STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Damn it feels so much better lifting at my gym in America. People actually lift here not on their cell phones. NO GREATER SOUND THAN HEARING TWO 45LB PLATES SLAPPING TOGETHER

Damn it feels so much better lifting at my gym in America. People actually lift here not on their cell phones. NO GREATER SOUND THAN HEARING TWO 45LB PLATES SLAPPING TOGETHER

Ehh. I hate when folks are deadlifting two plates and slam that **** down. It reverberates throughout the whole gym
Man, decided to go light on deads today. Worked up to three plates, wish I brought my belt. Felt like I coulda hit a PR.
That low carb/intermittent fasting aint been working for me this go round, wondering if my meds have any effect. Going to a dietitian towards the end of the month.
First day on that 2-Suns 5/3/1 6-day (Squat focus). Started off a bit light. Will do until I gas out. :nerd:

Will prolly move back to 5/3/1 once I do, but will do two weeks of 5/3/1 reps in a single day (i.e. wk 1: 5's and 3's; wk 2: 1's and deload 3's). Kind of like the Spinal Tap or Who Was CNS versions, only with different assistance.
Each cycle will take 2 weeks to complete.

Anwyay, BP/OHP Day:

Bench Press:
190 x6
215 x4
215 x4
215 x4
205 x5
190 x6
180 x7
165 x8+ (12)

Overhead Press:
95 x5
110 x3
110 x5
110 x7
110 x4
110 x6
110 x8

Incline DB Press 3x8
Pendlay Row 3x8
Pulldowns 3x10
Pushdowns SS Hammer Curls 3x12
OH Cable Press SS Incline Curls 3x12

Upper body is :smokin
I know it's been said a million times, but I just wanna vent. I cannot stand dudes that take equipment from one area, and use it for some dumb ****.

There is one bench press in my gym. Multiple 45 lb bars but one bench. Dude is doing bent rows in front of the bench for some reason. Cool, I'll grab one of the 2 ******* bars in the empty squat racks. Or maybe the one laying on the ground where people do deadlifts. But dude is in front of the bench. So I politely try to fix this

Me: hey my man, can I use this bench for bench press right quick?

Him: I'm super setting rows with triceps work.....over there

Me???? Soooo I can grab another bar, I just need to use this bench......the only bench.....for bench press.

Him: yeah I just have 3 more sets of this then you can use it.

Me: K. I'm gonna load up 45s on this bar and use this bench as soon as you go over there to do "triceps work". Feel free to take them all off after each of my sets.

Him: ? (Goes upstairs and does cardio)

I wanted to throw a ******* plate across the room. Theres a million places to go and do whatever, 1 bench. It's not that hard to comprehend. Word to biceps curls in the squat rack, gets me triggered.
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