Things that annoy you in the college classroom

Cell phones going off. Then the awkward pause after some corny $*# ringtone. Then the professor stopping everything to refer back to the syllabus for the policy on cell phones. Then the professor threatening to confiscate the phone and never doing so. Then the %@*%*!% phone goes off again. Repeat.
Originally Posted by ABC

- Girls who somehow find ways to mention their boyfriends in class conversations
- Students who try so hard to hide their texting under the table/desk, but it's just obvious when they are staring into their lap for 80% of class

This all basically happens every day in this one class I have... "Modern Issues in Mass Communications" it's torture. 

I went to school in the south. 
  They're on that marriage %$%# down here.
Originally Posted by ABC

- Girls who somehow find ways to mention their boyfriends in class conversations
- Students who try so hard to hide their texting under the table/desk, but it's just obvious when they are staring into their lap for 80% of class

This all basically happens every day in this one class I have... "Modern Issues in Mass Communications" it's torture. 

I went to school in the south. 
  They're on that marriage %$%# down here.
that kid who keeps asking questions, and keeps asking even at the end of class that keeps the rest of us from going home for the day because the teacher insists we may want to know this as well
that kid who keeps asking questions, and keeps asking even at the end of class that keeps the rest of us from going home for the day because the teacher insists we may want to know this as well
I hate that I know everything guy also. People in my class are pretty solid, pretty smart. I'm tripping off this dude who wear his t shirt tucked in with an open button up and black mid top soldier boots with a gel down hair. O yeah, this white girl sit beside me and she seems uncomfortable at all times got me thinking like is it me. I hate that *@$!. I don't like this girl who asked the stupidest question, she swear she is smart to.
I hate that I know everything guy also. People in my class are pretty solid, pretty smart. I'm tripping off this dude who wear his t shirt tucked in with an open button up and black mid top soldier boots with a gel down hair. O yeah, this white girl sit beside me and she seems uncomfortable at all times got me thinking like is it me. I hate that *@$!. I don't like this girl who asked the stupidest question, she swear she is smart to.
I don't know about you guys but there's always that older dude that thinks he's a *+$%!%+ genius and always has something to say...

I think grown-ups just lose the student to teacher/professor relationship or mentality. They try to make a lecture a conversation - makes me cringe

Yeah I'm mad haha...
I don't know about you guys but there's always that older dude that thinks he's a *+$%!%+ genius and always has something to say...

I think grown-ups just lose the student to teacher/professor relationship or mentality. They try to make a lecture a conversation - makes me cringe

Yeah I'm mad haha...
the but-what-if question-asker. always asking hypothetical questions for each and every concept. most professors will take the time to answer the questions and then assigns us textbook reading because he/she didnt get to cover it in lecture

to the professors who tell them to go to office hours
the but-what-if question-asker. always asking hypothetical questions for each and every concept. most professors will take the time to answer the questions and then assigns us textbook reading because he/she didnt get to cover it in lecture

to the professors who tell them to go to office hours
That person that never has a book. And most likely its a girl. Always talking about I ordered my book yesterday.
That person that never has a book. And most likely its a girl. Always talking about I ordered my book yesterday.
-When the professor goes over their allotted time EVERY CLASS.. as if we don't have other places to be.

-When the professor calls on you and your hand wasn't raised..

-That one kid who asks all the dumb questions about things the professor already clearly stated

-The one kid who is the only one who laughs hella loud at all of the professors corny jokes

-1st day of class introductions..I don't mind talking in front of people but nobody cares about your name, city of origin, major, and "one interesting thing about yourself"
-When the professor goes over their allotted time EVERY CLASS.. as if we don't have other places to be.

-When the professor calls on you and your hand wasn't raised..

-That one kid who asks all the dumb questions about things the professor already clearly stated

-The one kid who is the only one who laughs hella loud at all of the professors corny jokes

-1st day of class introductions..I don't mind talking in front of people but nobody cares about your name, city of origin, major, and "one interesting thing about yourself"
i'm attending a local community college right now and the only thing that really bothers me are my older classmates who are really close minded AND opinionated
Dumb people /thread.

I don't understand how there can be so many dumb people at my university which has a pretty good reputation (first tier). I honestly wish I had worked harder in high school so I wouldn't be here.
i'm attending a local community college right now and the only thing that really bothers me are my older classmates who are really close minded AND opinionated
Dumb people /thread.

I don't understand how there can be so many dumb people at my university which has a pretty good reputation (first tier). I honestly wish I had worked harder in high school so I wouldn't be here.
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