Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

Just an observation...but some people really use "LOL" way too much on here. 

We get it...you won't to come off cool and calm but stop that ****. Looks like a text convo between some teeny boppers from Malibu
I may be late but just my perspective, Christianity and religion in general gives people something to believe in...a sense of a greater hope.  It provides explanations to things that otherwise may/could not be explained.  Upbringing definitely plays a part in religion but as time goes on, you do start to get your own sense of what the world really is (whether this reinforces your prior beliefs or contradicts them and leads you to look at things in a new light).  I think we can all say we've had times where we've questioned things religiously, and we have that right...it's natural. All in all though I see no problem with whatever religion or faith anyone practices.  If it provides something that you see beneficial and fit for your life and you're happy then who am I to discredit or take that away from you? Good discussion going on in here though guys

I get what you're saying, but you are justifying ignorance. Religion causes masses of people rely on some outside force for salvation when they should rely on themselves. Our ancestors were great and did great things by using common sense and observing nature. They didn't rely on some spook god to come and save them. Sure, they gave reverence to nature and their ancestors, but these are forces that allow us to live. Without the sun, water, plants, and animals we can't sustain life. Without our ancestors we don't exist.

Religion takes you away from your divine self. Religion has done our people more harm than good. Look at the conditions black people are in today. It's time we wake up and reclaim our history and divinity. It's time we get back to the fundamentals and cast out things that do us harm. BUT we have to acknowledge it and not sweep it under a rug.
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Yea man it was very unfortunate to see/ experience. I agree a lot of ignorant media is what many focus their attention/money on. I honestly don't know what we can do as an entire entity to turn around.
There's this show called the last chance and it follows this school with the most misbehaved students in Chicago. It's a great show that explores the mental problems many face at a young age due to traumatic experience.
and another tidbit blacks also lead in undiagnosed mental health issues, also have the fewest psychological centers per sq ft in general areas in which they are the majority... Simply but Stockholm syndrome, adhd, bipolar, so on and so forth proven mental ills... not a problem, just through some holy water on it... lets rub mouth with olive oil... lets slam dump them in a cold bath and all is resolved. When you believe this is truly the solution for behavioral/mental issues you already at a lost.
Im curious, since most of you don't believe the scriptures.. what can we do to get our own rulership in this earth? or are we totally content with being under subjection to another man? honestly, whats yall solution? how do we get out of this? whats the nationality and true heritage of those negros who were put on those ships? somebody give me something. Paint the picture for me.
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Before I start this post, I wanna state that I present these facts in the most objective way possible. I'm no biggot and I have no hate in my heart. I just want the truth and in the purest form possible. My father is black, and my mother is white. I'm extremely familiar with both cultures, so when I speak on either it's from personal experience and not shallow media interpretations.

To start this off, our society has been molded in to a current mind set that we currently reject everything and disbelieve. Yet, the things most of society holds near and dear to their heart isn't real. Example? Money has no real intrinsic value, it's just a piece of paper. Houses? The banks owns that. Cars? The bank owns that to.

I say all that, to point out this philosophy has spilled over into almost avenue of thinking. The most crippling being spirituality.
When we discuss god/the devil, we've been groomed into a state of disbelief to the point that even if we do believe, we view them as external factors.

Science has stated undoubtedly that the original people come from Africa. The bible states that god created man in his/her image. Thus, through simple reasoning you can deduce that god is something that resembles a black man.
When we speak of the devil we usually consider him the antithesis. To name a few other stereotypes of the devil:

-he will the most beautiful angel
-cause war/destruction
-will have people focused on fleshly desires
-will mislead people from the truth thru lies etc

With that said, let's put things into perspective that the Elite whites have done since their control of the planet.

-white has been established as the standard for beauty on the planet. See the caste system, blacks claiming to have good hair because theirs is straighter etc
-look at the wars over the past century. Objectively, they have been decided by Middle Aged white men who run the american political system.
-Again being objective, whites own most of the TV and media outlets. We are constantly bombarded with ploys to focus on fleshly desires. Whether it be McDonald's, or Vodka
-if someone knows a religion more confusing then Christianity let me know. On top of the infinite amount of denominations, the perception of the Christ etc. Throw in the wicked lies told by the American government and you can see how a state of confusion has been brought about.

So with all that said, just being objective, what is it that the white man hasn't done that the devil is supposed to do?

