Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

I'm saying that we simply don't know what people were doing thousands of years ago, and it's kind of eliminate possibilities when we only know like 1% of what things were like back then.

I'll give you that, but you presented your argument as if you were saying that we DO have proof that people were space traveling. We don't have any proof, but I am open to the ancient astronaut theory.

That's cool bruh.

'Sall I was saying.
Where's this cat @hallywoodxo  at? I want to hear more about how humans have been around since forever, how white people are a science experiment gone bad, and how humans home planet is the brightest star in our night sky (to which we traveled from). 

Dead serious too. While it's a complete crock of ****, it's interesting to read / learn about such theories. 
You dont believe the scrips, so why would I waste my time? :rolleyes Rather edify someone who cares for the truth of the Holy book

I am always open to learning about other religions. It's just I get different answers from different Christians. Many Christians can't decide who god is between each other. But I can see why many African Americans changed faiths unfortunately
Integration gave me the freedom to choose from any school in America I wanted to go to instead of being limited to Howard and Hampton...have me the freedom to have friends of every race, creed or color. Allowed me to go to any store I want to and buy Jays. Allowed me to sleep with many many white, indian and spanish...well no spanish but im working on it...women. And I don't want any of those 'but if there wasn't integration those schools woulda have been x' cuz it's all speculative. Negroes have zero idea how hard life was before integration, they read a book and think they know...***** you don't know ish. My mom tells me how horrible it was, yea we had 'black wall street' but the glass ceiling went only so high. I'm 100% for black folks rising up, but only to live in harmony, not to be a separatist. I like Brother Malcom, I think Garvey was an idiot.

Arguing integration was a bad thing is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard, and I generally refrain from calling arguments dumb.

Like I said, cats that don't like it here can bounce, let the rest of us enjoi our life...

@LIONBLOOD prolly a light skinned Negro from the burbs with two parents...typical privileged Negro that went to white schools and is angry a white girl wouldn't give up the yambz, watched 12 Years a Slave, only read half Malcom X and decided white folk are the devil.
Integration gave me the freedom to choose from any school in America I wanted to go to instead of being limited to Howard and Hampton...have me the freedom to have friends of every race, creed or color. Allowed me to go to any store I want to and buy Jays. Allowed me to sleep with many many white, indian and spanish...well no spanish but im working on it...women. And I don't want any of those 'but if there wasn't integration those schools woulda have been x' cuz it's all speculative. Negroes have zero idea how hard life was before integration, they read a book and think they know...***** you don't know ish. My mom tells me how horrible it was, yea we had 'black wall street' but the glass ceiling went only so high. I'm 100% for black folks rising up, but only to live in harmony, not to be a separatist. I like Brother Malcom, I think Garvey was an idiot.

Arguing integration was a bad thing is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard, and I generally refrain from calling arguments dumb.

Like I said, cats that don't like it here can bounce, let the rest of us enjoi our life...

@LIONBLOOD prolly a light skinned Negro from the burbs with two parents...typical privileged Negro that went to white schools and is angry a white girl wouldn't give up the yambz, watched 12 Years a Slave, only read half Malcom X and decided white folk are the devil.

Bringing up Jordan's and stuff shows you're missing the point
Only picking Jordan's out of everything else I said shows how you miss the point
All themes I brought up, but you only saw Jays.
Only picking Jordan's out of everything else I said shows how you miss the point
All themes I brought up, but you only saw Jays.

No you're missing the point. Do the Jewish who send their kids to strictly Jewish institutions miss out on any of the things you speak of? Do the Koreans who live and run businesses in Koreatown miss out on the things you speak of? Do the Italians who live and work in little Italy miss out on the things you speak of? Chinatown? So why are they not called bigots and extremist? Why is it that when blacks want to create the same type of economic structures we are demonized? This is the same justification they used when they bombed the black Wall Street in Tulsa back in the day. Frankly cry me a river, I'm Tryna build a black nation and have a future for my kids so they don't suffer te same fate as your chief keefs or end up like trayvon and Jordan Davis. I'll take you being sad or what ever crap if it means my people can do better for themselves and compete in the global economy
When blacks were segregated and had their own businesses and communities we never denied any other race access to what we had we welcomed everyone. It was the whites who denied us access. So when we integrated all the black owned businesses became Arab and Asian owned businesses in our communities. But this is ok right?
The Bible doesn't require any strike throughs. It is a complete story. There is an origin story, a plan, how the plan was carried out, what people should do to be in accordance with the plan, and a prophecy of the resolution. People just don't have the comprehension to put it all together so they take piece after piece and argue.
Bottom line: God is love. Man isn't perfect. God made it alright. Love everyone. The End. You don't have to be white to believe you need guidance and to get it from this story.

Idk if it was you... but didn't somebody a page or two back say how they disregard the ENTIRE old testament??

and didn't someone else say they only pick what's relevant to today's times???

Them sound like strike throughs to me. Am I tripping? I know I'm not tripping.... too lazy to quote but don't act like it wasn't said :lol: :lol: And that "story" has been regurgitated throughout time and history via different cultures. The Jesus Archetype has come up way too many times for me to believe that HE'S the one that's the lord and savior. I'd be cool honestly if Christianity would just ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that much of the doctrine is/was borrowed from various spiritual beliefs/history from around the world. However, the whole "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light" jazz is lost on me. Other people have other ways of enlightenment, what's wrong with that?? If I'mma get guidance from a story, I'mma get it from somewhere of my choosing. I also am apart of the "i don't understand why anybody is Christian," club....not just black people. However, I ESPECIALLY wonder how Blacks and Latinos are Christian.

