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i remember being 🤯 at someone even conceiving of the concept of gomad, even to it is kinda obvious when you think about it…i couldn’t imagine drinking a single serving of milk straight up…much less a gallon…in a day! i suppose if one ate a huge bowl cereal a few times it could be tolerable, but that’s dedication right there
Haven’t had milk in probably 4 months.

At this point I’m afraid I’m lactose intolerant and will **** my brains out if I try it again.

It’s a Shame. I loved milk.
Haven’t had milk in probably 4 months.

At this point I’m afraid I’m lactose intolerant and will **** my brains out if I try it again.

It’s a Shame. I loved milk.

**** is not permanent. The longer I did GOMAD, the less sensitive I became. Other dudes can corroborate the same thing happened.
Haven’t had milk in probably 4 months.

At this point I’m afraid I’m lactose intolerant and will **** my brains out if I try it again.

It’s a Shame. I loved milk.

if you weren’t already lactose intolerant past early childhood, why would you be after only 4 months?
if you weren’t already lactose intolerant past early childhood, why would you be after only 4 months?
Idk I’m not sure how fast it happens but it definitely happens. Once you stop with milk and dairy your body naturally becomes lactose intolerant, I believe
i remember being 🤯 at someone even conceiving of the concept of gomad, even to it is kinda obvious when you think about it…i couldn’t imagine drinking a single serving of milk straight up…much less a gallon…in a day! i suppose if one ate a huge bowl cereal a few times it could be tolerable, but that’s dedication right there
People drink soda more than water like drinking it as much as a gallon a day. So a gallon of milk shouldn't be a problem as well unless you have some sensitivity to it.
Idk I’m not sure how fast it happens but it definitely happens. Once you stop with milk and dairy your body naturally becomes lactose intolerant, I believe

i think if you were drinking milk past early childhood fine, you likely are already pretty lactose tolerant…maybe with age it you lose some ability to break it down…but i’d imagine there are few people that could actually tolerate anything approaching a gallon of milk a day with out some consequence

People drink soda more than water like drinking it as much as a gallon a day. So a gallon of milk shouldn't be a problem as well unless you have some sensitivity to it.

most of the world is lactose intolerant tho
most of the world is lactose intolerant tho
I was fine with milk just before I hit mid 30s. after that, it was the toilet. also, it didn't help not having a gall bladder anymore. maybe people get less tolerant as they age with certain food groups.
How long will I be on the milk chocolate / mud slide / deuce deuce highway, ol son?

A month? 2 months?

Depends on how much lactase (the enzyme) you're already making and how much dairy you intake.

It's also a lot easier if you break it up. Do two cups each hour for a whole work day and that's one gally.

They recommend starting off with a few cups a day and working up to a whole gallon. I did a gallon day 1, was kinda stopped up but still good, and never had any GI issues after. YMMV.

Pro-Tip: The milk made me less bloated if I had something else in my stomach to go with it. I drank 6 or 8 cups dolobone time (off of GOMAD) and was paying The Porcelain Price an hour or two later. :rofl:
Water > Milk

I didn't realize they were mutually exclusive.

Milk is 87% water so drinking a gallon of milk a day will keep you pretty hydrated.
I can't even give a comeback because of the mid sentence pics 😂 got me

Comparing water to milk is silly.

Milk has calories and provides sustenance, water does not. Milk has the perfect macro profile while drinking water allows you to simply not die (immediately).

But since milk contains water, milk is therefore superior.
I believe it's the opposite. young guns do this more than old guys.
Yeah the majority of the excuses are for younger guys except telling the young guy you used to lift more at that age and bad knees..

If a old dude don't stretch before a workout.. he isn't going to make it..
I have a coupon for 20% off TRX Training and a free 60 day training guest pass. If anyone is interested, Let me know. if not the right place to post, i apologize.
bro it annoys me when ppl benching 95lb use the powerlifting combo racks.

I don't mean to sound like a gatekeeper and maybe I'm in the wrong but if you're benching 95lb just use the regular bench than a combo rack. Stuck here to squat bc you wanna bench 95lbs on a powerlifting rack during peak hours WTF

**** is annoying AF.

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