STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

So dead lift one day, squat another, bench another, and ohp/back the last one. Pretty simple.

I don't have any time anymore :smh: and dead lifts and squats are my favorite exercises....i used to do them on separate days.... but i now have 3-4 days a week i can actually get to the gym and even then its limited time....that struggle life

I hear ya but easier said then done some times. My gym days last week were Monday-Wednesday and i did legs monday...couldn't move them on wednesday :lol: so dead lifts were out of the question. Im hoping to get 4 days in this week.

And i don't know how you guys do on time crunches but i have and hour and a half most days max and then i have to leave. So 4 day split is the min i want to get everything in. But i have soccer on Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday....kickball on Saturday. I try to go pre-kickball since its not really too physical and post football. Oh and a social life would be nice at times...but its optional :lol:
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Did Legs this morning!!!!

Leg extensions: 4 sets 15 x 150

Lying Leg curls: 4 sets 15 x 130

Squats: 2 sets 20 x 135 2 sets 12 x 225

Stiff Leg DL: 20 x 135 and 2 sets 15 x 185

Added some light triceps.  Legs II in 4 days!!!!!

PS: DaBottom.......we need them mixes!!.  Had me feeling good in the gym....Oooooohhhhhh  Wwwwwweeeeeeeee
anyone know any good supplements to take to gain muscle? Im not trying to gain weight, just muscle.
If you gain muscle, you're gonna gain weight. I'm assuming you're fairly lean but rather small so I'd suggest a clean bulk. You gain muscle with minimal fat gain.
Damn, you guys are having some serious quoting issues. :lol:

Squat and Deadlift on the same day is fine. Squat before you deadlift though. Id rather have a bar in my hands than on my shoulders when im getting fatigued. The deadlift ROM is also smaller which makes it easier to do second.
Damn, you guys are having some serious quoting issues. :lol:

Squat and Deadlift on the same day is fine. Squat before you deadlift though. Id rather have a bar in my hands than on my shoulders when im getting fatigued. The deadlift ROM is also smaller which makes it easier to do second.
That's what I typically do. My deadlift hasn't suffered at all.
Damn, you guys are having some serious quoting issues. :lol:

Squat and Deadlift on the same day is fine. Squat before you deadlift though. Id rather have a bar in my hands than on my shoulders when im getting fatigued. The deadlift ROM is also smaller which makes it easier to do second.
That's what I typically do. My deadlift hasn't suffered at all.

Thats what i normally do.....but yesterday both squat racks were i was like ehh calf warm up....still taken...guess il do dead a little carried away since my legs were fresh and i felt good....then went to squat.

Dude in the one rack was the talker too....he occupied the rack for at least 45mins i did dead lifts and squats and he was still in it
Do you guys cheat like The Rock?

absolutely can not wait until i get moved to another client for work. this close to 2 hour commute one way is killing any energy i have to study and workout when i get home. :smh:

2 more weeks.
There's more knowledgeable people on here that can explain it better but it's basically the muscle stimulus you get when you hit a certain rep range with relatively heavy weight.
It's essential when trying to build muscle.
hypertrophy is the growing of the muscle. when someone refers to hypertrophy specific training theyre basically talking about making the muscle bigger(bodybuilding).
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Damn, you guys are having some serious quoting issues. :lol:

Squat and Deadlift on the same day is fine. Squat before you deadlift though. Id rather have a bar in my hands than on my shoulders when im getting fatigued. The deadlift ROM is also smaller which makes it easier to do second.
That's what I typically do. My deadlift hasn't suffered at all.

Thats what i normally do.....but yesterday both squat racks were i was like ehh calf warm up....still taken...guess il do dead a little carried away since my legs were fresh and i felt good....then went to squat.

Dude in the one rack was the talker too....he occupied the rack for at least 45mins i did dead lifts and squats and he was still in it

I'm too rude in those situations. I always find a way to work in. If someone is an ******* and says no, just say ima work in regardless lol. Can't stand people who occupy the equipment, but do absolutely nada.
Do you guys cheat like The Rock?

Dear God...
I hear ya but easier said then done some times. My gym days last week were Monday-Wednesday and i did legs monday...couldn't move them on wednesday :lol: so dead lifts were out of the question. Im hoping to get 4 days in this week.

And i don't know how you guys do on time crunches but i have and hour and a half most days max and then i have to leave. So 4 day split is the min i want to get everything in. But i have soccer on Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday....kickball on Saturday. I try to go pre-kickball since its not really too physical and post football. Oh and a social life would be nice at times...but its optional :lol:
Ya I feel you on the time crunch. I've been skipping lifts here and there due to a lack of time. I vastly prefer focusing on a single compound to trying to squeeze multiple compound lifts into a day but that's really personal preference. I assume the sports are pretty social though, no?

Damn, you guys are having some serious quoting issues. :lol:

Squat and Deadlift on the same day is fine. Squat before you deadlift though. Id rather have a bar in my hands than on my shoulders when im getting fatigued. The deadlift ROM is also smaller which makes it easier to do second.
NT's hard to use...
Your thoughts on the A's this upcoming season? Pretty good start thus far, so I'm looking forward to the season.

Also, on the Rock's cheat meal, just because he posts it to Instagram doesn't mean he's actually consuming all that as a cheat meal. Also, if I'm going to have a cheat meal, it damn sure isn't gonna be a "poverty" cheat meal of ****** chain store pizza and donuts. Definitely would have to go for a homemade cake, some kind of high quality meat meal or something. Especially if I had Dwayne's financial resources...
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