STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Speaking of the Rock....

They left out the most important way of how they got big that quick...hahaha

What exactly is that?
Also, on the Rock's cheat meal, just because he posts it to Instagram doesn't mean he's actually consuming all that as a cheat meal. Also, if I'm going to have a cheat meal, it damn sure isn't gonna be a "poverty" cheat meal of ****** chain store pizza and donuts. Definitely would have to go for a homemade cake, some kind of high quality meat meal or something. Especially if I had Dwayne's financial resources...
QFT. I laugh when people say they are having a cheat meal and it consists of 5 things off the dollar menu :rollin

A big LOL to thinking the rock is bulimic, that fool is a beast aint no way he does some bull **** like that. And idk if you have seen CT lately but dude is pretty cut up now.


Got some good runs in tonight. Killed my shoulders earlier in the day. I am on day 3 of my bulk and I can already tell its gonna be tough to keep it clean the whole time :\
Yeah, I highly doubt he ate all that BS. A cheat for me would definitely be something homemade if possible, a Jamaican beef patty (or 4), some good, NY style pizza from an authentic pizzeria, etc. The possibilities are endless when you know how to cook/bake. Just have to force yourself to remain occupied so you don't have enough time to make every cheat meal imaginable from scratch or seek out real food from authentic spots when you have that craving lol.
Didn't expect jimmies to be rustled with such an upfront and frankly honest response, but I apologize for the rustle. Carry on.
If I cheat, imma have a bigas steak and mad rice, or some good ol rice and beans and a ****load of pernil. 
Didn't expect jimmies to be rustled with such an upfront and frankly honest response, but I apologize for the rustle. Carry on.
I'm good man, just seemed like you were poking fun bc I suggested a gainer. Trust me, that's not my first recommendation or choice. Was just making the point that at 5k cals sometimes hard gainers need to supplement with something like this.
I'm good man, just seemed like you were poking fun bc I suggested a gainer. Trust me, that's not my first recommendation or choice. Was just making the point that at 5k cals sometimes hard gainers need to supplement with something like this.

Not at all, I can see how some have a problem puttin on lb's, I was just adding an alternative to what you were suggesting.

'sall good brah
Got 3 consecutive muscle ups at Crossfit. Juiced about that.

Airdyne and rope climbs today. This should be fun.
Damn son 5000?? Do you keep up with them to know thats exactly what you eat a day? I did 3k yesterday and it was hard to track it all :lol  How many calories is from real food vs shakes?
Creatine would be one I would suggest, a multivitamin and fish oil, but other than that you don't really need anything, unless you want a PWO or something. Herbalife products are trash.

I made a meal plan chart. It is 4 meals a day with abour 3700 calories and than 2 mass gainer shakes a day.
my adidas adi-powerlifts came in today. decided to wait til tomorrow to try them out cause i wanted to break them in a little. 

so stoked for deadlifts/powercleans tomorrow!
Let me know how they are - I've been looking into investing in a pair, but still haven't pulled the trigger.

So, here's the deal. From November 2011 to February, 2012, I lost about 55 lbs. Leaving me with a tremendous transformation but still more work to do. Having left my trainer for "differences" after the bulk of the transformation, I've kept the weight off by sticking close to my diet and exercise routine (Predominately following Kris Gethins cycle as my trainer and I did somilar work, and mixing it in with other calisthenic style training and cardio.). Continuing the trend in an effort to continue to melt away the fat left on top of my muscle. I'm showing muscle all over but still covered by some fat. So, I'm looking into getting back on some sort of stack...More supps than just protein and BCAA's. Any help? Suggestions?? I'm looking into HerbalLife products but I wanted to get some seasoned opinions before jumping into it.

I know how key diet is, so I'm all over that, but the supps........??
Do some research on Herbalife. I believe there have been several exposes showing that they're pretty much a scam. Refer to some of the other posts re: what suppies you should be taking.

Any of you guys mess with green tea? I've been brewing a lot lately, like a cup or 2 a day, with some honey :hat
We get free organic green tea at work, so I have a few cups a week. Green teas as well as peppermint tea are great for getting rid of bloating and helping digestion. I highly recommend them if you get bulk-bloated easily.

Went to the gym for the first time in a couple weeks. Threw up midworkout sipped some water and finished.

Make it happen or make excuses.
Sure I admire the dedication, but puking during your workout is counter-productive brah.

Killed shoulders this morning.

This new split has been good/fun so far.  Chest and Tri's tomorrow!!!!
Is there a way you can avoid doing chest/tris and shoulders on back to back days?

I severely sprained my ankle a couple nights ago so I'm resting and on crutches. Shouldn't be able to get a lift in until next week at the earliest. Hope the mandatory deload will give me some much needed physical and mental rest.
I have decided to give in and buy the dreaded "protein bars"

I think my favorite food on earth is ice cream. And i can't do frozen yogurt...itsn't rich enough. So after dinner i always want something sweet....and protein bars actually fill that void for me...even though they are hated for sugars....i think its better then binge eating half gallons of ice cream.
anyone ever use tyenol even if your health freaks?  my body was sore to the point i couldnt walk and i was fatigued from lack of sleep. 

If if we're to preserve as much muscle mass as I can do you guys thing a bulk would be necessary? Can muscle mass be gained only in a bulk? Like can my chest get bigger if I'm eating at maintenance
after 3-4 months of Intermittent Fasting and inspiration from this thread, here are my progress pics! i was at 155lbs before. now i'm at 147. (ignore me posin with the Reps magazine. it was an inside joke with the wifey. lol)


Progress pics. this workin out stuff is tough. lol

You definitely can gain muscle mass by eating at maintenance but it's definitely at a slower progression then bulking.  But imo, I'd rather slowly build mass rather than bulk then having to lean out. 
As much as I love being on Vacation it is killing me not being in the gym. Only been able to go twice since Sunday and haven't been eating the best food but ill be back in there on Saturday with a vengeance!
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You definitely can gain muscle mass by eating at maintenance but it's definitely at a slower progression then bulking.  But imo, I'd rather slowly build mass rather than bulk then having to lean out. 

I think i may just eat 200 cal over maintence then increase it every 3lbs gained. Being on a cut for almost a year eating at maintence will feel like a bulk in its self
As much as I love being on Vacation it is killing me not being in the gym. Only been able to go twice since Sunday and haven't been eating the best food but ill be back in there on Saturday with a vengeance!

I see you enjoying your vacation on IG pleighboi...I seen that crab feast you had, looked bomb :lol :hat
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well i just had a hamburger sooo,,, i think i got my carbs up.. now off to the gym,,, and burn that down ,, just to get another one tomorow...hihihihihi
strong everything in this post.

Sometimes that time off like you said is a blessing in disguise. I may be forced to take some soon as my left knee has been bothering me of late. Sucks as my leg strength has gone up of late

Sometimes that time off like you said is a blessing in disguise. I may be forced to take some soon as my left knee has been bothering me of late. Sucks as my leg strength has gone up of late
Always good to take a little time off now rather than a lot of time off later on.
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