Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

As far as what I've encountered from my experiences a lot of black people might say they're religious because they believe in God or Heaven but for the most part they aren't really that religious that's why just about every black comedian has a joke about not seeing people until Easter or Christmas because for the most part that's the only time they're going :lol:

I feel what a lot of y'all dudes are saying for the most part but I can't rock with some of the logic and gross generalizations

Even if blacks weren't religious at all please believe we would still lead in unwed kids, incarceration, etc. Y'all in here talking like ****** are going home to study the bible after a long day of robbing and selling work.
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At the end of the day you guys are arguing over the dumbest crap ever, lol why aren't people makin threads about Hispanics practicing Catholicism?

Doesn't matter your religious beliefs only way blacks will make it hot of their situation is group economics. Doesn't matter if you believe in cows and du rags, which is what kills me about these athiest cats and super religious cats, you all are what's wrong with the black community because you spend all your time debating idiotc stuff that means nothing at the end of the day. When Asians come to America their focus is education and group economics, they aren't marching for minority rights or any of that stuff because it means nothing. You can have all the rights in the world but if you have Zero economic power your voice is useless.

We as blacks are so damn concerned with what everyone else does we miss the big picture. What does it matter if someone practices Christianity? Half these dudes are just trying to debate and debunk religion as a whole. I'm like to you atheist if your life is so much better ad complete without religion why is it you all have some die hard vendetta to pop up in ever thread to criticize anyone who believes otherwise?

At the end of the day you all on both sides will be debating over something that means nothing. Who cares where Islam or Christianity started or if any of that stuff is real? How does any of this solve the issues in the community?

that's a very valid point, because in terms of the largest groups that had christianity shoved down their throats it's blacks and latinos. I traveled to Peru a few weeks back and it was crazy how systematic the conquistadors used Christianity to flex their muscle. I'm talking tearing down actual spiritual structures of the Incas and purposely building churches over them. Purposely building churches taller than the structures. Similar to what happened in Haiti and Brazil, as well as Louisiana however they kinda created their own blended version of Christianity. Still, there would be no need for a "blended" version if they were simply left to believe it what they wanted to believe in.

It does matter if someone practices Christianity cuz a lot of people use Christianity as a crutch... or they use it to stop them for really moving forward cuz it will all be "left up to God" anyway. No. No, it won't. Why you think slave masters pushed that whole "the meek shall inherit the earth" and "suffer in this life so you can excel in the after-life" stuff? To keep us docile. If you think it was for any other reason you are sadly mistaken. Christianity was used as a tool, not of salvation, but to further their dominance.
so what you're saying is god wont do anything until im long gone because he likes to take his time with things? no reason to take any of this stuff seriously if it wont have any effect on my life
I think what's he saying you are god, and until you decide it nothing is gonna happen. Not saying that as a personal attack, but more so as a challenge to make people realize how strong they are.

To speak on the time piece, lets put things into perspective. If the "devil" knows his time is up, or coming to an end it makes sense in my mind that he would be quick to point out "god" is late to sustain that state of disbelief. One thing to consider is no one really knows what date it is. Europeans have hijacked the calendar and messed it up so bad some think the actual date may be closer to the 18th century. That's a narrow minded perspective but for people who want prophecy to happen to a T, there's a bone. From a mature perspective, time is infinite and an illusion. The universe is trillions of years old. Check out the brahmas if you really want look at time different. At any rate, The original people have been here since the beginning. So if it takes plus/minus a few hundred years for prophecy to happen.... Were literally talking micro seconds in terms of the universe
this is all assuming that god and the devil (whatever definitions you have for them, whether it be a dude in the sky or a combination of everyone's spiritual sides) are real and that the prophecy, whatever it may be is also real. there are a million different religions in the world each with their own prophecies, how do we know which ones are the right ones or are they all made up. yes, in the grand scheme of things humans have been living for only a tiny fraction of history. we are powerful enough to do amazing things but at the same time a grain of sand on the beach that is the universe. when taking the size and age of the universe in consideration it is extremely selfcentered for anyone to actually think that out of all time and all space everything was created for man and that there is a god who made all this possible just for man
Why are there so many atheists on this board? Always wondered. I know only 1-2 offline, but it's like every single person on here is one...

Here's one answer why...

Americans Losing Religion Due to Internet, Education, Says New Study


...increases in college education and the use of the Internet have resulted in a significant drop in religious affiliation of Americans over the last two decades.

