STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

if youre a noob that works, but if youre seasoned you need to gain muscle mass first then go up in volume, once you feel like whatever weight is easy, go up
Yes, as a novice, you can add 5 lbs a week and not stall - hell starting strength will have you adding pounds each workout. You're wrong about "gaining muscle mass" before increasing strength. It's completely possible to increase strength (as an intermediate/experienced lifter) without putting on significant amounts of muscle mass beforehand. When you're more experienced, the super compensation period is longer, so you can't just add more weight every week.

There's a sticky on the misc on using a foam roller if anyone didn't catch it. Thanks to whomever recommended it. Gained some flexibility in my legs.
STrongly suggest checking this out. I already have the e-book and it's very good.

Any gym music guilty pleasures? I stay playing Santo gold - big mouth, gets me too hyped
I wouldn't say it's a "guilty" pleasure per se, but I do enjoy listening to metal-core like All That Remains and Five Finger Death Punch because I enjoyed them in the gym.
Get at me bros. Never thought id be the supplement type (besides fish oil, whey, and multis) but figured id give it a try.

MusclePharm Creatine, Jack3d, ON and a free shaker.
need some advice. i been doing a lil' ab workout but not sure if its actually working. i'm starting to see slight results but barely. pics:
dont mind the tattoos i was young and dumb :lol: and will get it covered but anyhow what can i do to tone it some more? I do subtle workouts now usually 30-40 minutes similar to stuff like insanity 4-5 days a week. sometimes i add in an ab routine too. how can i define my stomach more bros?? just tone not even seeking a 6 pack, and i dont necessarily eat healthy but i dont eat bad either. no fast food any of that crap and once in awhile treat myself to stuff like restaurant food and buffet :lol:. help fambs! feel free to PM me with info too!! :nerd: any help would be appreciated!! P.S.
2010 approx. 220 lbs size xl shirts waist size 36-38
and current day 167-170 lbs shirt size s-m waist size 31-32 I'm 6 ft
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My tip for the day...

Lose the heavy weights and perfect your form. You're not getting maximal results unless your form is perfect. Quit trying to curl 50s when you can't do it properly. Your body will thank you later.
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I've seriously met some of the strongest girls I've know in the past two months, thing is they don't look crazy muscular, just perfect, still have a feminine frame but hang cleaning well over their body weight, easily doing 20 hang pull-ups and even more Kipping and going toe to toe with dudes doing muscle ups....much respect for these ladies
How beneficial are wrist straps when doing over head squats??...I'm still trying to get used to the grip, it bothers my wrist most being that is such a wide grip and the wrist are bent when you are at the top...
My tip for the day...

Lose the heavy weights and perfect your form. You're not getting maximal results unless your form is perfect. Quit trying to curl 50s when you can't do it properly. You're body will thank you later.

Agree with this. Pride/Ego are hard to check at the door. I'm speaking from experience too so I'm not judging anybody. But good stuff tho.
Decided to go to the gym that's near my job after work. I knew I ran out of protein and smoothie ingredients so I went to the juice bar in the gym. The girl tells me its ok to pay for my drink and I can pick it up when I'm done with my workout. Did back work today and HIIT on the treadmill. Ended the HIIT work early because of cramps. 10 minutes til the gym closes I go to the bar, no one is there. Gym employee tells me the girls at the juice bar left and he can't go behind the counter to get my drink. Tells me to come back tomorrow to get the drink. Fail. :smh: I don't want to go to any fast food spots right now. :smh:
during this cut my squat numbers are going up while all my other lifts are decreasing
is there an explanation for this. im squating a lot more now than when i was eating insane amount of good carbs
How beneficial are wrist straps when doing over head squats??...I'm still trying to get used to the grip, it bothers my wrist most being that is such a wide grip and the wrist are bent when you are at the top...
Not sure how straps would help on overhead squats honestly. I've only heard of straps being used for pulling weights off the ground (deadlits, rows, shrugs).

Decided to go to the gym that's near my job after work. I knew I ran out of protein and smoothie ingredients so I went to the juice bar in the gym. The girl tells me its ok to pay for my drink and I can pick it up when I'm done with my workout. Did back work today and HIIT on the treadmill. Ended the HIIT work early because of cramps. 10 minutes til the gym closes I go to the bar, no one is there. Gym employee tells me the girls at the juice bar left and he can't go behind the counter to get my drink. Tells me to come back tomorrow to get the drink. Fail. :smh: I don't want to go to any fast food spots right now. :smh:
You running HIIT to cut fat? Why are you having a juice bar shake though if you're trying to cut calories?
I'm going to start stretching regularly.... I want my mobility.

Just did this stretch for my hamstrings. You put your legs up on the wall, and move till your butt is touching the wall with your legs against the wall above you. Then, just try to lock your legs out... No more soreness.

Set a deadlift and squat goal for myself to achieve before the end of the year. 495 DL, and 365 squat. Apart from the lifting belt, is there any other equipment I should try to get even if I'm just trying to max it once?
You're gonna end up hurting yourself even worse Illest if you're not careful. Take the weekend off to recharge those batteries and see how you feel Monday. When your body is telling you it needs rest you should oblige and let it heal. Happy Saturday Team Fit!!

:lol: exactly how I feel...what's up with iLLest last few posts man...the muscle is starting to compress your brain bro, not allowing you to think logically, how I'm a noob and I know is best to listen to your body or else you'll be screwed and apparently you don't know this yourself...c'mon brah..
I am in pretty good shape right now, but now i got these love handles that I can't seem to lose... Who has specific workouts to target these areas? 
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