The Official NBA Collective Bargaining Thread vol Phased in Hard Cap

Ken Berger: And even if players signal willingess to go to 50-50, there's no guarantee owners will, the person said. Could be a rough day. about 1 hour ago

Ken Berger: According to person in contact with ownership side, owners have "questions" about system issues -- even those already agreed to. about 1 hour ago

Ken Berger: And even if players signal willingess to go to 50-50, there's no guarantee owners will, the person said. Could be a rough day. about 1 hour ago

Ken Berger: According to person in contact with ownership side, owners have "questions" about system issues -- even those already agreed to. about 1 hour ago

David Aldridge: Meeting (finally) under way, about an hour late. Additions to owners' LRC: Paul Allen (yikes) and Michael Jeffrey Jordan (double yikes). 1 minute ago

David Aldridge: Meeting (finally) under way, about an hour late. Additions to owners' LRC: Paul Allen (yikes) and Michael Jeffrey Jordan (double yikes). 1 minute ago

David Aldridge: Meeting (finally) under way, about an hour late. Additions to owners' LRC: Paul Allen (yikes) and Michael Jeffrey Jordan (double yikes). 1 minute ago

Ken Berger: Federal mediator George Cohen's style is to have opposing sides caucus separately and come together. Lots of back-schmack and forth. 4 minutes ago

Ken Berger: Sources in talks say two sides have met separately and together during first 90 minutes or so. "Same old, same old," one person said. about 5 minutes ago
Ken Berger: Federal mediator George Cohen's style is to have opposing sides caucus separately and come together. Lots of back-schmack and forth. 4 minutes ago

Ken Berger: Sources in talks say two sides have met separately and together during first 90 minutes or so. "Same old, same old," one person said. about 5 minutes ago
the thing that continually holds the NBA back is the fact is a black sport.

What's holding the NBA back? Are you suggesting that the league isn't doing well, or that it could be doing better? Because if you meant that the NBA isn't doing well, you do know that the league's revenue is at an all time high, television ratings have been steadily increasing for years so it's safe to say that overall the status of the league is fine. Now if you meant that it could be doing better if it wasn't a "black sport", I really have a hard time believing that if it was an all "white sport" that the NBA would be better off.

Paul Pierce, Derek Fisher, Kevin Garnett, Dwayned Wade...What are there qualifications to be in these meetings?
If you're an NBA player period you have the qualifications to be present during these meetings, the same way any member of a union has the right (which should be exercised btw) to be present during labor meetings. Billy Hunter and David Stern are the only ones qualified to negotiate the CBA if you want to take it there, unless any of the owners or players have a law degree.
This is the clown you want being the most "vocal" representative of your league.  Where are the Emeka Okafor's, Grant Hill's even $#@@!@% Jeremy Lin?
Yes, it is much better to have a group of highly replaceable role players taking a more vocal role than the irreplaceable star players who are actually a major part of the league who makes the NBA what it is today.

 And its not a race thing but these dudes are mostly uneducated
All the players need to understand is money and numbers, and if they don't I'm sure Billy Hunter and others are there to breakdown what's at stake. The rest of their education background is completely irrelevant.
the thing that continually holds the NBA back is the fact is a black sport.

What's holding the NBA back? Are you suggesting that the league isn't doing well, or that it could be doing better? Because if you meant that the NBA isn't doing well, you do know that the league's revenue is at an all time high, television ratings have been steadily increasing for years so it's safe to say that overall the status of the league is fine. Now if you meant that it could be doing better if it wasn't a "black sport", I really have a hard time believing that if it was an all "white sport" that the NBA would be better off.

Paul Pierce, Derek Fisher, Kevin Garnett, Dwayned Wade...What are there qualifications to be in these meetings?
If you're an NBA player period you have the qualifications to be present during these meetings, the same way any member of a union has the right (which should be exercised btw) to be present during labor meetings. Billy Hunter and David Stern are the only ones qualified to negotiate the CBA if you want to take it there, unless any of the owners or players have a law degree.
This is the clown you want being the most "vocal" representative of your league.  Where are the Emeka Okafor's, Grant Hill's even $#@@!@% Jeremy Lin?
Yes, it is much better to have a group of highly replaceable role players taking a more vocal role than the irreplaceable star players who are actually a major part of the league who makes the NBA what it is today.

 And its not a race thing but these dudes are mostly uneducated
All the players need to understand is money and numbers, and if they don't I'm sure Billy Hunter and others are there to breakdown what's at stake. The rest of their education background is completely irrelevant.
daldridgetnt David Aldridge

Excellent ? brought up by @NBATVSteve based on '98: which player will look Jordan in eye & say 'if you can't make a profit, sell your team?'

If any player actually did that, I would immediately buy their jersey to show my support.

Yes... even if Paul Pierce did it, and I hate that fool.
daldridgetnt David Aldridge

Excellent ? brought up by @NBATVSteve based on '98: which player will look Jordan in eye & say 'if you can't make a profit, sell your team?'

If any player actually did that, I would immediately buy their jersey to show my support.

Yes... even if Paul Pierce did it, and I hate that fool.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

daldridgetnt David Aldridge

Excellent ? brought up by @NBATVSteve based on '98: which player will look Jordan in eye & say 'if you can't make a profit, sell your team?'

If any player actually did that, I would immediately buy their jersey to show my support.

Yes... even if Paul Pierce did it, and I hate that fool.

That would be too cold blooded
Originally Posted by Big J 33

daldridgetnt David Aldridge

Excellent ? brought up by @NBATVSteve based on '98: which player will look Jordan in eye & say 'if you can't make a profit, sell your team?'

If any player actually did that, I would immediately buy their jersey to show my support.

Yes... even if Paul Pierce did it, and I hate that fool.

That would be too cold blooded
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