STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

You should start it now. It would be interesting to follow you through that journey as you lose towards your goals. I've seen similar channels
@daproblem53 - I believe it all depends on how intense the person is working out and the commitment level. In all honesty, most people that do those video workouts aren't pushed to their limits. If you're consistent with it, yeah it'll help you lose weight; but you also have to consider what you consume. Remember, weight loss isn't just working out, it's also nutrition and eating right.
I love this thread so many good people helping each other and good advice..
Is push ups at night any good?i have been doing them for 2weeks now.
Last night I had my first drink since new years eve.  Kept it to one drink, felt really proud of myself.
grenadine at the bottom.  Pineapple rum w/ orange juice in the middle.  Blue curacoa at the top.  Be careful as you pour them in, not to mix them
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So I hurt my lower back yesterday attempting to pull a couple 95lb dumbbells from the rack. Felt an area strain/pull, didn't exactly hurt, but it feels tight and because it's a back injury...I stopped immediately. Stretched it a bit yesterday, iced it down, and it feels better today, but I do still feel it. Not really sure what to do other than rest :frown:

Sucks man...I don't know if it's common for everybody, but I accumulate these nagging injuries and it's really frustrating :smh:
Does the insanity or p90x workout help with weight loss?

yeah they are really good, atleast the one i did which was insanity.
but the first thing you have to realize is that diet it still the most important thing.
if you have a good diet and are pushing yourself day in and day out it will work wonders.
back day. I'll kill these lats. and mid and lower. finishing off with some trap destruction.
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