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25 Reps on squats > 25 reps on leg press.

I can't even do leg press without getting pain in my ribs.. 

But 25 reps on anything is dumb IMO. Unless its forearm, calf or ab work. 
Why is there a distinction for forearm, calf, and ab work?

Who reported Lucky? He got banned for a week :x
How's that work? If you get reported a certain amount of times, you get a ban?

Guess he thinks jewbacca reported him haha

Wow, reaction's pretty pathetic. A "Free So and So" hashtag, homophobic slurs, threat to "fade" someone on site - it's almost as if he's being satirical.
People are really that sensitive these days about their internet lives? Probably will do him some good to take a break from this site if he's getting that worked up about it.
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Early to mid 30s is when you peak strength wise.

Shrugs are not an ego lift lol

If that was the case, military press, lunges, and skull crushers are in the same category........

I have my "ego" lift today to perform : shoulders on deck for me today.
This man knows.
I do leg press strictly for hypertrophy purposes only. I've heard some say it can translate to gains with the squat but I'm not sure about that.

I think jewbacca or whatever should change his name, I find it kind of offense. I hope he didn't flag lucky that's not gangsta
NT Recommend me a Pre-Workout, Don't use them very often, normally just stick to my Beta Alanine and Creatine but with these dark nights I need a bit of an extra kick

Last one I used was C4, wasn't really feeling it though

NO XP3 by forzaone
Early to mid 30s is when you peak strength wise.

Shrugs are not an ego lift lol

If that was the case, military press, lunges, and skull crushers are in the same category........

I have my "ego" lift today to perform : shoulders on deck for me today.

Just for the sake of discussion, what makes shrugs similar to those movements that theyre in the same category?

i dont leg press because i dont see the point.
why leg press when you can squat?

on my main leg day i low bar squat and on my second leg day i do goblin squats and hack squats. trying to have
quads like the gods :smokin

Lower back will always quit before legs for Squats. People forget that your core does a lot of work when squatting. So, after my lower back is cooked, I hit leg press to add more volume on my legs.

If youre using a large amount of weight on the leg press, its all about the ego drive of seeing that much weight move huh? Because it really doesnt really help that much. Its a very deceiving exercise.

Agreed with the deceiving part, but to say it doesn't help... Nah.

That's if you're focusing on quality reps rather than just kicking the weight up.

What does it help with?

You said that the lower back is the limiting factor so it'll fatigue before the quads do. So if the quads are strong enough, what purpose does the leg press have? It's making the strong stronger, and not altering a weakness.

There are soo many variables involved with a leg press that comparing weights between machines doesnt work. The angle of incline, weight of user and type of lever/cam/pulley have such a factor in the amount of actual resistance that one slight alteration to any variable can alter the weight used.
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Early to mid 30s is when you peak strength wise.

Shrugs are not an ego lift lol

If that was the case, military press, lunges, and skull crushers are in the same category........

I have my "ego" lift today to perform : shoulders on deck for me today.

Just for the sake of discussion, what makes shrugs similar to those movements that theyre in the same category?

i dont leg press because i dont see the point.
why leg press when you can squat?

on my main leg day i low bar squat and on my second leg day i do goblin squats and hack squats. trying to have
quads like the gods :smokin

Lower back will always quit before legs for Squats. People forget that your core does a lot of work when squatting. So, after my lower back is cooked, I hit leg press to add more volume on my legs.

If youre using a large amount of weight on the leg press, its all about the ego drive of seeing that much weight move huh? Because it really doesnt really help that much. Its a very deceiving exercise.

Agreed with the deceiving part, but to say it doesn't help... Nah.

That's if you're focusing on quality reps rather than just kicking the weight up.

What does it help with?

You said that the lower back is the limiting factor so it'll fatigue before the quads do. So if the quads are strong enough, what purpose does the leg press have? It's making the strong stronger, and not altering a weakness.

There are soo many variables involved with a leg press that comparing weights between machines doesnt work. The angle of incline, weight of user and type of lever/cam/pulley have such a factor in the amount of actual resistance that one slight alteration to any variable can alter the weight used.

Hypertrophy, obviously. I'm not training for a specific sport, so why would I cut my progress short? If my legs will have some juice in them after Squats, I'll make sure to finish em.

That's like saying someone shouldn't use straps when deadlifting, because the grip isn't strong enough, but the legs/back are getting stronger.
NT Recommend me a Pre-Workout, Don't use them very often, normally just stick to my Beta Alanine and Creatine but with these dark nights I need a bit of an extra kick

Last one I used was C4, wasn't really feeling it though
Black coffee and a good meal.  Piece of fruit if you don't want to eat heavy prior to training.  That plus some good music to get those endorphins flowing.

