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anyone know how to make chicken breast taste better. iv been eating clean for a month now, but every time I eat chicken breast I just want to puke. I've tried different protien sources such as salmon and other fish but it is even worse. I like lean beef but it has too much fat.
anyone know how to make chicken breast taste better. iv been eating clean for a month now, but every time I eat chicken breast I just want to puke. I've tried different protien sources such as salmon and other fish but it is even worse. I like lean beef but it has too much fat.

marinate it with garlic, hot sauce/soy sauce/italian marinade (w/e u like) for a few hrs before grilling.

But damn, this has been happening for the past year: every time i start to make gains i go on a vacation for like at least a week, come back and have to start all over again smh
I herniated my L5/S1 dead lifting, most miserable experience of my life. Had sciatica in my leg for close to a year, finally got it fixed with surgery. Had to stop lifting for months. I'm a year out now and back to squatting 170 ish, still haven't attempted to dead lift, scares the crap out of me thinking about it. One day though. Only advice I have it make sure your form is good and listen to your body. Continue to do light weight until you think you're ready. Unless you're competing you have years ahead of you to make the progress you wanna see.

This is probably my plan. I wish I could be more specific with my issues but I always mix up the terms. I think I also had issues with my L5/S1 - not too sure - all I know is that something was slightly, slightly out of place - almost pinching a nerve but it wasn't. It's normally fine but it's probably flared up 3 or 4 times in the past year and a half since it started. The pain has ranged from slight discomfort to can't get out of f'n bed. Chiropractor + rest + ice normally helps. I just fear it acting up again.

I'll def be going light on squats + deadlifts and probably avoiding major cardio until I can play basketball again (no gym right now SMH). The good thing is I'm basically at noob level right now, so even squatting 100 pounds (total) is a good workout for my core. Haven't done major core work since HS 5 years ago. :nerd:
starting to see faint abs if i jump up and down flexing lol...

too bad i'll still look crappy shirtless in the beach with all these stretch marks I have. Most definitely gonna have loose skin when done with this cut. :smh:

better than being fat
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Love following healthy foods accounts on IG but came across this one dude: atrain_100

Check out his page. Very motivational. His quads are godlike and even though he has corny quotes, you can tell he really means it when he tells people to just push yourself at the gym.
i dunno about woozy but i love working out fasted. for example, maybe last thing i eat is a yogurt at 9pm. i might lift from 8am-9am at work the next morning with nothing in my stomach except a stimmed pre-workout and never have any problems.
The feeling of light headedness especially on leg days has nothing to do with what you did or didn't eat. It's the effect of a lot of blood rushing to your lower body from your upper body as the large muscle in the legs start working. Sudden rush of blood to the lower body is what causes that feeling of dizziness and nausea. It's normal. If you need to rest for a couple minutes, go lie down on the mats.
Only time I feel lightheaded is when I dont eat sugar during the day..which happens alot when I cut becase I stay away from sugar.
I always do a cardio warm up before i lift to get my heart rate up. Usually just a 15 min 1.5 mile run nothing too strenuous. I hate lifting cold.

Anyway been trying to combine my workouts since i have sports that get in the way of gym time. Started out with dead lift last night. Got 365lbs 3 reps... felt good...but my grip started to go. So after about 25 mins of deadlifting i went to squat.... :smh: .... i guess i went too hard on dead legs were jello....only able to get up to 275lbs x 5 reps on squat. Normally when it was only squat day i could get 2 sets at 315lb x 4 reps for my working sets.

