Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

I try to live in accordance with the new testament. I disregard the old testament because I'm not Jewish. Gentiles are included in the new testament so thats what counts. There isn't much to debate in the new testament. Its more about reconciliation.
didn't say try I said do you do either yes you do, or no you don't... its the same with any other questions....sure there maybe grey matter thus my point aka justification/excuse for not...ala I ask for forgiveness... god knows my heart, im deep down a good person etc... anyway you slice it your are not... you just try to be and try to use it as a barometer for right and wrong. Which is no different then what you attest you did not do... You can express use any verbage you wish, still doesn't change the fact that you indeed do not follow with the ways of Christianity...

Imagine if we took this way of thinking into practition of other facets of life... aka your physician say oh im a doctor... um no I don't have a liscence and no I don't follow all the procedures per sey... but I do them sometimes ..or a cop that says well nah I didn't past the academy, nor have knowledge of the law fully...but I don't just random kill ppl, I follow part of the law, or the law to which works for me and what I wanna do...(ie old vs. new testament) I I try to uphold the law... and if it is parts I don't agree with, or don't feel works for me, then f it its all good so long as im sorry for what I did.

If society which often times it does ran like this, we would have the problems in which we do now. imagine judges only following some of the law, taking it and interpreting it as they see fit to fulfill their agenda... what if they justified did as they will on some well forget about the ramifications/repercussions they will implicit now... cause itll all work out somehow someway...based on unproven things outside of the law.

How can you justify have an excuse/safe bet pass on your life and your actions, yet will hold others of certain position to a much higher concrete standard?
I don't follow all tenets of the bible..I pick and choose which I like, absolutely no reason to follow it all, some doesn't make sense, especially in 2014.

I don't think old dude above me knows how professional world works, lawyers and judges pick and choose what laws apply to their case, Doctors pick and choose which medical laws they follow, etc. nothing is all or nothing, that's a terrible way to conduct your life, you can't follow every rule in the book, for example, still on the books, in Missouri it's illegal to have oral sex...like I respect state laws but I do like giving/receiving oral sex homie.
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Bruh religion ain't got nothing to do with nothig, that's the case why are Nigerians that practice Islam and Christianity out performing mos Americans as a whole academically and economically? Faith has nothing todo with economics point blank. Quit trying to disbunk religion and look at the bigger picture. Blacks as a whole need to focus on creating a new code of honor as a whole and working together economically point blank. A black American finding out his ancestors come from Angola isn't gonna do anything, sure it's nice he finally knows his direct origins but how is this gonna create jobs in black areas to improve economic conditions?

All you dudes whether religious or athiest are all idiots missing the bigger picture. You want to call the other person sheep while at the end of the day you are all slaves working 9-5s for the people who oppress you and spend all of your money making them richer instead of investing it in your own communities.
one they aren't using it as a crutch and as a will to be less than subservant... 2nd they still in terms of religious followings far less then a.a. be it 50% to 83% which further proves my point... I could see if it was 90% you would have a valid point. So by saying ok they have lower religious rate then us and a more profound knowledge and understanding of who they are and understanding actions/reactions is exactly what I said... SO um you not making any sense.

And again you forget that those Nigerians as well as others progress based on a foundation aka that is in the past aka history... that was deeply rooted in prosperity and growth and advancement and improvement of their ppl... Please show me how that has occurred if you reflect on African americans history and their adaptation of Christianity?

Um 2nd I don't work for anyone im self employed own my own house...and not on some I pay a mortgage but own as in I am the holder of the deed... 2nd if you wanna look at contributions to the community jewish based religions far exceed in terms of community uplift and improvement of the community...

To be honest name one predominate black area of poverty, low educations and I promise you it'll have more churches then universities.

top 5 peaceful least crime areas in the world...




hong kong


also might add have the lowest Christianity following with hong kong at 12% being the highest...

top 5 crime areas of the usa


st louis




highest cities with black Christian followings






I could go on and on and I wont even throw in the education and standardized test rates to which it will reflect the same thing. If you wanna call it a coincidence ok yea sure... But us logically ppl call it irrefutable stat proven facts.
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I don't follow all tenets of the bible..I pick and choose which I like, absolutely no reason to follow it all, some doesn't make sense, especially in 2014.