Here's the study. Good read.

this is all assuming that god and the devil (whatever definitions you have for them, whether it be a dude in the sky or a combination of everyone's spiritual sides) are real and that the prophecy, whatever it may be is also real. there are a million different religions in the world each with their own prophecies, how do we know which ones are the right ones or are they all made up. yes, in the grand scheme of things humans have been living for only a tiny fraction of history. we are powerful enough to do amazing things but at the same time a grain of sand on the beach that is the universe. when taking the size and age of the universe in consideration it is extremely selfcentered for anyone to actually think that out of all time and all space everything was created for man and that there is a god who made all this possible just for man

Humans haven't been living for a tiny fraction of time though. We've been here since the beginning. White people have a very infant like history and refer to my earlier post to see why. Not only have blacks been on this planet longer then they say, but we've been all over the universe to. The one thing about all these million religions is they come from one. If you're willing to put in the time to study it I believe any rational mind will agree.
this is all assuming that god and the devil (whatever definitions you have for them, whether it be a dude in the sky or a combination of everyone's spiritual sides) are real and that the prophecy, whatever it may be is also real. there are a million different religions in the world each with their own prophecies, how do we know which ones are the right ones or are they all made up. yes, in the grand scheme of things humans have been living for only a tiny fraction of history. we are powerful enough to do amazing things but at the same time a grain of sand on the beach that is the universe. when taking the size and age of the universe in consideration it is extremely selfcentered for anyone to actually think that out of all time and all space everything was created for man and that there is a god who made all this possible just for man
Humans haven't been living for a tiny fraction of time though. We've been here since the beginning. White people have a very infant like history and refer to my earlier post to see why. Not only have blacks been on this planet longer then they say, but we've been all over the universe to. The one thing about all these million religions is they come from one. If you're willing to put in the time to study it I believe any rational mind will agree.
and what makes you think this is true?
Humans haven't been living for a tiny fraction of time though. We've been here since the beginning. White people have a very infant like history and refer to my earlier post to see why. Not only have blacks been on this planet longer then they say, but we've been all over the universe to. The one thing about all these million religions is they come from one. If you're willing to put in the time to study it I believe any rational mind will agree.
You just ruffled some feathers. I'm w/ you 100% tho.
As far as what I've encountered from my experiences a lot of black people might say they're religious because they believe in God or Heaven but for the most part they aren't really that religious that's why just about every black comedian has a joke about not seeing people until Easter or Christmas because for the most part that's the only time they're going

I feel what a lot of y'all dudes are saying for the most part but I can't rock with some of the logic and gross generalizations

Even if blacks weren't religious at all please believe we would still lead in unwed kids, incarceration, etc. Y'all in here talking like ****** are going home to study the bible after a long day of robbing and selling work.
logic is factual and proven... so to not rock with facts..is well its just that...and how is it generalizations if its proven FACTS. even if you just look at the usa... blacks again lead in religious devotion... with the south strong arming the way... the south has the highest rates in terms of blacks of unwed kids, crimes, strip clubs, lowest in standardized testing and iq scores... how is that a generalizations... that's like saying if I shoot 2 of 10 from the 3 its a generalization to say I don't make half my 3's.... and I miss more then I make and that im a poor 3 point shooter.

And as far as running home studying bible etc... maybe not but the lack of ownership, acceptance of responsibility, and suffering no real ramifications outside some unproven smite from god hell etc.. add to the fact the god knows my heart, ask for forgiveness and all is washed away and forgotten does give ppl an excuse an justification to do what they do. couple that with a lack of morality/ actions/reactions and ramifications and yes it does lead to ohing/robbing/ etc... if I went out and made babies left and right and didn't understand the reactions and repercussions of doing so, and add to that I was praised aka the babies are a blessing what would prevent me from going out and making babies...? NOTHING

If you took a kid and didn't show them the underlying repercussions and the direct/indirect results of stealing...and only gave them a right/wrong heaven/hell reward/punishment system which is unproven and is only displayed with physical threats aka whoppings... once the whoppings are gone, and all is left is a unproven punishment, and a old punishment that no longer is there... whats to prevent the acts to occur? NOTHING thus why it occurs.

Its like the kid who threatens bullies you with words and threats etc.. an yet is unproven. Once you see that dude cant fight, and the fear is gone...you be less then inclined to hand over your lunch money.

religion in the black community in many instances is a tool used to avoid instilling actions ramifications, and repercussions and instead use reward/punishment based on an ideal and a unknown unproven fear...aka scare tactics its a difference in making good grades because you understand the key role education plays in advancement of life and sustainability versus, making good grades or else getting a whooping/doing wrong going to hell, if you don't, and getting a treat reward if you do. the whoopings aren't gonna work forever, and the fear factor that is hell is unproven.. The poverty rates, the lack of net worth, the bastard babies, the high crime rate, etc... is the proven factually results that are often ignored with god knows my heart...ill just pray and itll make it better, its ok it is fine how things are cause there is a better unknown/unproven place of utopia for me.
I know I did. And I know I speak the truth.

But to keep it simple check out the Dogon spirituality system. Plain as day tells us that we come from the sirius star system. Our sun is actually revolving around another sun which is our home planet. To back up my claims check out how they have star maps and knowledge of the universe that far exceeded what the western man was capable of at the time.

Again this goes back to what I was saying about our minds constantly put in a state of disbelief. When people find out their true history the ego automatically rejects because it can't grasps the beauty and eloquence of the souls true essence.

