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If if we're to preserve as much muscle mass as I can do you guys thing a bulk would be necessary? Can muscle mass be gained only in a bulk? Like can my chest get bigger if I'm eating at maintenance

Props, man

That's crazy progress.

How long did that take?
Got this in the crockpot for tonight :smokin

Might just demolish all 2.57lbs of titty I put in the pot :lol:

Need to pick up some shrubbery to have on the plate though
Damn son 5000?? Do you keep up with them to know thats exactly what you eat a day? I did 3k yesterday and it was hard to track it all :lol:  How many calories is from real food vs shakes?
Creatine would be one I would suggest, a multivitamin and fish oil, but other than that you don't really need anything, unless you want a PWO or something. Herbalife products are trash.

Just started taking fish oil and got on a better multivitamin and it makes a world of difference in terms of recovery and just overall health. A cheap multi like Centrum is better than nothing, but this is one department where paying for quality is certainly worth it IMO.

If you're serious about exercise and not taking some kind of multi, you're doing yourself an immense disservice. Most active males are deficient in some type of vitamin/iron if they exercise a lot.

Additionally, since I've taken the fish oils, I've felt like I've recovered much better and no longer wake up feeling stiff/tight in the morning. Something about them I think helps circulation maybe? This is another spot where quality is important. Cheaper fish oils can have traces of mercury or be diluted with water and not work as well. With both vitamins and fish oils, the quality of what's in the supplement is just as important as the quantity of it. Just because a label says something about the amount of something in it, higher quality vitamins/minerals/fish oils are often absorbed at higher percentages and are easier for the body to use. Everybody talks about hitting macros (obviously you have to in order to be successful while bulking/cutting) but hitting micros (vitamins/minerals) is literally just as important.

Also no reason to not take creatine monohydrate as long you use it as instructed. Post workout shakes are great but it all comes down to eating right in general. One shake doesn't matter if 90% of your diet isn't right.
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Sometimes that time off like you said is a blessing in disguise. I may be forced to take some soon as my left knee has been bothering me of late. Sucks as my leg strength has gone up of late
Always good to take a little time off now rather than a lot of time off later on.
Very true. I'm extremely stubborn, but even I know when I'm doing more harm than good. Hopefully it's something minor.

Damn son 5000?? Do you keep up with them to know thats exactly what you eat a day? I did 3k yesterday and it was hard to track it all :lol:  How many calories is from real food vs shakes?
Creatine would be one I would suggest, a multivitamin and fish oil, but other than that you don't really need anything, unless you want a PWO or something. Herbalife products are trash.

Just started taking fish oil and got on a better multivitamin and it makes a world of difference in terms of recovery and just overall health. A cheap multi like Centrum is better than nothing, but this is one department where paying for quality is certainly worth it IMO.

If you're serious about exercise and not taking some kind of multi, you're doing yourself an immense disservice. Most active males are deficient in some type of vitamin/iron if they exercise a lot.

Additionally, since I've taken the fish oils, I've felt like I've recovered much better and no longer wake up feeling stiff/tight in the morning. Something about them I think helps circulation maybe? This is another spot where quality is important. Cheaper fish oils can have traces of mercury or be diluted with water and not work as well. With both vitamins and fish oils, the quality of what's in the supplement is just as important as the quantity of it. Just because a label says something about the amount of something in it, higher quality vitamins/minerals/fish oils are often absorbed at higher percentages and are easier for the body to use. Everybody talks about hitting macros (obviously you have to in order to be successful while bulking/cutting) but hitting micros (vitamins/minerals) is literally just as important.

Also no reason to not take creatine monohydrate as long you use it as instructed. Post workout shakes are great but it all comes down to eating right in general. One shake doesn't matter if 90% of your diet isn't right.

Which brands do you use?
Very true. I'm extremely stubborn, but even I know when I'm doing more harm than good. Hopefully it's something minor.
Which brands do you use?
I personally am a USANA guy after being turned on to it by some people I personally know that take them that are highly successful athletes. They're rated as one of the best supplement companies out there, but there's lots of negative reviews out there cause they sell via MLM. You can buy on their website tho without a rep so it ain't that serious.

The point isn't one specific brand, the point is that some brands are better than other and paying for quality is worth it.
No time for gym today. Had soccer last night...gonna run after work only got about 30 mins of free time then have dinner and kickball.

But chest/tri's on friday.
Sup bros, practicing my handstand



Btw great progress up there, almost inspired me to post some pics.


This was my 'cheat meal' for the week.
Not quite as epic as The Rock's, but close :lol:

9oz California White Sea Bass and a side of Sweet Potatoe fries at 'Lure Fish House' near the Camarillo Nike Outlet (45 mins south of Santa Barbara). It was AMAZING.

If anyone is near that area I highly recommend. My girl got her pasta dish and she loved it too.

I know it's not exactly a "cheat", but I'm trying to stay super clean and not eat out as much to get ready for the summer. I'm still trying to bulk, but trying to get it super clean.
lol @ mlm vitamins. you want a good multi, buy some aor orthocore.

Like I said, jimmies will get rustled over the MLM thing, but costs are about the same so IMO it doesn't matter when they're rated among the best and I can noticeably tell work well for me and several others.

It's not about any specific brand. You can buy usana, you can buy that AOR stuff, you can buy from whoever. My point is that quality is important so make that a priority.
Bronco kicks against a wall next, just tryin to get as comfortable upside down as I can....girl in my box walks on her hands better than her feet, it's amazing to
haha we have some of those too. Most of the gymnasts like to show off sometimes. I hate when we have to do handstand walks though. My lower back just aches afterwards. 
Creatine would be one I would suggest, a multivitamin and fish oil, but other than that you don't really need anything, unless you want a PWO or something. Herbalife products are trash.

What's the best creatine supp out there these days??
This gets ask almost every page :smh:

Yep. But creatine monohydrate. Optimum nutrition is a fairly cheap brand or's brand is fine too. Don't buy expensive creatine of any other form. No independent studies have ever proven they work better than monohydrate and usually cost much more.
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