I don't think old dude above me knows how professional world works, lawyers and judges pick and choose what laws apply to their case, Doctors pick and choose which medical laws they follow, etc. nothing is all or nothing, that's a terrible way to conduct your life, you can't follow every rule in the book, for example, still on the books, in Missouri it's illegal to have oral sex...like I respect state laws but I do like giving/receiving oral sex homie.
so ok you just proved my point you use logic and rhyme and reason... same thing everyone else is saying you just attribute it to scriptures and religion sometimes, and when it just irrefutable logic you use that in others...
so do you follow and do as all the bible entails... ?

I try to live in accordance with the new testament. I disregard the old testament because I'm not Jewish. Gentiles are included in the
didn't say try I said do you do either yes you do, or no you don't... its the same with any other questions....sure there maybe grey matter thus my point aka justification/excuse for not...ala I ask for forgiveness... god knows my heart, im deep down a good person etc... anyway you slice it your are not... you just try to be and try to use it as a barometer for right and wrong. Which is no different then what you attest you did not do... You can express use any verbage you wish, still doesn't change the fact that you indeed do not follow with the ways of Christianity...

Imagine if we took this way of thinking into practition of other facets of life... aka your physician say oh im a doctor... um no I don't have a liscence and no I don't follow all the procedures per sey... but I do them sometimes ..or a cop that says well nah I didn't past the academy, nor have knowledge of the law fully...but I don't just random kill ppl, I follow part of the law, or the law to which works for me and what I wanna do...(ie old vs. new testament) I I try to uphold the law... and if it is parts I don't agree with, or don't feel works for me, then f it its all good so long as im sorry for what I did.

If society which often times it does ran like this, we would have the problems in which we do now. imagine judges only following some of the law, taking it and interpreting it as they see fit to fulfill their agenda... what if they justified did as they will on some well forget about the ramifications/repercussions they will implicit now... cause itll all work out somehow someway...based on unproven things outside of the law.

How can you justify have an excuse/safe bet pass on your life and your actions, yet will hold others of certain position to a much higher concrete standard?

It's clear to me what I'm dealing with now. You don't understand what Christianity is about. The Old Testament is the story of God's chosen people the Isrealites. He chose them as an example, for them to reveal who he was and what he was about. God made the law in a way which pleased Him and asked the Isrealites to follow them; however, it was only a PART of a plan. The purpose of the old testament laws were basically to show them that they couldn't keep all of them and His grace is the only way to be saved. He spelled everything out for them and they just couldn't keep it together. It is for this reason that we have Christianity. Christ came as God's own sacrifice on behalf of man. That's why he had to live perfectly so that he would be blamelessly crucified and a suitable offering to the Lord.
you do or you don't, there is no try? if everyone could follow every law there wouldn't be a need for a Savior in the first place. I don't justify my actions if they are wrong, I turn away from them but the new testament is a process. It's learning. No one is born perfect. And I don't hold others to any standard at all. I love God and I love my neighbor as I would myself. The other religions hold THEMSELVES to those standards. Christians try and spread the good news that God saves by grace and belief in Him. Not by the laws and rules. You don't have the correct understanding of modern evangelism.
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I'm not finna read/believe nothing where 75% of it requires a strike through. Then in the remaining 25% you still gotta strike through some of that. If something is true then it is true throughout time. You shouldn't have to disregard the vast majority of it.

Like I swear to everything if the bible was just a NORMAL piece of literature/reading people would read it and be like "*****?"
one they aren't using it as a crutch and as a will to be less than subservant... 2nd they still in terms of religious followings far less then a.a. be it 50% to 83% which further proves my point... I could see if it was 90% you would have a valid point. So by saying ok they have lower religious rate then us and a more profound knowledge and understanding of who they are and understanding actions/reactions is exactly what I said... SO um you not making any sense.

And again you forget that those Nigerians as well as others progress based on a foundation aka that is in the past aka history... that was deeply rooted in prosperity and growth and advancement and improvement of their ppl... Please show me how that has occurred if you reflect on African americans history and their adaptation of Christianity?

Um 2nd I don't work for anyone im self employed own my own house...and not on some I pay a mortgage but own as in I am the holder of the deed... 2nd if you wanna look at contributions to the community jewish based religions far exceed in terms of community uplift and improvement of the community...

To be honest name one predominate black area of poverty, low educations and I promise you it'll have more churches then universities.

top 5 peaceful least crime areas in the world...

hong kong

also might add have the lowest Christianity following with hong kong at 12% being the highest...

top 5 crime areas of the usa

st louis

highest cities with black Christian followings


I could go on and on and I wont even throw in the education and standardized test rates to which it will reflect the same thing. If you wanna call it a coincidence ok yea sure... But us logically ppl call it irrefutable stat proven facts.
wee-bey.gif x 12...

