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hoping there are some runners on this thread that can help me out...

I started running about 5 months ago and recently started getting pain on my right knee; did some research and it's due to the IT band. I've upped my mileage quite a bit throughout my time running but for the past month or so I've been dealing with this IT band pain, which limits my mileage. I've started using a foam-roller to stretch, seems to help but whenever I try to run more than 4 miles at a time I get the dreaded pain. Anyone had this before? What did you do? do you have any stretch exercises that you can share?
Why do you think it's IT band syndrome?

My recommendation is rest plus scheduled ibuprofen use. I do 800mg 2-3 times daily. I add in 1000mg tylenol when I'm actually in pain, which is generally after exercise and before I go to bed.
Destroyed legs today 

4 sets/10 reps Squats supersetted with leg press

4 sets/10 reps eagle leg press/leg extensions

2 sets/20 reps eagle leg press/leg extensions

4 sets/10 reps lying leg curls/seated leg curls

1 set /20 reps lying leg curls/seated leg curls

100 reps hip adductors

100 reps hip abductors

4 sets/10 reps standing calf raises/seated calf raises

What are most of y'all thoughts on intermittent fasting. Really considering it.
It works son. I currently do IF & been doing so since June.

Go to youtube & look up Low Carb Cory. Dude knows his ishhh. Breaks it down step by step. 
guys whats your replacement for bread??...i feel like thats the only thing i cant live without....i gave up rice and soda, took a while but i dont miss it, but bread?

i try to stick to whole grain bread, they have this bread called Ezequiel (sp) bread at Trader Joes which is pretty "healthy"
Ezekiel bread is good stuff in moderation (like everything else).
Well attempted front squats today....definitely cant go heavy. And I can't really do Olympic style that well. But arms crossed I did 135. Felt ok. Did some hanging cleans after that. It was a light day all around since I was off work. But did hanging cleans of 135lb. I think il enjoy starting from the ground more then hanging cleans though. I feel like ill be able to use more of my legs. Will try again Sunday on dead lift day.

Keep up the good work fambs
Destroyed legs today :pimp:  :x

4 sets/10 reps Squats supersetted with leg press
4 sets/10 reps eagle leg press/leg extensions
2 sets/20 reps eagle leg press/leg extensions
4 sets/10 reps lying leg curls/seated leg curls
1 set /20 reps lying leg curls/seated leg curls
100 reps hip adductors
100 reps hip abductors
4 sets/10 reps standing calf raises/seated calf raises

:pimp:  :nthat:  :smokin  :x  :evil:  >D

sounds like super overkill. you must not have gone real heavy..
420 reps..before adding in however many you did on what?
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What makes you say that?
When it comes to your diet, you want to follow something that you can stick to for a lifetime. Calories in versus calories out. That's all that truly matters at the end of the day if you're trying to lose weight. Trends like intermittent fasting may be fine for a few years when you're in your 20s, but you're not going to be able to carry that out for the rest of your life.

Dieting is all mental. Eat healthier and eat less. It's easy.
What makes you say that?
When it comes to your diet, you want to follow something that you can stick to for a lifetime. Calories in versus calories out. That's all that truly matters at the end of the day if you're trying to lose weight. Trends like intermittent fasting may be fine for a few years when you're in your 20s, but you're not going to be able to carry that out for the rest of your life.

Dieting is all mental. Eat healthier and eat less. It's easy.

Eh...don't agree with this. I know people at my gym who I'm close with that have been doing IF for years.

The whole "Calories vs Calories out" thing doesn't work for EVERYONE. That's what I try to tell people. Losing weight wise? Sure. But to get comepletly lean, you may have have to resort to another way of eating other than Calories watch. Less carbs maybe? Less times you eat? Who knows. Everybody is different.

Me for example. I can eat whatever calories I want, I won't gain weight or lose weight...As soon as I go 2-3 days with a low amount of carbs, my body truely leans out.

Every single person body is different. Just a thought.
Why do you think it's IT band syndrome?

My recommendation is rest plus scheduled ibuprofen use. I do 800mg 2-3 times daily. I add in 1000mg tylenol when I'm actually in pain, which is generally after exercise and before I go to bed.

based on my search on the internet, the pain i am having (outside of my knee, specifically when running and thereafter) all point to IT Band.

thanks for the tip - I'll try the ibuprofen and see if it helps!
hoping there are some runners on this thread that can help me out...

I started running about 5 months ago and recently started getting pain on my right knee; did some research and it's due to the IT band. I've upped my mileage quite a bit throughout my time running but for the past month or so I've been dealing with this IT band pain, which limits my mileage. I've started using a foam-roller to stretch, seems to help but whenever I try to run more than 4 miles at a time I get the dreaded pain. Anyone had this before? What did you do? do you have any stretch exercises that you can share?

Where exactly is your pain in your knee? Side? Behind?
Waddup NT,

I've been spending most of my afternoon at work reading through this thread.  THANKS FOR MAKING THE DAY FLY BY! Seems like there a lot of good info posted on here and a lot of people who really care about looking good, but most of all living a healthy life style.

I never lifted weights until I got out of college. One of my coworkers kinda took me in under his wing and got me started. Probably a year into working out consistantly, I purchased my first pre workout supplement (SuperPump). The gains I saw over the next couple of months were pretty insane. I packed on ~15 lbs of mucle and leaned down a lot.The stuff gave me so much energy, I had this hard to describe focus during my sessions, and it gave me more motivation to get to the gym. I have been taking SuperPump everyday that I have worked out over the past 2 years (4-5 times a week). I DO NOT take the full recommended dose of 2 scoops, but instead take a little less than 1 full scoop.  I've heard that its recommended to cycle off any preworkout every couple of months. I have been considering taking some time off this stuff, but I feel like its a mental thing.

Has anyone done what I've done and stayed on a preworkout for a long period of time?

Have you guys experienced any side effects from taking a preworkout for a long period of time?
^ my bad should have scrolled to the next page. Look into compression techniques (ie voodoo flossing). Mix that is with the ibuprofen and it should work wonders. That's what I do with my hamstring tendinitis
how serious is a sport hernia? how do i get rid of it?


srs :smh:
How much does it bother you? It's incredibly unlikely for it to go away on its own. I'd go see a general surgeon.

its pretty painful, i had went to the doctor and he thought it was a muscle tear or some inflamation in my colon and gave me antibiotics.

with a few days rest it started to feel better but then sunday night i went to play basketball and it was killing me, hasnt died down since :x

i dont know what to do
its pretty painful, i had went to the doctor and he thought it was a muscle tear or some inflamation in my colon and gave me antibiotics.

with a few days rest it started to feel better but then sunday night i went to play basketball and it was killing me, hasnt died down since :x

i dont know what to do
Did he check for a sports hernia? Giving you antibiotics for "colon inflammation" was a terrible idea. Chances are slim to none that you have diverticulosis.
Me for example. I can eat whatever calories I want, I won't gain weight or lose weight...As soon as I go 2-3 days with a low amount of carbs, my body truely leans out.

Every single person body is different. Just a thought.
So if you eat 5,000 calories a day for a month, you won't gain any weight?

People like to say calories in versus calories out isn't valid for everyone because they don't accurately count their calories.
yup, i knew it wasnt diverticulosis. hes a very good doctor IMO so im surprised he made that mistake

he said he did think it could be a muscle tear as well.
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