Taking it a step further, the bible discusses a spiritual warfare being waged. Using simple logic, people fight when one has something that the other doesn't. Speaking in terms of god and the devil again, you could equate god being spiritual and the devil being the antithesis. Taking it a down a notch, black people are spiritual. Always have been and always will be. White people aren't. I challenge anyone to present me a belief system of complete European origin, with no african inspirations or any other ties. You won't find it cause it doesn't exist.

Back tracking to the point earlier I made about suspending our consciousness into a constant state of rejection. With out the proper tools, if i simply stated "the black man is god, and the white man is the devil"

I'd probably be chased off the board and called a biggot.

To further clarify this, race is a new phenomenon. The Indians, Africans, and Asians saw no difference in them outside of geological location. Dig in history and you will see the African influence all across the world. Even in America, which they reached far before Columbus got here.

My point is, the original people are god. Through brain atrophy, our diet, chem trails, mental programming we've descended into matter aka hell, and forgotten who we are.

White people were never supposed to exist. They were simply a science experiment of genetic engeering and neandtheral manipulation fueled by an ego to see if they could. Again, I challenge anyone who can provide evidence that suggests otherwise. You won't.

So to answer @am1x90xnike
Original question. We've all got the devils DNA pulsing through us. Especially as African Americans because at some point you can't bet the slave masters intertwined in our gene pool. Hence the mark of the beast being 666 aka carbon aka he building block for the body. Because of this we are all literally god and the devil. God on the spiritual realm, and the devil on the physical realm. Hence the bible saying not be of a fleshly nature.

An interesting perspective to put on this is how the matrix interprets this. Neo is the Christ figure. The whole trilogy he's going through knowledge of self and fighting the agents. Once he reaches enlightenment he accepts he can't beat the beast/Mr. Anderson at his game. Therefore he simply absorbs him and he ceases to exist. Apply this concept to melanin and what would happen to white people if black people stopped fighting them and started mating with them?

One thing id like to point out is because of the devils rule things like being agnostic, poly theism, homo sexuality have become accepted. In other words confusion and a state of ignorance has been accepted as the status quo. Not ignorance in the sense of stupid, but simply most people just really don't know. Again I have to ask, if you were pulling
Off a major conspiracy wouldn't you want the majority of the population to be In a state of ignorance.

With all that said, I've seen black people have devil like qualities, and I've seen white people with god like qualities. The choice is yours on who you wanna align yourself with.

Before I'm given flack for citing the bible as a resource, it's just my attempt at trying to give people a tangible point of view for something most people instantly discredit cause of the bull were constantly fed.
Im curious, since most of you don't believe the scriptures.. what can we do to get our own rulership in this earth? or are we totally content with being under subjection to another man? honestly, whats yall solution? how do we get out of this? whats the nationality and true heritage of those negros who were put on those ships? somebody give me something. Paint the picture for me.
im sure there are a bunch of people that have ideas for plans of action to help fix the problems you identified in your post, some may be good ideas some bad and a bunch inbetween. but the important part is they are plans of action, as in a person or group of people have to actually do something for things to change (this applies to every society shift in human history). sitting around reading scriptures and thinking "oh god has a plan, god will fix this because the bible says so!" leads to complacency. im no expert on social change so if someone has an idea for how to change american society i may not be able to properly evaluate it and come up with an accurate prediction on if the plan will work or not, but i am 100% certain that waiting for god to carry out his plan is not going to change anything, scriptures are nothing but white lies put in place so that people wont challenge the status quo because they think god will end up doing the work for them
cmon broski, you smarter than that.. those are the english translations
its light work to get the hebrew/greek names
in an advert way he made a point...how can something be truth/fact if it is altered changed aka revised changed with no burden of facts?
Im curious, since most of you don't believe the scriptures.. what can we do to get our own rulership in this earth? or are we totally content with being under subjection to another man? honestly, whats yall solution? how do we get out of this? whats the nationality and true heritage of those negros who were put on those ships? somebody give me something. Paint the picture for me.
again by using action reactions and adverse effects and repercussions. whether you choose to accept it or not all ppl in some facet practice and know this to be true. You don't need scriptures to know you need air/water to sustain life... yea you could unproven and non factually attribute it to religion god etc... but facts remain to prove that it isn't so. Same can be said with other aspects of life, be it drugs/alcohol use, unprotected sex...so on and so forth.

you don't need a scripture etc... to know unprotected non committed sex is wrong, if this was true and was based on a heaven/hell right and wrong system black women who lead the way in terms of devout religious beliefs wouldn't also lead in std's and bastard babies but they do... and why is that simple as pointed before, not having a true understanding of actions/reactions and the repercussions of said actions.