Along with 4 Alonzo.gifs and a couple maselaughing.gifs
I try to live in accordance with the new testament. I disregard the old testament because I'm not Jewish. Gentiles are included in the
It's clear to me what I'm dealing with now. You don't understand what Christianity is about. The Old Testament is the story of God's chosen people the Isrealites. He chose them as an example, for them to reveal who he was and what he was about. God made the law in a way which pleased Him and asked the Isrealites to follow them; however, it was only a PART of a plan. The purpose of the old testament laws were basically to show them that they couldn't keep all of them and His grace is the only way to be saved. He spelled everything out for them and they just couldn't keep it together. It is for this reason that we have Christianity. Christ came as God's own sacrifice on behalf of man. That's why he had to live perfectly so that he would be blamelessly crucified and a suitable offering to the Lord.
you do or you don't, there is no try? if everyone could follow every law there wouldn't be a need for a Savior in the first place. I don't justify my actions if they are wrong, I turn away from them but the new testament is a process. It's learning. No one is born perfect. And I don't hold others to any standard at all. I love God and I love my neighbor as I would myself. The other religions hold THEMSELVES to those standards. Christians try and spread the good news that God saves by grace and belief in Him. Not by the laws and rules. You don't have the correct understanding of modern evangelism.
ok and show credence and evidence of the good it does as it pertains to African americans... Not on some oh well for me, or on some well I believe some concrete factual credence of evidence. Ala like oxygen and water is needed to sustain life.... irrefutable roofs. Also provide any proof factual evidence that the current version practices in which a.a. practice Christianity was followed post slavery.

Um the good lol it is historical the main contributor for most of the ills and wrongs and injustices throughout history especially with African americans.

And again I like how ppl get they puffy on and remake and remix the bible and update it for their own agenda.. Show me the scripture that says you should follow this but also update it as needed to coincide with facts. Hell show me the scripture that says you should believe concentrate follow or take to heart one testament over the other...

hell even on its merits and all the things you equate with good and evil god is hitler times 10X.... he makes the worsest of worse deviants and evil ppl of the world look like Gandhi... you wanna call a person who shoots up and kill a school bad... hell according to your word beliefs god on purpose wiped away and destroyed full nations entire populations of ppl.

Like in the other thread...same dude ok green lit slavery, sent bears to devour children... IS this what you deem is good? 

Do u think eating babies is good, productive.. how about molestation? you could argue god only punish those who goes against his will... but that could be said about hitler and many of others... as long as you followed and subscribed to their principles and beliefs you go unpunished... Hell god is even worse because he purposely put you in a position to be punished .. and punishes those on some despite I but u in this position hell its still your vault...

God be on some grabbing your hands and making you punch yourself and punish you for hitting yourself type steez. When you got logic like this and think that's good/moral... Its no surprise things are how they are. And its no surprise ppl are content with how things are how they are.
I'm not finna read/believe nothing where 75% of it requires a strike through. Then in the remaining 25% you still gotta strike through some of that. If something is true then it is true throughout time. You shouldn't have to disregard the vast majority of it.

Like I swear to everything if the bible was just a NORMAL piece of literature/reading people would read it and be like "*****?"
The Bible doesn't require any strike throughs. It is a complete story. There is an origin story, a plan, how the plan was carried out, what people should do to be in accordance with the plan, and a prophecy of the resolution. People just don't have the comprehension to put it all together so they take piece after piece and argue.

Bottom line: God is love. Man isn't perfect. God made it alright. Love everyone. The End. You don't have to be white to believe you need guidance and to get it from this story.
Man we need another forum, because I'm sure if I respond how I want I'll get banned. Like religion is the LEAST of our worries. Religion has nothing to do with crime, crime stems from ECONOMIC ISSUES. Blacks an Hispanics are trapped in te criminal system not because their Christians is because they are in a system that was created for them to never succeed economically point blank. Spend all your time trying to debunk irrelevant religious beliefs and your just gonna be another dumb lost black. Slavery in itself was all economics, the racism that resulted from it was created for the sole purpose of ensuring that economic system never ended. Only people arguing about religion, sexuality , etc are the poor and dumb, the rich elite oppressing us don't care if you're a Jew, Islamic, or worship spooky black, at te end of the day this is all economics.

