming, where you wouldn't be doing much cardio and you would be in a major positive net nitrogen and caloric energy balance.
These are really just stabs in the dark though man. Honestly if I were you I would find a way to get some sessions with a personal trainer. You need hands on instruction and programming that is specific to actually knowing more about you. The goals you have could honestly be 2 years worth of programming. Sitting down with someone face to face can help you waaaay more than what we can help you with
I play basketball 4-5 times a week

My goal is to get to 180 lbs the perfect 5'9 basketball player body. I need the dl because it's a compound exercise that builds lots of mass and will help my posterior chain. My vert is around 30 inches with this frail body I know if I get stronger and my lifts to respectable numbers I can get it close to 40

I do stretch n I do foam roll. My back biceps and shoulders are lagging behind my chest and triceps. Those pull lifts I'm not making gains.

Will pay more attention to my nutrition and work harder

How long have you been deadlifting for? First you said a month or so at once a week.

Have you tried to increase the weight a little bit? Starting at 100 and finishing at 120? Are you warming up properly?

I would say two things: you probably won't gain strength as fast as normal if you're doing 5 days of hard cardio. Not that you should change your routine, but you can't expect the same results as a beginner that's lifting 5 times a week.

If you're going for power and explosion, I'd recommend doing less reps. After your warm up sets, 3-5 sets of 3 reps or something similar. There are benefits to what you're doing and you will see results if you continue working hard but I'm not a huge fan of doing 30+ working reps of DLs.
How long have you been deadlifting for? First you said a month or so at once a week.

Have you tried to increase the weight a little bit? Starting at 100 and finishing at 120? Are you warming up properly?

I would say two things: you probably won't gain strength as fast as normal if you're doing 5 days of hard cardio. Not that you should change your routine, but you can't expect the same results as a beginner that's lifting 5 times a week.

If you're going for power and explosion, I'd recommend doing less reps. After your warm up sets, 3-5 sets of 3 reps or something similar. There are benefits to what you're doing and you will see results if you continue working hard but I'm not a huge fan of doing 30+ working reps of DLs.

Cosign this, the # of reps and the increase in weight. Try 5reps per set and jump up from say 95 to 115 then 135. 5lbs jumps just waste energy at this point. Plus the good thing about DL is if you fail just drop it not like bench or squats where you can get pinned under it.
Also if you're training basketball all week, for extended periods of times...Your TDEE will be way higher, thus needing way more calories than someone who is sedentary and just works out, or even lightly active and just works out.
Just use a few calorie calculators, punch in your activity levels and all that, and take the average recommended intake out of 3-4 different ones and work from there.

Should give you a better understanding of what you need, but like someone else mentioned, talk to a trainer. You need a specialized program.
Also if you're training basketball all week, for extended periods of times...Your TDEE will be way higher, thus needing way more calories than someone who is sedentary and just works out, or even lightly active and just works out.

Yea bro if u want to add 35 lbs while hooping 4-5x a week you're gonna have to eat a ton my guy. In other words it's not gonna happen. I'd get a job at a restaurant or get girlfriends who do, then flourish
I went full dirty bulk mode abd gain a lot of fat. Started my cut at 215, now im at 175, just a couple more pound's to go. I want to be disgustingly shredded before going on a lean mass phase

I feel you that's the way to do it.

Once I get to down to single digits near the Summer I'm going to reverse diet into my most serious bulk ever where I really try to chase my strength goals for the year.
I'm really bad at lifting but can anyone tell me why I'm not getting beginner gains in the deadlift department?

This is what ive been working on for the past month or so. I'm giving it my all and I am resting 3 minutes between each set. I deadlift once a week, my lower back is sore after this

95 x 8
95 x 8
100 x 8
110 x 5
115 x 4

Haven't really been able to add weight, the same workout doesn't feel easier

This doesn't look like a progressive strength plan for beginners at all.
Last night after armed warfare I ate a swordfish steak, sautéed spinach, a whole can of wild caught sardines, and a glass of 2 scoops of ON whey with water.

This morning had 1.5 cups of egg whites, another can of sardines and some peppermint tea.

Am I doing it right? :lol:
I been doing my thing for a year but never really took the counting calories thing seriously. I def made gains in that period..but my goal is to get my abs up by May. Therefore I'm staying away from carbs 5days out the week, and stepping my intensity up
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