STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Any of you guys mess with green tea? I've been brewing a lot lately, like a cup or 2 a day, with some honey :pimp:
Best weight gainer supplement? Trying to put on about 15 pounds in the next four months. Obviously I am lifting 4-5 days a week.
Went to the gym for the first time in a couple weeks. Threw up midworkout sipped some water and finished.

Make it happen or make excuses.
Went to the gym for the first time in a couple weeks. Threw up midworkout sipped some water and finished.

Make it happen or make excuses.

Nothing cool about throwing up mid-workout, don't throw a Nike slogan at the end of your post to make it seem better :lol:
Why did you throw up? :lol:

what were you doing


Idk man every since 8th grade when I go too hard I puke. It's weird I always feel better afterwards.

Cardio, weights whatever I think I over hydrate because its always usually just water. Maybe I need to eat more before I go.
not cliche but thats the only way he will gain weight, eat a lot and go hard in the gym.


I was 157 pounds on january 7th and I weighed in at 171 yesterday. Been eating about 5000 calories a day. Cut out all junk food. Just looking for the extra help to get to 185.

How has Keto been treating you man?

I love it man, its great. I bust my *** in the gym and enjoy my fats and protein when not fasting. I get bummed out on occasion about not being able to enjoy carbs from time to time, but shortly thereafter I remember that I get to enjoy full fat cheeses and not have to worry about how lean the cut of meat is, and I feel good again.

It takes focus, that's for sure. You'll catch **** for eating different from what the norm is, but that's just the uninformed spreading their ignorance. So many "hacks" out there to conventional dishes such as those donuts, cauliflower "rice", zucchini "beans", coconut/flax/almond flour "tortillas" and breads that you don't miss what you've known for so long as the "right way to eat"
Does anyone have a good bicep/tricep workout they would like to share? I need to mix up my routine.
not cliche but thats the only way he will gain weight, eat a lot and go hard in the gym.


I was 157 pounds on january 7th and I weighed in at 171 yesterday. Been eating about 5000 calories a day. Cut out all junk food. Just looking for the extra help to get to 185.

Damn bro whats your diet like then? 6-8 meals a day?
I was 157 pounds on january 7th and I weighed in at 171 yesterday. Been eating about 5000 calories a day. Cut out all junk food. Just looking for the extra help to get to 185.
Damn son 5000?? Do you keep up with them to know thats exactly what you eat a day? I did 3k yesterday and it was hard to track it all 
 How many calories is from real food vs shakes?
So, here's the deal. From November 2011 to February, 2012, I lost about 55 lbs. Leaving me with a tremendous transformation but still more work to do. Having left my trainer for "differences" after the bulk of the transformation, I've kept the weight off by sticking close to my diet and exercise routine (Predominately following Kris Gethins cycle as my trainer and I did somilar work, and mixing it in with other calisthenic style training and cardio.). Continuing the trend in an effort to continue to melt away the fat left on top of my muscle. I'm showing muscle all over but still covered by some fat. So, I'm looking into getting back on some sort of stack...More supps than just protein and BCAA's. Any help? Suggestions?? I'm looking into HerbalLife products but I wanted to get some seasoned opinions before jumping into it.

I know how key diet is, so I'm all over that, but the supps........??
Creatine would be one I would suggest, a multivitamin and fish oil, but other than that you don't really need anything, unless you want a PWO or something. Herbalife products are trash.
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Best weight gainer supplement? Trying to put on about 15 pounds in the next four months. Obviously I am lifting 4-5 days a week.

Ultimate nutrition - iso mass extreme gainer

Smells fishy from the EFA blend and doesn't taste great but always worked for me. GNC looked the cheapest at the moment at 75 for 10lbs.
DCA not only that, but i've read on numerous occasions that it would take an INSANE (read: near impossible) amounts of soy consumption to even see the so called side-effects

The soy debate really got me confused as hell. I recently started to incorporate tofu in my diet (not much, maybe 3x a week) but my friend keeps telling me to stay away. I've read articles about it being "bad" and articles about it being a fine source of protein.

Here's a link he sent me regarding the negatives of soy:

Normally I wouldn't really pay attention...but he is a nutritionist and the director of fitness at a CF gym..whatever weight that holds.

The soybean is publicized as a versatile food that is readily transformed into substitutes for ice cream and meat. Because it is a relatively inexpensive product, it also has been touted as a way to help eliminate world hunger. However, there are many misconceptions about the health benefits of soy, and it’s time you know the truth.

Here are five reasons you should avoid using soybeans and soy products in your diet:

Fact 1: Soy increases your toxic load. Soybean crops are among the most heavily sprayed, and their high pesticide content increases your body’s already overwhelming toxic load. Further, during processing the aluminum content of soy foods skyrockets, which can damage the kidneys and nervous system. Processing also produces lysinoalanine, which can cause kidney damage; and nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic.

Fact 2: Soy may cause hypothyroidism. Soy contains goitrogens, which are compounds that can lead to hypothyroidism and increase the risk of thyroid cancer. These compounds have been linked to autoimmune thyroid disorders in people who were fed soy milk as infants. Soy is what functional medicine practitioners call a phytoendocrine disrupter because it interferes with thyroid function by inhibiting thyroid peroxidase, an enzyme that is essential for the synthesis of the T3 and T4 hormones. The harmful effects of this interference include obesity, intolerance to cold, low blood pressure, strength loss and sluggishness.

Fact 3: Soy blocks mineral absorption. Soy has a high content of antioxidant compounds called phytates, which are known to inhibit the absorption of both macro-minerals (such as calcium and magnesium) and trace minerals (such as iron and zinc). The more phytates in a child’s diet, the greater the incidence of growth problems. Unfortunately, there is no way to diminish the phytic acid content of soy by sprouting, soaking or slow cooking it.

Fact 4: Soy consumption is linked to attention deficit disorder (ADD). Soy-based infant formulas are linked to ADD. These products contain 80 times more manganese than breast milk contains, and too much manganese content is linked to neurotoxicity.

Fact 5: Soy increases cardiovascular stress. Hemagglutinin is found in soybeans. This compound is known to make red blood cells aggregate, which means they bind together in masses. Aggregation compromises blood flow and increases cardiovascular stress.

These are all good reasons to eliminate or at least reduce your consumption of soy. However, you will be facing a challenge because soy is an ingredient in so many food products, such as ice cream, pasta, bread, margarine, fast-food hamburgers and even vegetable oil. To help you get started on a soy-free lifestyle and to learn more about the risks of soy, I highly recommend Dr. Kaayla Daniel’s book, The Whole Soy Story. It will make you rethink the propaganda that promotes soy as a health food.
Most of these people with blogs...

Take each with a very fine grain of salt. You'll be fine brotha :lol:

Today's workout? Dunzo :smokin
^and maybe 30 servings :lol:

Make your own. 1/2-1C oats, banana, egg, blend = profit

Yea, 30 servings, what's your point? I personally only did 2/3 servings when I used to use it and stretched it. He did ask for a gainer "supplement," not more food. Said he's already eating 5k cals, I can't see your blend helping him bulk like he desires.
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