Things people do that you dont understand

People that put the peice of the headphones that you talk into, IN their mouth.

People that put their dirty *** fingers on there mouth.
I read this thread every monday. Makes me smile 
Yes..or cough into their hands not their shirt and touching everything

Ppl are so dirty
That's why I don't like touching things other people already touched, people just don't care about cleanliness they can smell like garbage and won't give a single care
Never seen that before. Most days i want to OD on hand sanitizer but i also dont want to turn into a germophobe
Same, I don't want to be like those old ladies at the grocery store that uses hand wipes every single time they touch something. I'm surprised you haven't seen someone doing that, I see people sneezing into their hands on the daily every fall/winter
Why would I sneeze into my elbow? I sneeze into my shirt if I have time but sometimes i'll end up with snot in my shirt. Easier to wash my hands than the inside of my shirt.
If you sneeze into your hand and wash it off or sanitize it immediately that's not a problem. But if you sneeze in your hand and going around touching everything it is. Sneezing into your elbow is better in my opinion people are less likely to get sick and you won't contaminate things.
I wash my hands way too much. Dries out my hands. I probably need to expose myself to more germs to strengthen my immune system.
If you sneeze into your hand and wash it off or sanitize it immediately that's not a problem. But if you sneeze in your hand and going around touching everything it is. Sneezing into your elbow is better in my opinion people are less likely to get sick and you won't contaminate things.

Also if ppl are eating around u don't blow your nose in front of them
How about when ur driving and u let someone pull out of a street or parking lot and they don't wave thanking u..scumbags
People who take offense when they are begging you for something and you say no, or do not wish to be bothered. 

Just because im out in public does not mean I owe whoever wants it, my attention.

I said " no" loudly and gave you that look of disgust to keep you from follow up begging.

I even said " no thanks" to some mixtape cd selling goof in vegas once and literally had to square up on the strip mid vacation to shut him up.

Harassing sales people are just people I cant respect at all
-People who park their car in front of the driveway, specifically those who block the gate making sure you won't get in to your garage.

-Homeowners who won't let other people park their car near (not blocking) the driveway to their house. It's like they bought the piece of road outside their house.

-People who lower the radio volume while driving around (looking for a parking space, visiting unfamiliar places, etc)
-People who lower the radio volume while driving around (looking for a parking space, visiting unfamiliar places, etc)

I do that all the time man.

Especially parking,when there's no open spaces and you and 15 other cars are hunting for spots. You gotta focus man :lol:.
-People who lower the radio volume while driving around (looking for a parking space, visiting unfamiliar places, etc)

I do that all the time man.

Especially parking,when there's no open spaces and you and 15 other cars are hunting for spots. You gotta focus man :lol:.

Word plus its been brought up in this thread...jackasses that let their kids run wild in a parking lot and other jackasses that speed thru the parking lot. Gotta be able to see and hear any potential accidents
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I don't understand pet owners that refer to themselves as "parents" and their pets as their "children". I understand that you can have an extremely close bond with your pet, but I don't get how they equate it to a parent-child relationship.

I'm not saying they shouldn't or anything, just saying I don't get it. 
I don't understand pet owners that refer to themselves as "parents" and their pets as their "children". I understand that you can have an extremely close bond with your pet, but I don't get how they equate it to a parent-child relationship.

I'm not saying they shouldn't or anything, just saying I don't get it. 
I feel you, that's some next level creepy stuff to me. I assume you're either lonely or have an extreme relationship with your pet.
-Homeowners who won't let other people park their car near (not blocking) the driveway to their house. It's like they bought the piece of road outside their house.
Parking in front of someones house is a no no.

Why would you need to park in someones house in the first place.
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