Who decided where one country starts and ends? Why did they choose that spot and not one inch more/less?
Originally Posted by MALCALA622

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by GFlower8

-what makes someone allergic to peanuts? they even sell mixed nuts "without peanuts", i myself am allergic and i can eat any other kind of nut (pawse), but if i eat a peanut its a wrap.
Peanut is not a nut (its a legume), maybe thast why your peanut allergy doesnt cover other nuts.  I only know this cause my wife is deathly allergic to nuts (cashews, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.. etc...)  Only nuts she can eat are macadamia, pinenuts, and mine.

I spit out my cranberry juice


I like how you casually snuck that in
Originally Posted by GFlower8

-how the hell does sending in a yogurt lid help towards breast cancer?

-what makes someone allergic to peanuts? they even sell mixed nuts "without peanuts", i myself am allergic and i can eat any other kind of nut (pawse), but if i eat a peanut its a wrap.
Not sure if this has been answered yet but whatever:

I'm assuming they want to show a company (most likely a sponsor) that they're making money so they'll have them donate to breast cancer. Or, the lids are actually compacted enough so that the breast cancer fund company can just sell the metal amassed from the (aluminum?) lids. This is completely a guess, by the way.

Allergies are caused by an environmental antigen known as allergen. This is, of course, a hyperactive response to a spore. As part of the human body's defense systems, they have a requirement to reject anything other than self. Thus, the IgE antibody of our immune system binds to the epipotes of this particular allergen and signals the body to destroy it. When the spore covering is penetrated, histamines are released into our systems.

Histamines, as you may have known, causes a large dilation and higher diffusion of gases into the blood system in our blood vessels, so we start to tear up and have swollen, red eyes, which naturally causes us to itch at it. That's why we see labels like "anti-histamine" on commercial pharmaceutical allergy medication bottles (Zyrtec).

If you are deathly at risk for an allergy, I believe it's because your blood vessels dilates so fast with a lack of those certain anti histamines and your pressure just drops, sending you into shock and at need for epinephrine. That's my cursory knowledge and my best understanding. I'm no doctor.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

Originally Posted by GFlower8

similiar question; where the hell does your stuff go when you delete it? like you can have 32gigs of memory worth of videos, pictures, documents etc and then you just "delete" it all...... where the hell does it go? it just gets mushed away in electronic micro chip wire land?

it's gone fro the universe

cant answer why it takes so long, but when it gets deleted, it technically doesnt get COMPLETELY deleted. it gets "crushed up" into a tiny-%*# file and moved into an inaccessible (from the user interface anyway) corner of your hard-drive, sort of. think of a trash compactor turning all that stuff into a little box. ala why when you delete stuff from an ipod, "other" section continues to grow.
Most of the time when you delete stuff from the recycle bin (or trash on macs) that information on the drive gets zero'ed out, which basically means "Info's still "there" (but not accessible) until its get written over with new data. This is how data recovery software works too, it just bypasses the "zero'ed" out phase & gets the files from formatted drives, CF cards, memory sticks whatever.
Why do we have to have our seatback right and table tray up while the plane is taking off and landing?

To prevent possible accidents from happening (like hitting the table tray and seat back) since landing might get rough at times? And that people can get into the brace position for emergency landings?

Nice to learn something new with this thread.
Keep it up NT... this is actually getting educational.
What goes on in the mind of a girl... (Theyre so *@##@$! confusing

Are dogs truly color blind?

Where is my future wife and whats going on her life right now?
^if anyone knew what goes on in a womans head, he would be a billionaire

why are we here?
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

What do blind people dream of?

What if slaves were never brought to North America?


, you don't need sight to dream. .  

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that you sir are also blind, hence why you did not understand the blatant meaning of the question.
Why is everything bad associated with the color black.(black magic, black plaque etc etc)
Why do people associate cutting your dreads or hair period with growing up?
Originally Posted by MALCALA622

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by GFlower8

-what makes someone allergic to peanuts? they even sell mixed nuts "without peanuts", i myself am allergic and i can eat any other kind of nut (pawse), but if i eat a peanut its a wrap.
Peanut is not a nut (its a legume), maybe thast why your peanut allergy doesnt cover other nuts.  I only know this cause my wife is deathly allergic to nuts (cashews, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.. etc...)  Only nuts she can eat are macadamia, pinenuts, and mine.

I spit out my cranberry juice


got me too

I have also always wondered about pictures, a camera just captures a piece of life, how??
Why do they call em pigtails?

When deaf people dream, do they hear sounds in the dream?

Why is pink lemonade pink? (no one ever answers this)
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