For anyone that disagrees with me or my claims ill gladly go to toe to
and how do you suppose you gain knowledge... by being informed...? if your clouded filled with fallacies aka religion etc... and as the test scores iq show not a lot of room for the other...

intellect/knowledge leads to success aka economic power... as the saying goes a fool and his money should be parted... again look aat the numbers stats...

as I said ppl take individual accounts... aka like you said if atheist lives are so good why such and such bs... it isn't about individuals its about as a whole... less religious ppl are more successful, are more intellectual, and as a whole also live less destructive lives... the numbers facts back it up.

as far as not knowing history origins...lol gotta say that was quite stupid... if you don't know where you been its hard to know how to get where your going... understanding the past expounding on it, and using it to advance/grow is the very foundation of education which leads to economic growth so on and so forth...

Every form of advancement in life is based on a foundations an rigin, understanding and gaining full knowledge of it, reflecting from it and using it as a means of advancement...

You think the person who iuno invented the tablet had no prior knowledge of cpu's etc... and how they work? That it just popped up in their head and it just came into fruition? It took them looking at past/history origins of processors etc... gaining knowledge/understanding of such and using that to advance thus coming up with the tablet.

You say Asian americans come and advance etc.... why is this because they use logic/knowledge reflect on the history origins aspects of the past that advanced them and use it as a building block to grow and move forward... so your whole point of well the past and having a historical retrospect and knowledge is moot. Its that very foundation that is why they excel.

Bruh religion ain't got nothing to do with nothig, that's the case why are Nigerians that practice Islam and Christianity out performing mos Americans as a whole academically and economically? Faith has nothing todo with economics point blank. Quit trying to disbunk religion and look at the bigger picture. Blacks as a whole need to focus on creating a new code of honor as a whole and working together economically point blank. A black American finding out his ancestors come from Angola isn't gonna do anything, sure it's nice he finally knows his direct origins but how is this gonna create jobs in black areas to improve economic conditions?

All you dudes whether religious or athiest are all idiots missing the bigger picture. You want to call the other person sheep while at the end of the day you are all slaves working 9-5s for the people who oppress you and spend all of your money making them richer instead of investing it in your own communities.
this thread screams hypocrisy....i don't even know fam...i'm out....some interested notes, but too much for me....I'm out...
so do you follow and do as all the bible entails... ?

I try to live in accordance with the new testament. I disregard the old testament because I'm not Jewish. Gentiles are included in the new testament so thats what counts. There isn't much to debate in the new testament. Its more about reconciliation.
Damb. This thread jumped

Can someone give me a general assessment of the vibe and responses of the thread?
and how do you suppose you gain knowledge... by being informed...? if your clouded filled with fallacies aka religion etc... and as the test scores iq show not a lot of room for the other...

intellect/knowledge leads to success aka economic power... as the saying goes a fool and his money should be parted... again look aat the numbers stats...

as I said ppl take individual accounts... aka like you said if atheist lives are so good why such and such bs... it isn't about individuals its about as a whole... less religious ppl are more successful, are more intellectual, and as a whole also live less destructive lives... the numbers facts back it up.

as far as not knowing history origins...lol gotta say that was quite stupid... if you don't know where you been its hard to know how to get where your going... understanding the past expounding on it, and using it to advance/grow is the very foundation of education which leads to economic growth so on and so forth...

Every form of advancement in life is based on a foundations an rigin, understanding and gaining full knowledge of it, reflecting from it and using it as a means of advancement...

You think the person who iuno invented the tablet had no prior knowledge of cpu's etc... and how they work? That it just popped up in their head and it just came into fruition? It took them looking at past/history origins of processors etc... gaining knowledge/understanding of such and using that to advance thus coming up with the tablet.

You say Asian americans come and advance etc.... why is this because they use logic/knowledge reflect on the history origins aspects of the past that advanced them and use it as a building block to grow and move forward... so your whole point of well the past and having a historical retrospect and knowledge is moot. Its that very foundation that is why they excel.

Bruh religion ain't got nothing to do with nothig, that's the case why are Nigerians that practice Islam and Christianity out performing mos Americans as a whole academically and economically? Faith has nothing todo with economics point blank. Quit trying to disbunk religion and look at the bigger picture. Blacks as a whole need to focus on creating a new code of honor as a whole and working together economically point blank. A black American finding out his ancestors come from Angola isn't gonna do anything, sure it's nice he finally knows his direct origins but how is this gonna create jobs in black areas to improve economic conditions?

All you dudes whether religious or athiest are all idiots missing the bigger picture. You want to call the other person sheep while at the end of the day you are all slaves working 9-5s for the people who oppress you and spend all of your money making them richer instead of investing it in your own communities.

Exactly. Dude is writing essays about nothing saying regions of religious followers tend to be poor and uneducated. Correlation does not imply causation
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