Its why programs like scared str8 is in effect. if it worked the other way around ppl would just send folks off the convents churches...but they don't, and why...because it just reinforce the same ole same

knowledge and understanding of unprotected sex and having a true deeply rooted understanding of this can lead to stds and bastard babies aka like vast majority of Asian Americans have the lowest %'s of both.

that same train of thought is applicable to all parts of life. there is no need for right/wrong religious ramifications to know child molestation is wrong... having a deeply rooted understanding and foundations of the act and the repercussions of said acts is proven/effective... if it was the other way around their wouldn't be so many religious head figures who perform said acts...

so on and so forth... Also just as the old saying goes, if you keep on doing what you did, you'll keep on getting what you got. And the numbers facts show this. The big issue with blacks is they take isolated incidents often times themselves aka testimony and justify the means...aka religion isn't bad cause nothing bad etc...has happen to me, ignoring the fact that the vast majority who follow it has.

It would be no different then a heavy drug user justifying crack/cocaine, saying it isn't harmful/bad because well they aren't a crackhead... they aint out displaying crackish ways... their lives aren't in turmoil so therefore it isn't bad...being completely dismissive of the overwhelmingly majority who do suffer and it does destroy ruin their lives.

aka the single black mother aka miss independent who justifies it isn't harmful to their children because they kids made it... but ignoring the fact for every household that made it is like hers, 5 others not so lucky. its that denial... that well it worked for me, and if it didn't work for them ol well aint me, or they must didn't believe hard enough/practice/follow hard enough. Hell even a broken clock stuck on 12.00 is gonna be right at least two times a day, doesn't mean its accurate/true in telling time. But it does appear as such if the only time you look at the clock is at 12:00
im sure there are a bunch of people that have ideas for plans of action to help fix the problems you identified in your post, some may be good ideas some bad and a bunch inbetween. but the important part is they are plans of action, as in a person or group of people have to actually do something for things to change (this applies to every society shift in human history). sitting around reading scriptures and thinking "oh god has a plan, god will fix this because the bible says so!" leads to complacency. im no expert on social change so if someone has an idea for how to change american society i may not be able to properly evaluate it and come up with an accurate prediction on if the plan will work or not,[COLOR=#red] but i am 100% certain that waiting for god to carry out his plan is not going to change anything[/COLOR], scriptures are nothing but white lies put in place so that people wont challenge the status quo because they think god will end up doing the work for them

Sure. :smile:
im sure there are a bunch of people that have ideas for plans of action to help fix the problems you identified in your post, some may be good ideas some bad and a bunch inbetween. but the important part is they are plans of action, as in a person or group of people have to actually do something for things to change (this applies to every society shift in human history). sitting around reading scriptures and thinking "oh god has a plan, god will fix this because the bible says so!" leads to complacency. im no expert on social change so if someone has an idea for how to change american society i may not be able to properly evaluate it and come up with an accurate prediction on if the plan will work or not, but i am 100% certain that waiting for god to carry out his plan is not going to change anything, scriptures are nothing but white lies put in place so that people wont challenge the status quo because they think god will end up doing the work for them
african americans have been waiting for hundreds of years bro, i guess god must have missed his train and is still running late
mostly because they especially as of late try to do any and everything to disassociate themselves from their root culture... Granted most came from slavery... but in large part black ppl are one of the few ppl who look down, shun or completely dismiss anything that remotely connects them to where they come from. In fact many times and many are completely ignorant an actually make fun of and mock their culture.

Hell you add that and many black folks white man daddy syndrome....aka how often times black show/give respect to whites while make ppl of their own earn it, then with black women basically the only group of ppl who change their outer appearance to resemble whites, and you add many of the dudes follow because of the ramped single mother epidemic... Then you equate it in most part is used by blacks well but not limited to blacks as  mean of explaining things they cannot understand or choose not to gain knowledge of, to justify actions, to be remissive and avoidance of ownership and personal responsibility for actions and events in life....a cooping mechanism.,,, etc so on and so forth.

In most part very few are true christians if you look at it and its practices...in large part vast majority are convenient christians .. aka ill follow this part cause it coincides with what I wanna do, ill listen take heed to this part cause then I don't have to use logic/knowledge for certain events.... I practice or will subscribe to this passage etc... if it meets this certain agenda, allows me to not take personal responsibility for something they have done..aka pray to god and ask for forgiveness aka get out of jail free card.

its not a coincidence most blacks get all holier then thou after serving time, or the high number of Christian black women coincide with the high number of single back mothers...

