The College Basketball Post

Kaminsky officially AP Player of the Year.

Not gonna lie, I thought Okafor was gonna nab that joint.
As he should be. (IMO)

Would've been okay with Okafor or KAT though.

Can imagine that BBN is furious that it's not KAT or WCS.

they got it right. got the AP COY right, too.

Not mad @ them giving it to Frankie Baby!

all right guys im off to indy...cook, malta, cake, woody lets get it! ill try to keep up on here but just going to soak in this experience...should be cool...lets go duke...

#SKIDDDIT!!! :pimp:
Nervous about tomorrow night, and watching practice right now is making me more nervous.

Saw Duke earlier. Intense, especially Coach K.

Saw Sconsin. Fun, but focused. Coach was laughing, players laughing, but it was crisp.

UK just came out a little bit ago. Cal is just too cool, man. The roster is focused, but he's just... I don't know, I guess I'm just adding to exactly why his critics hate him. :lol: Definitely wish he was more intense, but I get it. I love how he has said, "We're not perfect. We're undefeated, but not perfect"

I'm just rambling. Finding things to be nervous about. :lol:

Good luck to everyone's squads! Nothing like having your team in the Final 4 and NCG...a lot of fun.

Hope you guys enjoy the weekend, I am sure we all will.
Nervous about tomorrow night, and watching practice right now is making me more nervous.

Saw Duke earlier. Intense, especially Coach K.

Saw Sconsin. Fun, but focused. Coach was laughing, players laughing, but it was crisp.

UK just came out a little bit ago. Cal is just too cool, man. The roster is focused, but he's just... I don't know, I guess I'm just adding to exactly why his critics hate him. :lol: Definitely wish he was more intense, but I get it. I love how he has said, "We're not perfect. We're undefeated, but not perfect"

I'm just rambling. Finding things to be nervous about. :lol:


No reason to be nervous bro, his practices have pretty much been like that since UMass :lol:

We'll be aight :pimp:
Bill Self makes $3.85mil though … RT @HuffingtonPost: Kansas schools will close early this spring for lack of funds 
actually coaching>Looking like your coaching.

I'll take Cal against anyone.
Like you'll take Cal against anyone because he's at Kentucky, or just Cal in general? If we are taking the power of Kentucky out of the equation, I can think of several coaches I'd take over him. He's not bad though.
Like you'll take Cal against anyone because he's at Kentucky, or just Cal in general? If we are taking the power of Kentucky out of the equation, I can think of several coaches I'd take over him. He's not bad though.

Ill take Cal at Kentucky, Memphis, Umass anywhere. As long as the rim are the same hieght and rules are the same.

Umass wasn't brimming with talent when he got em into the tourney.

Cal is as good as ANYONE.

Great defensive coach, adaptable, good in game manager. and don't think any coach right now is definitively better than him.
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Ill take Cal at Kentucky, Memphis, Umass anywhere. As long as the rim are the same hieght and rules are the same.

Umass wasn't brimming with talent when he got em into the tourney.

Cal is as good as ANYONE.

Great defensive coach, adaptable, good in game manager. and don't think any coach right now is definitively better than him.

Basically :lol:
Cal's great at getting guys ready for the NBA. Does well getting the most out of elite talent and keeping everyone cohesive.
No, no, I definitely get that, Osh.

Cal had entirely too much success for me to doubt his ways. The league is staring to be RIDDLED with his products. Eyebrows, Wall, DMC, all the way back to Camby, Rose, with KAT & WCS on deck. I'm not doubting him at all; at ALL.

Was just weird seeing Coach K all "Raaaawr! That's not correct!! Grrrr!!", then Sconsin, then Cal as cool as a pre-church meet & greet. Just got me like "Ruh roh."

But, he's had a perfect season, even though it ended in a championship loss, and he has won a championship. Just need to put those 2 together now, and if he didn't get success by being all "Raaawr!! Wrong, wrong, WRONG!" in practice before, no need to start now.
"He's not bad though."


ska, I can link you to all the insider video's of Cal at practice screaming and yelling if it would calm your nerves.:lol: all that **** happens during the season. now? at an open practice? nah. plus, the teaching is over.
"He's not bad though."


ska, I can link you to all the insider video's of Cal at practice screaming and yelling if it would calm your nerves.
all that **** happens during the season. now? at an open practice? nah. plus, the teaching is over.
See, I've actually been to a few practices in Lexington with some friends.

One of them, he went bat****crazy. Told some dude that's why he never gets minutes.

That's part of the reason why it was unsettling earlier. Had me feeling like HE was feeling like, "Yeah, we got this."

And Wisconsin is extra legit. Like, let's not coast into this Wisconsin game. You know?

That last part is what I also kept in mind, though. 38 games in... 38 practices... months and months of preparation... what new thing is going to be taught in a practice that HAS to be implemented with brute force in order to win the next game? Nothing.
Starting to get a little nervous about tomorrow,might as well stay drunk from now until then.....
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