What are you looking for in your PWO beyond the "extra kick?"

Just playing devil's advocate to see if you'd be better served with the above recommendation.  Haven't taken a preworkout in years.
NT Recommend me a Pre-Workout, Don't use them very often, normally just stick to my Beta Alanine and Creatine but with these dark nights I need a bit of an extra kick

Last one I used was C4, wasn't really feeling it though

Black coffee and a good meal.  Piece of fruit if you don't want to eat heavy prior to training.  That plus some good music to get those endorphins flowing.

What are you looking for in your PWO beyond the "extra kick?"

Just playing devil's advocate to see if you'd be better served with the above recommendation.  Haven't taken a preworkout in years.

I just use caffeine pills now. Easier to take, and only costs around 6-8 cents per pill depending on what brand you get.
Hypertrophy, obviously. I'm not training for a specific sport, so why would I cut my progress short? If my legs will have some juice in them after Squats, I'll make sure to finish em.

That's like saying someone shouldn't use straps when deadlifting, because the grip isn't strong enough, but the legs/back are getting stronger.

How do you know that not doing it would cut your progress short? What if you didnt do it and your recovery process was better and quicker? What if you used that energy and did a different exercise that had more benefit/produced better results? Why should they be "finished"?

Im not attacking you or saying that youre doing something wrong in any way, just trying to play devils advocate/raise questions for a discussion.

Im not sure I get the analogy. I dont see the correlation between the two.
I used to be anti-Leg Press. My legs were decent sized then with just Squats and RDLs. I started doing Leg Press, and my legs grew bigger. Not necessarily attributing all credit tongue exercise, but they definitely helped.

As for using the energy for other exercises, I already do Goblet Squats, Lunges, Hack Squats, and a few others. Apart from unilateral training, I don't see much else.

As for the analogy I made, I pretty much meant that you shouldn't let the weakest link completely stop you. Compared grip to lower back, which seems to be most people's weakest link when it comes to compounds.
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I used to be anti-Leg Press. My legs were decent sized then with just Squats and RDLs. I started doing Leg Press, and my legs grew bigger. Not necessarily attributing all credit tongue exercise, but they definitely helped.

As for using the energy for other exercises, I already do Goblet Squats, Lunges, Hack Squats, and a few others. Apart from unilateral training, I don't see much else.

As for the analogy I made, I pretty much meant that you shouldn't let the weakest link completely stop you. Compared grip to lower back, which seems to be most people's weakest link when it comes to compounds.

of course leg press help, its still a good workout.

i hate how so many people hate on it and call it trash and it doesnt nothing :rolleyes
What would the difference be between hack squats and leg press? Aren't they kind of the same? Is one better?

I basically squat on leg days then do stiff leg deads then do lunges and calves...and if i have anything left il do laying hamstring curls. But with my groin issues after soccer ive started to squat less weight and look for other things to do that isolate my legs and don't put pressure on my groin
Damn Bwood youre a beast lol

Hope to get there one day. Finally did my first lifting yesterday. Chest and Tris. My god, i can barely even lift my arm up to pick my nose today

Started off on bench w 25 on each side. Felt so weak :lol:

Here are my pics from yesterday. Cant wait to see where im at in 3 months, 6 months, etc


What would the difference be between hack squats and leg press? Aren't they kind of the same? Is one better?

I basically squat on leg days then do stiff leg deads then do lunges and calves...and if i have anything left il do laying hamstring curls. But with my groin issues after soccer ive started to squat less weight and look for other things to do that isolate my legs and don't put pressure on my groin

hack squats kill my knees. hate them like no other.
What would the difference be between hack squats and leg press? Aren't they kind of the same? Is one better?

I basically squat on leg days then do stiff leg deads then do lunges and calves...and if i have anything left il do laying hamstring curls. But with my groin issues after soccer ive started to squat less weight and look for other things to do that isolate my legs and don't put pressure on my groin

Hack hits more of your hams, correct me if I am wrong
how do you guys use a lacrosse ball to massage your muscles or w/e? i got one and i wanna use it
So far I've cut out all alcohol. And fast food/eating out. I use to drink a pint of whisky a day or 6 pack of miller lites. So thats good

Been eating salads for lunch rather than sandwiches then going home and cooking up chicken and eating that with just a tiny bit of bbq sauce. Usually eat carrots or broccoli with hummus with it/throughout the day

Any recs on breakfast though? For the most part ive just been running then skipping it til i have a salad w chicken for lunch. Raw oatmeal the way to go ?
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