Whats a good Facebook Status Update?

this was my status a while back and i got alot of comments

Senior Teacher:Andy what do you want to be when you get older?
Me: well i want to be a physical therapist, but i've been a gynecologist since i was 15 

some real good ones in here though gonna use some for tomarrow
" I just saw a ****** ride by on a scooter...wearing a bow-tie and a helmet. My life is complete."

...I actually stole that one.
Damn the titanic one worked for me.

This thread delivers to me with comments and likes..haha
" I just saw a ****** ride by on a scooter...wearing a bow-tie and a helmet. My life is complete."

...I actually stole that one.
Complain about something that other people who are active on facebook would complain about (e.g. whenever the facebook layout changes or something)
" I went to walmart and saw some chick article that said "10 Things He's Thinking When You're Naked". Pretty sure that could have been a much shorter list."
Regardless of what you update, it's always that ONE person that will like your status.

I usually always put up a bar from Cass, or my own %*+%.
One time I said: "*insert name here* is God's gift to women."

I don't think the "like" feature was around, but I had like about 20 comments...

Kids in the back seat cause accidents, accidents in the back seat causes kids.

Dreams are like women, if you just sleep with them, nothing ever comes of them.

A female will fake a nut for a relationship and a dude will fake a relationship for a nut.
If u got a child post the most adorable photos.... Shortys will hop on you asap...

I love it when multiple shortys I smashed comment on the same thing... It gives u a sense of pride.. Lol... Maybe it's just me...
Originally Posted by Boomatic206

Renamed my iPod as 'the titantic' so when I plug it in it's says 'the titantic is syncing.'
Originally Posted by airjordanjack

Top Tip Of The Week: When going through airport customs and you are asked "do you have any firearms with you?" do not reply "what do you need?"
Where Are You Harold Miner 2 wrote:
You know what I find lame tho? Its when for example a chick changes her relationship status to single or w.e all the thirsty dudes among her friends like it. That also goes when people like your negative status. Like "I lost my phone fml" so and so like this.
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