wiki leaks : ufo war + 4D dimisonal Ufo on video

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

i'm not saying i don't believe what you're saying is totally wrong, i'm just saying you're annoying


Most people simply regurgitate what they were told to remember from the board of education. From A-Z pretty much our entire system of 12 derives from the ancient Sumerians. They had our solar system defined to the position,color and temperature of each planet. This Info is kept from most because it would contradict everything we were taught.  The land of Sumer is current day Iraq. Homosapiens origins are unknown to the masses but their is a bloodline of people who have this Information but choose to keep it away from the public because the church and government would lose their grip of society because society will lose their grip on life because their entire belief system would be shattered in an instant. The Sumerians claim that their knowledge was passed on to them by " the ones who fallen from above". You don't have to believe what I'm typing you can simply read a book on our first recorded civilization that is never spoken about for a reasons of control. Just do a little inquisitive investigation on our real history and it will open up so many doors that you'll have a hard time deciding what to cover next.   
Originally Posted by G14

Originally Posted by bruce negro

You do realize the 4th dimension is time.... right? So we're fighting time.... hmm... sounds great.

wrong! ...thats what the scientist say to label "time"

those beings of the 4th dimension can bend time & space as which we cant...least not yet  till we move on

4th dimension is very real  another plain you just cant see

im not here to talk to skeptics thought

you'll soon understand tho

Originally Posted by ciph4

UFOs are a scare tactic by the NWO.
 stop pls.
Originally Posted by G14

Originally Posted by bruce negro

You do realize the 4th dimension is time.... right? So we're fighting time.... hmm... sounds great.

wrong! ...thats what the scientist say to label "time"

those beings of the 4th dimension can bend time & space as which we cant...least not yet  till we move on

4th dimension is very real  another plain you just cant see

im not here to talk to skeptics thought

you'll soon understand tho

Originally Posted by ciph4

UFOs are a scare tactic by the NWO.
 stop pls.
Most people simply regurgitate what they were told to remember from the board of education. From A-Z pretty much our entire system of 12 derives from the ancient Sumerians. They had our solar system defined to the position,color and temperature of each planet. This Info is kept from most because it would contradict everything we were taught.  The land of Sumer is current day Iraq. Homosapiens origins are unknown to the masses but their is a bloodline of people who have this Information but choose to keep it away from the public because the church and government would lose their grip of society because society will lose their grip on life because their entire belief system would be shattered in an instant. The Sumerians claim that their knowledge was passed on to them by " the ones who fallen from above". You don't have to believe what I'm typing you can simply read a book on our first recorded civilization that is never spoken about for a reasons of control. Just do a little inquisitive investigation on our real history and it will open up so many doors that you'll have a hard time deciding what to cover next.   
Why do these videos always have the worst 56k quality. It's 2010, where are the HD recorders if this stuff is such a big deal?
Why do these videos always have the worst 56k quality. It's 2010, where are the HD recorders if this stuff is such a big deal?
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Most people simply regurgitate what they were told to remember from the board of education. From A-Z pretty much our entire system of 12 derives from the ancient Sumerians. They had our solar system defined to the position,color and temperature of each planet. This Info is kept from most because it would contradict everything we were taught.  The land of Sumer is current day Iraq. Homosapiens origins are unknown to the masses but their is a bloodline of people who have this Information but choose to keep it away from the public because the church and government would lose their grip of society because society will lose their grip on life because their entire belief system would be shattered in an instant. The Sumerians claim that their knowledge was passed on to them by " the ones who fallen from above". You don't have to believe what I'm typing you can simply read a book on our first recorded civilization that is never spoken about for a reasons of control. Just do a little inquisitive investigation on our real history and it will open up so many doors that you'll have a hard time deciding what to cover next.   


Originally Posted by devildog1776

Most people simply regurgitate what they were told to remember from the board of education. From A-Z pretty much our entire system of 12 derives from the ancient Sumerians. They had our solar system defined to the position,color and temperature of each planet. This Info is kept from most because it would contradict everything we were taught.  The land of Sumer is current day Iraq. Homosapiens origins are unknown to the masses but their is a bloodline of people who have this Information but choose to keep it away from the public because the church and government would lose their grip of society because society will lose their grip on life because their entire belief system would be shattered in an instant. The Sumerians claim that their knowledge was passed on to them by " the ones who fallen from above". You don't have to believe what I'm typing you can simply read a book on our first recorded civilization that is never spoken about for a reasons of control. Just do a little inquisitive investigation on our real history and it will open up so many doors that you'll have a hard time deciding what to cover next.   


i believe in aliens..kinda..sorta but i DO NOT for one minute believe we are at war with aliens. I believe aliens are here in a underwater base i.e bermuda triangle and places like that..but that is arguable. another thing how is this much info being release about a cable, in all the previous cables everything were kept secret but the name of said files, correct? So how come all of a sudden their is some huge summary about this one file?
i believe in aliens..kinda..sorta but i DO NOT for one minute believe we are at war with aliens. I believe aliens are here in a underwater base i.e bermuda triangle and places like that..but that is arguable. another thing how is this much info being release about a cable, in all the previous cables everything were kept secret but the name of said files, correct? So how come all of a sudden their is some huge summary about this one file?
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Most people simply regurgitate what they were told to remember from the board of education. From A-Z pretty much our entire system of 12 derives from the ancient Sumerians. They had our solar system defined to the position,color and temperature of each planet. This Info is kept from most because it would contradict everything we were taught.  The land of Sumer is current day Iraq. Homosapiens origins are unknown to the masses but their is a bloodline of people who have this Information but choose to keep it away from the public because the church and government would lose their grip of society because society will lose their grip on life because their entire belief system would be shattered in an instant. The Sumerians claim that their knowledge was passed on to them by " the ones who fallen from above". You don't have to believe what I'm typing you can simply read a book on our first recorded civilization that is never spoken about for a reasons of control. Just do a little inquisitive investigation on our real history and it will open up so many doors that you'll have a hard time deciding what to cover next.   
I have always believed that humans have descended from alien life, whether accidental or intentional...
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