willing to pay 10,000 dollars really serious to

Originally Posted by he told on me

Do anyone feel like their life is futile. You dont like the company of people, don't have any friends nor girl; or even care about life. Does simplicity often times seem complex. I mean do you feel like you are just here waiting, living day by day doing nothing but waiting on your demise. I must admit, earlier in life I acted out of character and was called out on it. The evidence remains even till this day. No social life, my character and integrity has been stripped. MAN! Do you walk on this earth feeling like you leave a trail of misery and distruction. Some may call my state depression, I call it knowing your true self. I truly do feel as if im pathetic, waste of sex. I mean I really think by going to school im going to be someone, but the fact is i don't see a true future. The world around me has turned thier back. No one deserves this torture. I would like to be free, post pics of my pretty girlfriend, and talk about bang bros. I seek God, and really do think the devil himself pitty me. Im not even tempted of evil no more. I mean Ive changed a lot, but it seems like it's not enough. Never really put my business out thier but Niketalk is the only place i can come and express my true emotions.

Cliff Notes:
I suck.
01/15/09 9:04 PM
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by he told on me

Do anyone feel like their life is futile. You dont like the company of people, don't have any friends nor girl; or even care about life. Does simplicity often times seem complex. I mean do you feel like you are just here waiting, living day by day doing nothing but waiting on your demise. I must admit, earlier in life I acted out of character and was called out on it. The evidence remains even till this day. No social life, my character and integrity has been stripped. MAN! Do you walk on this earth feeling like you leave a trail of misery and distruction. Some may call my state depression, I call it knowing your true self. I truly do feel as if im pathetic, waste of sex. I mean I really think by going to school im going to be someone, but the fact is i don't see a true future. The world around me has turned thier back. No one deserves this torture. I would like to be free, post pics of my pretty girlfriend, and talk about bang bros. I seek God, and really do think the devil himself pitty me. Im not even tempted of evil no more. I mean Ive changed a lot, but it seems like it's not enough. Never really put my business out thier but Niketalk is the only place i can come and express my true emotions.

Cliff Notes:
I suck.
01/15/09 9:04 PM

I don't buy into your act, but I believe you - if that made any sense

Let's keep this in morse code if possible;







Originally Posted by The Somali NTer


I don't buy into your act, but I believe you - if that made any sense

Let's keep this in morse code if possible;








it took 14 times to get that. and after i did, i let out a hearty belly laugh. you sir are hilarious
So not only do they film you polishing your pole, but they show it to everyone in town, correct?

If so, easy solution - Close your curtains when you jerk it.

They also follow you all around town, right?

If so, easy solution - Once you see them following you, call the cops and tell them. I have a feeling you have actually called the cops a bunch of times andnow they ignore you, correct? They are blowing you off cause you are obviously not all there. NOBODY IS AFTER YOU.

On a serious note - IF you really think people are watching you, seek help.

This is the type of guy that is on the verge of offing himself at any moment.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Edit: That or you're Schitzo OP. Either way you need help.

Double Edit: I think you're schizophrenic, Ain't no way helicoptors are flying around your home everyday. You would have to be on some organize crime steez. Plus, you did made that thread about how you feel like you're floating around in life and just waiting for it to end. I really think you're shizophrenic bro. If a helicoptor was flying around your house everyday, they would have brought you in for questioning already.
that's what i'm thinking.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

So not only do they film you polishing your pole, but they show it to everyone in town, correct?

If so, easy solution - Close your curtains when you jerk it.

They also follow you all around town, right?

If so, easy solution - Once you see them following you, call the cops and tell them. I have a feeling you have actually called the cops a bunch of times and now they ignore you, correct? They are blowing you off cause you are obviously not all there. NOBODY IS AFTER YOU.

On a serious note - IF you really think people are watching you, seek help.

This is the type of guy that is on the verge of offing himself at any moment.
That's why I'm not even joking, This man needs professional help. I really believe he is seeing something. I hope all this making of funof you on NT or questioning your story will make you question yourself OP. You said you open your heart on a more serious level because you think we understandu. Well, read what everybody is writing to you OP???? We think you are seeing things, through your eyes, that are not real. Please get help and don't thinkwe are here trying to roast you. I'm DEAD SERIOUS.
Originally Posted by OkieDoqui

You realize you just offered to employ someone to stop someone from videotaping you masterbating from an airplane. The first thing you need to do is see a doctor.

Originally Posted by he told on me

Well how about this, when i posted the thread about depression i heard and actually saw the helicopters over my crib and if im not mistaken martial law is not in effect is it.
man i hope this is a joke, and if its true i hope u don't hurt yourself.

but if they sent helicopters 2 ya crib when u wrote about depression, imagine wat the hell they got comin for you now.
they see u offering 10 stacks now my man, u better get outta ther ASAP!!!!!
Its all good, money in the air now, this type of recession somebody bound to talk. Im going to get some evidence for you niketalk, you will see.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Its all good, money in the air now, this type of recession somebody bound to talk. Im going to get some evidence for you niketalk, you will see.
same thing nothingbefore has been saying FOREVER
Originally Posted by he told on me

Its all good, money in the air now, this type of recession somebody bound to talk. Im going to get some evidence for you niketalk, you will see.

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