STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Word. Time is one factor but also I get distracted easily in there.
Start benching or squatting get picked up in the middle of sets. end up hooping for 2 hours.

Then do some curls or back then leave.

Never fully get it in. A full body routine as the standard at least every other day would cover me.
Yeah that’s fine. I do full body 4-5x a week. I was doing bro split but switched back to full body.

I like it better for many reasons.
Any program/split approached with appropriate consistency and effort, progressive overload, and correct exercise selection will be effective.

Also keep in mind that everything works until it doesn't anymore...
nSuns 5/3/1 - Week 4, Day 1 (Bench/Military Press, Light Day): 0355 workout
1. Bench Press: w/u; SS/ Chins (5x5)
1x8x175; 1x6x205; 3x4x230; 1x5x215; 1x6x205; 1x7x190; 1x8+ [8]x175
2. Military Press: SS/ Chins (5x5)
1x6x80; 1x5x95; 3,5,7,4,6,8 @110
3. Pendlay Row 5x5
4. Incline DB Press 3x8 SS/
5. Wide-Grip Pulldowns 3x10
6. V-Bar Lat Pulldowns 3x12
7. Hammer Strength Row 4x10
8. EZ-Bar Curls 3x10 SS/
9. Tricep Pushdowns 3x10
10. High-Low Cable Flyes 3x12
11. Face Pulls 3x10

Summary: 47 working sets
Time: 2hrs, 07 mins.
6am: Peppermint Tea and Peach
Rotator cuff stabilization exercises, using medium tension bands 4x25
Push ups, 5x20
Dips 4x15
Parallel grip pull ups 4x12
One arm dumbbell row 3x8 75/85/95
Barbell Pullover Press 4x8 135/145/185/145
Standing Calf raise 4x50 150
Reverse Crunches w/ body weight 3x50

Done 1hour

Breakfast three boiled eggs, two slices of seven grain toast, one orange, Yogurt w/ Banana Almonds and Honey
20 oz water
Here doing taxes then gotta go to work after. I cant go today smfh.


You just gonna do your taxes, Supreme? Just gonna sit there and crunch numbers, huh? Is that hot?

You just gonna do your taxes, Supreme? Just gonna sit there and crunch numbers, huh? Is that hot?



I ended up going from 1215-1335

1hr 20min. Ate a banana, that’s it. Even if I had to just get Flat Bench and OHP in.


3) Barbell Rows. 3x5
4) EZ Bar Curls 3x15 ss
5) V Bar Pushdowns 3x15
6) Hammer Curls 3x10 ss
7) Seated Tricep Dips 3x20
8) Seated Rows 3x12 ss
9) DB Shrugs 3x12

I owe myself pull-ups. So I’ll do that after work.


I ended up going from 1215-1335

1hr 20min. Ate a banana, that’s it. Even if I had to just get Flat Bench and OHP in.
3) Barbell Rows. 3x5
4) EZ Bar Curls 3x15 ss
5) V Bar Pushdowns 3x15
6) Hammer Curls 3x10 ss
7) Seated Tricep Dips 3x20
8) Seated Rows 3x12 ss
9) DB Shrugs 3x12

I owe myself pull-ups. So I’ll do that after work.

What app was that in the pic? If you dont mind sharing
PPL > full body

Please expound, Lord m boiz m boiz . Do you mean for strength, for mass/"aesthetics", or what, and why?

Also, if you have a PPL template, please share with us commoners.

I always found PPL to better for putting on/maintaining size but full body 5-7x/wk >>>> PPL for strength. Granted, how each split is set up would undoubtedly affect its effectiveness. I know ole buddy said full body >>> for size a few pages back, so personal experiences will differ greatly.
I ended up going from 1215-1335

1hr 20min. Ate a banana, that’s it. Even if I had to just get Flat Bench and OHP in.

I owe myself pull-ups. So I’ll do that after work.

Ate cinnamon rolls in lieu of the oatmeal today.:lol:

How are your shoulders holding up? Can't tell if my rear delts are smoked from too much pushing or too much pulling.:nerd:
Ate cinnamon rolls in lieu of the oatmeal today.:lol:

How are your shoulders holding up? Can't tell if my rear delts are smoked from too much pushing or too much pulling.:nerd:

Sore, usually after Press day to the point I feel like I won’t recover in time until the next Chest/Shoulder day.

For me it’s usually my lower back that’s smoked.
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