Why do you think Obama will speak about making things happen for gay people but won't dare talk about doing things for the black community? Because Gays have economic powers and lobbyist funneling millions into politicians pockets to get their agenda placed in action. I can ensure you if blacks practiced group economics and because self reliant we could all convert to Scientology and it wouldn't damn matter because we got the money to make politicians do what we want.
ok and show credence and evidence of the good it does as it pertains to African americans... Not on some oh well for me, or on some well I believe some concrete factual credence of evidence. Ala like oxygen and water is needed to sustain life.... irrefutable roofs. Also provide any proof factual evidence that the current version practices in which a.a. practice Christianity was followed post slavery.

Um the good lol it is historical the main contributor for most of the ills and wrongs and injustices throughout history especially with African americans.

And again I like how ppl get they puffy on and remake and remix the bible and update it for their own agenda.. Show me the scripture that says you should follow this but also update it as needed to coincide with facts. Hell show me the scripture that says you should believe concentrate follow or take to heart one testament over the other...

hell even on its merits and all the things you equate with good and evil god is hitler times 10X.... he makes the worsest of worse deviants and evil ppl of the world look like Gandhi... you wanna call a person who shoots up and kill a school bad... hell according to your word beliefs god on purpose wiped away and destroyed full nations entire populations of ppl.

Like in the other thread...same dude ok green lit slavery, sent bears to devour children... IS this what you deem is good? 

Do u think eating babies is good, productive.. how about molestation? you could argue god only punish those who goes against his will... but that could be said about hitler and many of others... as long as you followed and subscribed to their principles and beliefs you go unpunished... Hell god is even worse because he purposely put you in a position to be punished .. and punishes those on some despite I but u in this position hell its still your vault...

God be on some grabbing your hands and making you punch yourself and punish you for hitting yourself type steez. When you got logic like this and think that's good/moral... Its no surprise things are how they are. And its no surprise ppl are content with how things are how they are.
Where did I mention anything about. Doing evil or being punished. Christianity isn't meant to help a specific race. It isn't about fighting or killing people who don't follow it. It is meant to guide people to a place of spiritual peace and love. When someone wrongs you, you turn the other cheek.You don't allow yourself to be sucked into hatred and anger and things that bring your spirit down into a lower realm of thinking. The punishment isn't in this world. It is in the next. It comes at the time of judgement. No matter what I do or think of you, only God has a right to judge your baby eating habits. But here's the main point. When you do those things you will judge yourself. Guilt is written on the heart of every man.
Ppl are gonna believe what they wanna believe bottom line.  Everybody has their own point of view and will gravitate towards things that support their views.  That's life.
Ppl are gonna believe what they wanna believe bottom line.  Everybody has their own point of view and will gravitate towards things that support their views.  That's life.

Word dudes who are anti religion are just as bad as the religious people they group together. Everyone is different only thing in common we have is skin color and we need to use that common thing to at least look out for the economic interest of each other. Lol Mansa Musa was a Muslim and te richest man of all time and a mighty leader, economics is why he was the king he was. I'm like so what do these anti religion guys think of the animalistic religions many native Africans think? Let me guess they attribute that to Africa being in the state it is?
people who feel the need to declare themselves atheists are just as bad as super religious folks.  u still feel that need to identify as something rather than just saying your not religious.  actually if anything they're worse since they are the ones incapable of having faith in something greater than themselves.
So having faith in some made up wizard in the sky is better than having faith in yourself? In things you can see everyday? Yea I'll pass.
As always in this type of thread there's one side using logic and common sense, making solid points and there's the other side putting their hands over their ears yelling "LALALALALALA IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT"
I disagree with Lucky Luchiano in that I believe the religion thing needs to be called out for still keeping us in shackles but he is absolutely right in that once we focus on economics, we as a people will prosper. Gotta release ourselves of the restraints tho.
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people who feel the need to declare themselves atheists are just as bad as super religious folks.  u still feel that need to identify as something rather than just saying your not religious.  actually if anything they're worse since they are the ones incapable of having faith in something greater than themselves.
you do know that saying you're an atheist and saying you're not religious are the exact same things right? like thats the literal definition of being an atheist

it would be like telling people to stop saying that they are wet and rather say that they are covered in water 
Man we need another forum, because I'm sure if I respond how I want I'll get banned. Like religion is the LEAST of our worries. Religion has nothing to do with crime, crime stems from ECONOMIC ISSUES. Blacks an Hispanics are trapped in te criminal system not because their Christians is because they are in a system that was created for them to never succeed economically point blank. Spend all your time trying to debunk irrelevant religious beliefs and your just gonna be another dumb lost black. Slavery in itself was all economics, the racism that resulted from it was created for the sole purpose of ensuring that economic system never ended. Only people arguing about religion, sexuality , etc are the poor and dumb, the rich elite oppressing us don't care if you're a Jew, Islamic, or worship spooky black, at te end of the day this is all economics.