Also it isn't a coincidence that the most oppressed, distraught deprived ppl/nations in the world are the most religious, it isn't a coincidence the places with the highest crime rates, porn, unwed babies, low test scores, lowest pay scales...overweightness so on and so forth are the most religious places.

cause instead of owning up, improving and growing, advancing, etc... its much easier to say god knows my heart, or be in denial/ignorance or avoidance and this is what religion and in most part does for blacks. its a distraction tool more or less. its a justifier, its a pompous way of avoiding saying I don't know, its a social acceptance to being ignorant to things. Its the ultimate whatever, I don't have to explain myself, talk to the hand, im not gonna explain myself, I don't know, get out of jail trump card....
At the end of the day you guys are arguing over the dumbest crap ever, lol why aren't people makin threads about Hispanics practicing Catholicism?

Doesn't matter your religious beliefs only way blacks will make it hot of their situation is group economics. Doesn't matter if you believe in cows and du rags, which is what kills me about these athiest cats and super religious cats, you all are what's wrong with the black community because you spend all your time debating idiotc stuff that means nothing at the end of the day. When Asians come to America their focus is education and group economics, they aren't marching for minority rights or any of that stuff because it means nothing. You can have all the rights in the world but if you have Zero economic power your voice is useless.

We as blacks are so damn concerned with what everyone else does we miss the big picture. What does it matter if someone practices Christianity? Half these dudes are just trying to debate and debunk religion as a whole. I'm like to you atheist if your life is so much better ad complete without religion why is it you all have some die hard vendetta to pop up in ever thread to criticize anyone who believes otherwise?

At the end of the day you all on both sides will be debating over something that means nothig. Who cares where Islam or Christianity started or if any of that stuff is real? How does any of this solve the issues in the community?
african americans have been waiting for hundreds of years bro, i guess god must have missed his train and is still running late

Everything needs to happen at the snap of a finger? Its like yall cant seem to comprehend that everything needs to happen accordingly.

From the wicked slavery used to build up an empire and sustain it, to the loss of your heritage.. those events can't happen in a weeks time, friend. The most High ain't operating on your time buddy. :smh: Yall should consider yallselves lucky to be alive in this time period, where this truth, knowledge and understanding is at your fingertips... but nope, instead you reject it at probably the most crucial time period: the end. :x

W/e though.. some of you just won't get it and very few will, that spiritual eye yall speak so highly of don't exist in a number of you, need to decalcify that pineal gland :lol:.. to those dudes who have PM'ed me.. I got yall with the info :smokin
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luckyluchiano luckyluchiano

Because all the issues of the community have a source. That source tends to be the people who started Christianity. I agree that most people who talk about this get caught in the semantics, but for anyone whose actually looking for a cure no stone should be left unturned.
At the end of the day you guys are arguing over the dumbest crap ever, lol why aren't people makin threads about Hispanics practicing Catholicism?

Doesn't matter your religious beliefs only way blacks will make it hot of their situation is group economics. Doesn't matter if you believe in cows and du rags, which is what kills me about these athiest cats and super religious cats, you all are what's wrong with the black community because you spend all your time debating idiotc stuff that means nothing at the end of the day. When Asians come to America their focus is education and group economics, they aren't marching for minority rights or any of that stuff because it means nothing. You can have all the rights in the world but if you have Zero economic power your voice is useless.

We as blacks are so damn concerned with what everyone else does we miss the big picture. What does it matter if someone practices Christianity? Half these dudes are just trying to debate and debunk religion as a whole. I'm like to you atheist if your life is so much better ad complete without religion why is it you all have some die hard vendetta to pop up in ever thread to criticize anyone who believes otherwise?

At the end of the day you all on both sides will be debating over something that means nothig. Who cares where Islam or Christianity started or if any of that stuff is real? How does any of this solve the issues in the community?
there is a huge difference between asian immigrants and african americans, asian immigrants have more social leverage because if they dont like america they still have a home to go back to. cant say that about african americans
african americans have been waiting for hundreds of years bro, i guess god must have missed his train and is still running late
Everything needs to happen at the snap of a finger? Its like yall cant seem to comprehend that everything needs to happen accordingly.

From the wicked slavery used to build up an empire and sustain it, to the loss of your heritage.. those events can't happen in a weeks time, friend. The most High ain't operating on your time buddy.
Yall should consider yallselves lucky to be alive in this time period, where this truth, knowledge and understanding is at your fingertips... but nope, instead you reject it at probably the most crucial time period: the end.

