Whats a good Facebook Status Update?

Originally Posted by dusty jordans

Originally Posted by Boomatic206

Renamed my iPod as 'the titantic' so when I plug it in it's says 'the titantic is syncing.'
this one got me 8 "likes" and 5 comments, pretty funny tho..

im about to use this one

already with 12+ likes and comments
Went to shorty's house, told her i was coming right back and the dumb trick believed me. (true story)
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by dusty jordans

Originally Posted by Boomatic206

Renamed my iPod as 'the titantic' so when I plug it in it's says 'the titantic is syncing.'
this one got me 8 "likes" and 5 comments, pretty funny tho..

im about to use this one

already with 12+ likes and comments
Wow, I just put it up and within 10 seconds 5 people liked it.
1. I'm 2 away from a threesome

2. I whipped it out and she laughed. What is it?

3. Friday- Hurry your @*+ up!

4. ? good What's

5. The grass is grassier on the other side
I have an oven with a 'stop time' button. It's probably meant to be 'stop timer' but I don't touch it, just in case.

i have a lawn mower with a "kill switch" i just let it run out of gas.
You know how it feels when you're leaning back on a chair, and you lean too far back, and you almost fall over backwards, but then you catch yourself at the last second? I feel like that all the time.
I used this from the "jokes" thread on here a while back to put on fb. I made it as my status one late night weekend, sent from my blackberry.

"Yo, (insert your REAL friend's name). How come you don't pick up your phone?! I'm using FB as a last resort. I know you're drunk and everything, but you just left the club with that femine looking guy that you been calling 'Alicia' all night."

I inserted my boy's name. Chicks that we associate with was killing him on my status the whole night
Why not be "cool" and continue to not make them. It appears to other that you might have a life if you don't make them. But you said you upload a lot of pictures so........
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why not be "cool" and continue to not make them. It appears to other that you might have a life if you don't make them. But you said you upload a lot of pictures so........
so the less he uses his social networking sites, the cooler he is? what does that make you?

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why not be "cool" and continue to not make them. It appears to other that you might have a life if you don't make them. But you said you upload a lot of pictures so........
so the less he uses his social networking sites, the cooler he is? what does that make you?
I am a loser by society standards. I already admitted that years ago. I like Japanese & Mexican wrestling, would rather watch basketball than get drunk/high, and read WikiPedia when bored. So yea........
This one got a lot for me:

"If you ever feel down about being single, just come on Facebook and read about everybody else's dysfunctional-unhealthy-on-again-off-again-no-chance-in-hell-of-making-it-and-bound-to-end-violently-and-stalk-eachother relationship drama. It will cheer you right up."


"You can tell a lot about somebody just by their screen name. If it's something like "Outdoors_man_1966" it's most likely a lonely single guy in his 40's. If their name is something more like "sunshine_hottie_1991"....well, actually that's probably the same guy to be honest with you."
Top Tip Of The Week: When going through airport customs and you are asked "do you have any firearms with you?" do not reply "what do you need?"
Originally Posted by BALLINaintEASY

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by KidJs5

i'll be using some of these

word, some funny stuff here...

mine currently is...

"don't get your haircut on 4/20"
On the haircut thing, everyone just says Why?

idk what to tell em?
Do you know what 4/20 is all about?
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