Why do you think Obama will speak about making things happen for gay people but won't dare talk about doing things for the black community? Because Gays have economic powers and lobbyist funneling millions into politicians pockets to get their agenda placed in action. I can ensure you if blacks practiced group economics and because self reliant we could all convert to Scientology and it wouldn't damn matter because we got the money to make politicians do what we want.
not ppl who are arguing it... but ppl who are practicing it... ppl overlook that huge war that was occurring and still is the last decade or so... they end of the day are fighting over belief systems... again when the last time you seen demark at war? Australia...? The ppl who are in the know use religion to confuse control and hold down the ppl who choose to believe in it.

As far as gays again they use logic reasoning and have a foundation of knowledge and don't rely on belief... thus why they are being heard. The economic argument is dead because blacks, in terms of spending ie.... materlistic values thing ie shoes, close etc.. entertainment expenses spend twice as much as everyone else in the usa combined... Couple that with tithing  clothing for church etc..

Gays are using that much wasted money on things to progress and move forward... And it also isn't just economics... Civil right movement wasn't based on economics...and if you compare and contrast money earned then to now blacks earn more now then they ever did. So money has nothing to do with it.

Its the complacent mentality, the god will come save us, lets sit back and pray and all will be good, all will be right and all will be just is what holds blacks back. Sure other ppl may follow subscribe and be religious, but they do not use it as a scapegoat/crutch to just sit back idlewild and let things be as they be...on some because its in gods plan.

And as far as the criminal system goes again...I proved and debunked your point. once the rehabilitation and education programs were removed from the prison system and religious practice was replaced...recidivism is up to 92% in blacks... 92% Again I like how ppl take facts as coincidence the irony of it all is coincidence and unproven/non factuality is the sole basis of religious beliefs...

Aka ah the hell with facts figures and irrefutable proof, that's bs... now I want you to believe a 900 y/o man who hasn't even been proved to exist herded 2 of every creature on a boat. Nah just because the facts show the highest areas of religious practice are the most immoral and unintelligent ppl... I refuse to believe that... but you want ppl to believe some grungy white hippy was hanging 10 on waves without a board.

whats next its a coincidence we need air and water to live, and that isn't a fact proven truth? how bout carbon dioxide? The funniest thing about it all is ppl saying oh atheist which is an oxymoron kinda like how ppl use the term homophobic.. Is the whole why are we arguing etc... debating online. when according to their beliefs etc... I seriously doubt god would want you up on the internet chatting doing half the stuff your doing anyways.. Im pretty sure he would want you offline, not listening to your music, watching your tv etc... and devout more time to worshipping and studying the faith... Not when society has said or schedule you to be religious and study and practice faith aka... Sunday service, aka Bible study Wednesday so on and so forth...
So having faith in some made up wizard in the sky is better than having faith in yourself? In things you can see everyday? Yea I'll pass.
As always in this type of thread there's one side using logic and common sense, making solid points and there's the other side putting their hands over their ears yelling "LALALALALALA IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT"
I disagree with Lucky Luchiano in that I believe the religion thing needs to be called out for still keeping us in shackles but he is absolutely right in that once we focus on economics, we as a people will prosper. Gotta release ourselves of the restraints tho.

Lol yet you're still a slave to America. You pay taxes, still will e subjected to racism, still spend your money on irrelevant stuff like Nike,supreme, alcohol, weed, Etc. You're in the same slave ship as eddie long just you believe in the Big Bang theory and he believes in a mystery God.
Lol yet you're still a slave to America. You pay taxes, still will e subjected to racism, still spend your money on irrelevant stuff like Nike,supreme, alcohol, weed, Etc. You're in the same slave ship as eddie long just you believe in the Big Bang theory and he believes in a mystery God.
he uses the suckers who believe in god to keep getting paid big difference... that's like comparing the pusher to the users... not one in the same..

he usues logic reasoning and understanding to navigate thru life... his means in doing so is by fleecing the flock... no different then the dope man... he more or less the hope man.

One minute he is a cruck skimming off the top in gm in tennesse the next he doing the same thing to black folks in Atlanta...same muscle different hustle
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