Philosophies> Religion. That's where I get my guidance from. And naw I'm not talkin' bout that bushoi from them **** bois in Greece.
Integration gave me the freedom to choose from any school in America I wanted to go to instead of being limited to Howard and Hampton...have me the freedom to have friends of every race, creed or color. Allowed me to go to any store I want to and buy Jays. Allowed me to sleep with many many white, indian and spanish...well no spanish but im working on it...women. And I don't want any of those 'but if there wasn't integration those schools woulda have been x' cuz it's all speculative. Negroes have zero idea how hard life was before integration, they read a book and think they know...***** you don't know ish. My mom tells me how horrible it was, yea we had 'black wall street' but the glass ceiling went only so high. I'm 100% for black folks rising up, but only to live in harmony, not to be a separatist. I like Brother Malcom, I think Garvey was an idiot.

Arguing integration was a bad thing is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard, and I generally refrain from calling arguments dumb.

Like I said, cats that don't like it here can bounce, let the rest of us enjoi our life...

@LIONBLOOD prolly a light skinned Negro from the burbs with two parents...typical privileged Negro that went to white schools and is angry a white girl wouldn't give up the yambz, watched 12 Years a Slave, only read half Malcom X and decided white folk are the devil.

that's your mom's opinion. My parents are from 50s and 60s and my father DEF has a different story to tell. But hey, it was slaves who missed slavery. It's always going to be a matter of opinion and a matter of what some people value.

Garvey was an idiot? :smh: oh man, I'm out.
A+ is useless in today's world (it's literally about how to hook up PCs and Printers) . People think IT is super cut and dry when it's very broad
true but you know how many self employed ppl who got pc repair etc..shops with basic a+ security etc... despite it being basic nothing more then a at best help desk
It's about options, segregation took away our options literally freedom of mobility.

Segregation didn't take away anything. Hell only reason SEC even began to allow black athletes is because Northern schools were dragging them in sports. Imagine if all of the top athletes would have gon to hbcus up until now? Your ugas and Alabamas making millions off our black boys, making them major in bull so they aren't distracted from school and when they don't go pro they are stuck with a BS degree in physical education or music. Lol got the nerve to call kids student athletes and dudes are playing ball games across the nation at 11pm on school nights. Only reason whites allowed us to intergrate is when they say they could once again make money off of our labor.
true but you know how many self employed ppl who got pc repair etc..shops with basic a+ security etc... despite it being basic nothing more then a at best help desk

What good is 100 PC repair men when we don't have money to buy computers? Help desk ain't gonna do squat economically for a group Of people. Why focus on learning to do help desk when you can focus on gathering resources and creating a black owned Samsung or Apple type company? Or is that racist?
Segregation didn't take away anything. Hell only reason SEC even began to allow black athletes is because Northern schools were dragging them in sports. Imagine if all of the top athletes would have gon to hbcus up until now? Your ugas and Alabamas making millions off our black boys, making them major in bull so they aren't distracted from school and when they don't go pro they are stuck with a BS degree in physical education or music. Lol got the nerve to call kids student athletes and dudes are playing ball games across the nation at 11pm on school nights. Only reason whites allowed us to intergrate is when they say they could once again make money off of our labor.

boi you betta PREACH!
Segregation didn't take away anything. Hell only reason SEC even began to allow black athletes is because Northern schools were dragging them in sports. Imagine if all of the top athletes would have gon to hbcus up until now? Your ugas and Alabamas making millions off our black boys, making them major in bull so they aren't distracted from school and when they don't go pro they are stuck with a BS degree in physical education or music. Lol got the nerve to call kids student athletes and dudes are playing ball games across the nation at 11pm on school nights. Only reason whites allowed us to intergrate is when they say they could once again make money off of our labor.
OMG. You are ON ONE tonight. Has it ever crossed your mind that the majority of white people in this country are pro racial equality? 
OMG. You are ON ONE tonight. Has it ever crossed your mind that the majority of white people in this country are pro racial equality? 

Lol all aboard the **** train. Miss me with the white guilt. Never said all white people were bad. Never said all white people were racist. Were the individuals oppressing blacks not white? Are the racist elite not white? Not my fault those devils happen to be white people. If blacks were oppressed historically in America by the Japanese don't you think I would address them accordingly?
OMG. You are ON ONE tonight. Has it ever crossed your mind that the majority of white people in this country are pro racial equality? 

wow... Idk if you are delusional or just extremely gullible. I mean in regards to what you highlighted of his and this being your response.

So ya'll think black people were let into sports cuz they just "finally wanted us to play"? Are ya'll for real right now??
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Do you have friends outside of black folk?

I have white/ Jewish relatives that I love with all my heart. What does that take away from me wanting to see strong black communities? Hell they want to see black communities prosper more than the so called blacks posting In this thread
wow... Idk if you are delusional or just extremely gullible. I mean in regards to what you highlighted of his and this being your response.

So ya'll think black people were let into sports cuz they just "finally wanted us to play"? Are ya'll for real right now??
Unreal. No, I think the movement towards racial equality (including racial integration of sports) was a result of people demanding equality, smartening up and realizing how stupid racism / segregation is. 
wow... Idk if you are delusional or just extremely gullible. I mean in regards to what you highlighted of his and this being your response.

So ya'll think black people were let into sports cuz they just "finally wanted us to play"? Are ya'll for real right now??
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Unreal. No, I think the movement towards racial equality (including racial integration of sports) was a result of people demanding equality, smartening up and realizing how stupid racism / segregation is. 

Bruh you're crazy for thinking that.

Next thing you're gonna say the Civil War was about ending slavery.
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