STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Was just I decided to go through the photo gallery for this thread...

Real talk..

You guys are truly inspirational for me. The progress you have all made, nobody can take those hours, that sacrifice, that pain and that effort away from you. You had a goal and formed a plan of action to achieve it. Respect. I'm thoroughly impressed by all of you guys, whether you're right there in the thick of it, or you're just finding your rhythm, that first step is always the hardest, so any of you that have had the courage to take it, salute. I wish all of you guys the best of luck in your endeavors, and i hope your efforts pay off in both aesthetics and endless supplies of mirin yambs...and to my comrades with wives...I hope those abs make her dance. Cheers.
Double post

Welcome bro. Glad to have another fitness Industry expert in here to help us all. I'm looking forward to gaining more knowledge from you.

Your workouts seem intense. I'm soooo far away from that kind of power. :frown: I'm 6'2 179 lbs. I was 170 3 months ago so I've been slowly trying to bulk.

I'm doing a very clean bulk so it's taking forever...I feel like I look like the same scrawny guy as I was 3 months ago. But I'm keeping my headup and trying to stay patient and disciplined.
Welcome bro. Glad to have another fitness Industry expert in here to help us all. I'm looking forward to gaining more knowledge from you.

Your workouts seem intense. I'm soooo far away from that kind of power. :frown: I'm 6'2 179 lbs. I was 170 3 months ago so I've been slowly trying to bulk.

I'm doing a very clean bulk so it's taking forever...I feel like I look like the same scrawny guy as I was 3 months ago. But I'm keeping my headup and trying to stay patient and disciplined.

What are you considering a lean bulk? Upping calories to no more than 20% above maintenance? Judging by ur frame (6'2 180lbs) you probation have a pretty high metabolism and might need to increase you calories a bit more. How many are u taking in?
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My dead lifts are so poor. I've been doing 3x5 at 225 or 245 depending on how I feel
Weight is all relative. If your weigh 150lbs that's really good, but if ur closer to 300lb not so much. U should take a look at the book Starting Strength. It's a very good book on how I increase the amount of weight by simply tweaking ur form. It's. very good read and a must have for any person involved in weight lifting.
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you look like a powerful guy man. welcome. def gotta hit up that chest some more. and lower your bf some more, you'll be a true beast. you posted some good numbers too, good luck in your event!
I am all about being natural. I hate the crap inside the protein shakes and stuff.

Anyway does anyone use coffee in their protein or meal replacement shakes. I noticed alot of workout boosters have caffeine and other junk so I thought why not just use regular coffee.

I used it today and man after 1 hour of weights I still felt like a beast. I was lifting with ease and upping the weights.

Anything wrong with coffee in the preworkout shake?

PS im not a coffee drinker. Never liked the stuff like most people.
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you gonna get your usual bro tips in here, but ima share my philosophy :
Cardio is helpful but not necessary. Your diet is crucial and will comprise 90% of your success. Cut out all processed carbs (better to exclude bread altogether), bad oils (hydrogenated/saturated), and anything with sugar and especially HFCS. Pretty much any type of processed food and the further it is removed from the source, the worse it is for you. It might be hard at first, but incorporate this into your lifestyle so its not just a temporary diet plan. Eat lots of veggies and greens as well as good fats. Everyone will have their own approach but personally, i've become a lot more toned over the past year and especially the last few months and I NEVER do cardio because i hate feeling like a hamster and I sit in the office for 8 hrs a day while going to the gym for 3-4 times a week. It cannot be stressed enough how important your food is. I can't help but feel a little sad looking at people going ham on the treadmill only to stay looking like an amoeba, while all that effort is not even necessary, just eat right.

thanks for the tip bro, but wont burning the extra calories help? i mean i cant see how it would be less efficient to do cardio. Especially if i slip up a little on my diet, like adding a little cream to my coffee, or having the occasional bag of chips or slice of pizza...I always thought doing a lil cardio can erase all the small mistakes made in the diet..idk im not experienced at all just my thought process..i could be wrong, but it seems like just math to me

Around 510 grams of caffeine stacked with 1 scoop of hemavol my workout was crazy

I posted Hyde on the last page. I was referred by a friend of mine to look for that, and not the Mr. Hyde that you have there.

Any idea why? I know GNC/Vitamin Shoppe have Mr. Hyde, but I guess the one I was referred has those banned stimulants and that's the only difference?
Killed my back today then ended it with some bicep work.


Keep up the good work guys. 

thanks for the tip bro, but wont burning the extra calories help? i mean i cant see how it would be less efficient to do cardio. Especially if i slip up a little on my diet, like adding a little cream to my coffee, or having the occasional bag of chips or slice of pizza...I always thought doing a lil cardio can erase all the small mistakes made in the diet..idk im not experienced at all just my thought process..i could be wrong, but it seems like just math to me

This is much more basic than it actually is but the thought process is that burning 300 calories doing cardio takes like an hour. You can easily just cut that down by eating SLIGHTLY less. Trying to "run off" that slice of pizza is a bad idea if you're trying to lose weight. Just don't eat the slice of pizza. Lifting is MUCH more efficient. But I would never get rid of cardio all together.
Was just I decided to go through the photo gallery for this thread...

Real talk..

You guys are truly inspirational for me. The progress you have all made, nobody can take those hours, that sacrifice, that pain and that effort away from you. You had a goal and formed a plan of action to achieve it. Respect. I'm thoroughly impressed by all of you guys, whether you're right there in the thick of it, or you're just finding your rhythm, that first step is always the hardest, so any of you that have had the courage to take it, salute. I wish all of you guys the best of luck in your endeavors, and i hope your efforts pay off in both aesthetics and endless supplies of mirin yambs...and to my comrades with wives...I hope those abs make her dance. Cheers.

After reading this post, I looked back on some of the progress pics here and the progress is crazy. Seeing dudes like LuckyLuchiano and Illest make crazy improvements is really good to see. This guy Lucky looks like a completely different person. It's really inspiring to see what hard work and dedication can do. I've made some good progress but nowhere near what some people on here have done. Round of applause.
This thread is pretty much the only non-sneaker thread I visit.  Lot of positive vibes in here.  Definitely ready to push these gains to the max over the next few months.

GNC sent me a $10 off a $20 purchase coupon.  Loaded up on some Quest Bars which were already buy 3 get one free.  One of the few times that shopping at GNC made sense cost-wise lol.  Thanks again to Stuntman Mike for putting me onto a new bar.  They'll probably last a few weeks as I only use 'em when I'm in a pinch.  Nice to have such a short ingredient list on a bar.
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hopefully lucky wins the competition. i wish he took his first pic bacccccck in the day though. :/


LOL man I aint gonna win that crap, If I was holding my phone diff in my fat pic I always post I would have had my girl photoshop a news paper in my hand LOL!. Contest like this its gonna be some guy who goes from how I was in first pic to super shredded, the guy who won last year I honestly think he was already in shape and just over ate prior to contest and took his before pic crazy bloated.

Do you guys think that instead of me doing 3 sets of 5 deadlifts at 225/245 I should just do 1 set of 3 maybe 5 if I can do it of as heavy as I can go with correct form? I know I`m getting weak because I`m damn near losing an entire body, but its crazy how crappy my bench and deadlift are while all my other lifts are going up or staying the same/barely decreasing.
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