Anyone else do dead lift and squats same day? If so do you pick one to go heavier on?
anyone know any good supplements to take to gain muscle? Im not trying to gain weight, just muscle.

for lifting in general what is better decent weight with more reps or max weight with little reps
Depends on your goals. Higher reps lower weight is ideal for hypertrophy. Higher weight, lower reps is ideal for making strength gains.

sounds like an excuse and a pretty bad one at that if i left the gym everytime i felt light headed or like i was going to pass out (especially on leg days) i would never finish any of my sets

anybody hear abt the new gnc policy in reference to gold card i was in there today i had a coupon for 10$ off of 20$ ( and lady sd they are chging all of there signs b/c as of friday gold card members receive 20% off the entire store regardless of time of mnth it used to be just the first week and they would hike the prices or make every think "hot buy" so u couldnt use it that particular week she sd its nt temp either, i thought abt signing back up but im going to wiat to see if they put the entire store on "hot buy" before i do it but its the first ive heard abt it

lol @ feeling woozy. feeling woozy during legs is nothing out of the norm. A LOT of people get the same feeling google it.

i feel woozy sometimes after i go for a new pr on deadlift or squat. no reason to go home bruh.
If it doesn't usually happen to him, I think it's reasonable for him to stop and try and figure out what's wrong. Just continuing blindly is what gets people hurt.

Hmm. I dont have a spotter and do 225 7 times. How much more would you add if you didnt have a spotter? I have been hesitant to add 5 on each side but it seems i could do 235 for a few reps.
Why not get a spotter - i.e. ask someone else in the gym to spot you?

I always do a cardio warm up before i lift to get my heart rate up. Usually just a 15 min 1.5 mile run nothing too strenuous. I hate lifting cold.

Anyway been trying to combine my workouts since i have sports that get in the way of gym time. Started out with dead lift last night. Got 365lbs 3 reps... felt good...but my grip started to go. So after about 25 mins of deadlifting i went to squat.... :smh: .... i guess i went too hard on dead legs were jello....only able to get up to 275lbs x 5 reps on squat. Normally when it was only squat day i could get 2 sets at 315lb x 4 reps for my working sets.

Anyone else do dead lift and squats same day? If so do you pick one to go heavier on?
Get chalk for grip issues. I don't see why - at the weights that you're lifting at - you are deadlifting and squatting in the same day. You're not going to be able to go as heavy for both lifts as you could if you did them on separate days.
I always do a cardio warm up before i lift to get my heart rate up. Usually just a 15 min 1.5 mile run nothing too strenuous. I hate lifting cold.

Anyway been trying to combine my workouts since i have sports that get in the way of gym time. Started out with dead lift last night. Got 365lbs 3 reps... felt good...but my grip started to go. So after about 25 mins of deadlifting i went to squat.... :smh: .... i guess i went too hard on dead legs were jello....only able to get up to 275lbs x 5 reps on squat. Normally when it was only squat day i could get 2 sets at 315lb x 4 reps for my working sets.

Anyone else do dead lift and squats same day? If so do you pick one to go heavier on?
Get chalk for grip issues. I don't see why - at the weights that you're lifting at - you are deadlifting and squatting in the same day. You're not going to be able to go as heavy for both lifts as you could if you did them on separate days.

I don't have any time anymore :smh: and dead lifts and squats are my favorite exercises....i used to do them on separate days.... but i now have 3-4 days a week i can actually get to the gym and even then its limited time....that struggle life
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This is probably my plan. I wish I could be more specific with my issues but I always mix up the terms. I think I also had issues with my L5/S1 - not too sure - all I know is that something was slightly, slightly out of place - almost pinching a nerve but it wasn't. It's normally fine but it's probably flared up 3 or 4 times in the past year and a half since it started. The pain has ranged from slight discomfort to can't get out of f'n bed. Chiropractor + rest + ice normally helps. I just fear it acting up again.

I'll def be going light on squats + deadlifts and probably avoiding major cardio until I can play basketball again (no gym right now SMH). The good thing is I'm basically at noob level right now, so even squatting 100 pounds (total) is a good workout for my core. Haven't done major core work since HS 5 years ago. :nerd:

Sounds like a bulged disc. A bulge can move back into place with rest/ice/chiro. Herniation is when it breaks through the outer later (annulus) and there is really no turning back. If it has flared up that many times, and the pain has already kept you in bed, I would reconsider dl and squats in the near term. If you herniate it you will kick your own a**. Believe that. I personally would lay off of those exercises for several months, that's a call for you to make though.
I always do a cardio warm up before i lift to get my heart rate up. Usually just a 15 min 1.5 mile run nothing too strenuous. I hate lifting cold.