W/e though.. some of you just won't get it and very few will, that spiritual eye yall speak so highly of don't exist in a number of you, need to decalcify that pineal gland
.. to those dudes who have PM'ed me.. I got yall with the info
so what you're saying is god wont do anything until im long gone because he likes to take his time with things? no reason to take any of this stuff seriously if it wont have any effect on my life
Just wanna point out that this thread is a perfect example of the state of confusion and ignorance I'm discussing. To my man who said we need to to focus on the community, economics etc. That is a perfect example how we've been molded to put the focus on the body rather then the spirit.
At the end of the day you guys are arguing over the dumbest crap ever, lol why aren't people makin threads about Hispanics practicing Catholicism?

Doesn't matter your religious beliefs only way blacks will make it hot of their situation is group economics. Doesn't matter if you believe in cows and du rags, which is what kills me about these athiest cats and super religious cats, you all are what's wrong with the black community because you spend all your time debating idiotc stuff that means nothing at the end of the day. When Asians come to America their focus is education and group economics, they aren't marching for minority rights or any of that stuff because it means nothing. You can have all the rights in the world but if you have Zero economic power your voice is useless.

We as blacks are so damn concerned with what everyone else does we miss the big picture. What does it matter if someone practices Christianity? Half these dudes are just trying to debate and debunk religion as a whole. I'm like to you atheist if your life is so much better ad complete without religion why is it you all have some die hard vendetta to pop up in ever thread to criticize anyone who believes otherwise?

At the end of the day you all on both sides will be debating over something that means nothig. Who cares where Islam or Christianity started or if any of that stuff is real? How does any of this solve the issues in the community?
and how do you suppose you gain knowledge... by being informed...? if your clouded filled with fallacies aka religion etc... and as the test scores iq show not a lot of room for the other...

intellect/knowledge leads to success aka economic power... as the saying goes a fool and his money should be parted... again look aat the numbers stats...

as I said ppl take individual accounts... aka like you said if atheist lives are so good why such and such bs... it isn't about individuals its about as a whole... less religious ppl are more successful, are more intellectual, and as a whole also live less destructive lives... the numbers facts back it up.

as far as not knowing history origins...lol gotta say that was quite stupid... if you don't know where you been its hard to know how to get where your going... understanding the past expounding on it, and using it to advance/grow is the very foundation of education which leads to economic growth so on and so forth...

Every form of advancement in life is based on a foundations an rigin, understanding and gaining full knowledge of it, reflecting from it and using it as a means of advancement...

You think the person who iuno invented the tablet had no prior knowledge of cpu's etc... and how they work? That it just popped up in their head and it just came into fruition? It took them looking at past/history origins of processors etc... gaining knowledge/understanding of such and using that to advance thus coming up with the tablet.

You say Asian americans come and advance etc.... why is this because they use logic/knowledge reflect on the history origins aspects of the past that advanced them and use it as a building block to grow and move forward... so your whole point of well the past and having a historical retrospect and knowledge is moot. Its that very foundation that is why they excel.
so what you're saying is god wont do anything until im long gone because he likes to take his time with things? no reason to take any of this stuff seriously if it wont have any effect on my life

The most High ain't dealing with "individuals" as much as you like to think that :lol:.. this ain't about you, how selfish can you be? The scriptures are about NATIONS of people beginning with the nation of Israel and the heathen nations. Yall wonder why yall catch so much hell on this Earth "to whom much is given, much is expected".. theres a spirit in yall every other nation on this Earth wish they had.. "everybody wants to be a *****, but nobody wanna be a *****".. you ever wonder why? it aint cuz of ya smooth brown skin pleighboi :lol:

Man I wish we could have a skype debate going or something.. this is fun, the typing part, not so much :x
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so what you're saying is god wont do anything until im long gone because he likes to take his time with things? no reason to take any of this stuff seriously if it wont have any effect on my life

I think what's he saying you are god, and until you decide it nothing is gonna happen. Not saying that as a personal attack, but more so as a challenge to make people realize how strong they are.

To speak on the time piece, lets put things into perspective. If the "devil" knows his time is up, or coming to an end it makes sense in my mind that he would be quick to point out "god" is late to sustain that state of disbelief. One thing to consider is no one really knows what date it is. Europeans have hijacked the calendar and messed it up so bad some think the actual date may be closer to the 18th century. That's a narrow minded perspective but for people who want prophecy to happen to a T, there's a bone. From a mature perspective, time is infinite and an illusion. The universe is trillions of years old. Check out the brahmas if you really want look at time different. At any rate, The original people have been here since the beginning. So if it takes plus/minus a few hundred years for prophecy to happen.... Were literally talking micro seconds in terms of the universe
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