Anyway been trying to combine my workouts since i have sports that get in the way of gym time. Started out with dead lift last night. Got 365lbs 3 reps... felt good...but my grip started to go. So after about 25 mins of deadlifting i went to squat....
.... i guess i went too hard on dead legs were jello....only able to get up to 275lbs x 5 reps on squat. Normally when it was only squat day i could get 2 sets at 315lb x 4 reps for my working sets.

Anyone else do dead lift and squats same day? If so do you pick one to go heavier on?
Im rather warm up with the weights..kill a 2 hour wrkout then do some HIIT for 10-15 mins after

And deads and squats r fine on the same day..ive rarely did em on sep days..i always start off with squats 1st as i go so hard im usually gaspin for air..i also prefer stiff leg deads over reg dead form
Weak. :smh:

:lol: I'm just kidding. You think it was because you ate before lifting? That's odd - if I ever feel light headed or something, it's normally from going hard on an empty stomach. Or just being out of shape.

Unrelated, I've had some lower back issues in the past and I'm so shook to do anything man. I've been doing squats and deadlifts with super light weights and I'm still scared. I want to strengthen my back muscles but I don't want to tweak something and have trouble getting out of bed :smh: Anyone experience anything like this?

nahh. normally i eat then an hour later im at the gym.

most def because i waited so long to eat. ate breakfast at 10 went to class and came back home at 2. normally i would have ate right away

but i was caught up on doing my hw for an hour. that has to be it. im still a little sore from the workout i did do before i left tho
lol @ feeling woozy. feeling woozy during legs is nothing out of the norm. A LOT of people get the same feeling google it.

i feel woozy sometimes after i go for a new pr on deadlift or squat. no reason to go home bruh.

whenever i do legs i get a little lightheaded or whatever but its really nothing. just yesterday when i did was lifting i couldnt continue at all
Bro, you have to gain weight to put on muscle. If that was the case, dudes would just cut/never bulk and lift weights forever
Right on for the advice, so far I've been taking c4 then after my workout I drink muscle milk. Anything else I should be doing if I'm trying to bulk up?

Muscle milk sucks.

Get a good whey protein and mix your shakes with whole milk if you want the extra calories. Cheaper way yo get your casein protein in and less filler.

You're going to need to work on getting your diet in check. Lean protein should be your staple along with good, complex carbs such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain bread/pasta, etc. Good fats such as olive oil, avocados, and plenty of nuts will help as well. Don't forget the fruits and veggies as well. Spinach is near the top of my list along with kale. Experiment and figure out what works best for you macro wise. Everyone responds to certain foods differently.
Love it.

As far as tips go, just have fun with it. Do 1 min rounds supersetted with some form of calisthenics. Talk about burn.

a former nba player that i am friends with told me that during the offseason this is what him and his boys would do to train. 1 hr of jump rope everyday, with calf raises and situps, cunches etc in between sets.

it is a great way to get conditioning if your body can handle it. Intensity level is high, so you have to be in some sort of shape before you attempt this
Rope is just an amazing workout. I wasn't in the mood to lift yesterday so I just rope and sprints. That burn is serious lol
So dead lift one day, squat another, bench another, and ohp/back the last one. Pretty simple.

I don't have any time anymore :smh: and dead lifts and squats are my favorite exercises....i used to do them on separate days.... but i now have 3-4 days a week i can actually get to the gym and even then its limited time....that struggle life[/quote]
whats a good replacement for rice in meals? 

I've been eating shirataki noodles for the past 2 weeks. Things are kinda expensive...but I'm type of dude that NEEDS some grain-like texture with my meals.

There's the tofu kind and the more traditional yam kind. Tastes like nothing..but if you need that rice or pasta with your meals, it definitely helps.

Just jumped rope yesterday for the first time in about 8 months. Only did 15 minutes and felt like crap. I swear, i was about to poop my pants from all that jumping.
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