Wrestling Thrd Jan 2-8 | 1/8 TNA Genesis - Roode vs Hardy, Angle vs Storm | Predictions Close @ 8pm

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

pff, atleast BK has main evented a PPV
Club knows

casekicks, I main evented a PPV, and didn't get eliminated in that same main event (NTRaw vs NTDown), holding my own throughout the match. Earlier in the night, I was in the I.C. title match, and although I didn't win, I held my own too.

I'm just gonna sit back and relax, and watch tonight unfold. Maybe I'm coming to NTRaw tonight, maybe I'm not.


Either case, I am here to stay in NTWT. Suck on that, assgeeks
Quit trying to convince me or your relevance..I know you're relevant..You lose at everything and you're very boring doing it..

why does he talk like this over and over week after week finally hes done lol
This promo is driving me up a !%@%#%% wall.
Fans can say whatever the want?  How about WWE confiscating signs.

He doesn't care what fans have to say?  If you're a babyface, aren't you supposed to be working to please the crowd?

He's upset with WWE Superstar Kane?  Kane is a heel.  Shouldn't Kane be against what Cena stands for?

And stop hocking your stupid merchandise.

You want to talk about "Hate" Kane?  I hate this f'n storyline.  It sucks.
+!!+ it... at least Cena is better Hogan in the ring... if we're getting stuck with a new Hulk at least put on decent matches... I hate him and hope he Burns in hell..
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]nice little teaser.[/color]
Ahh fudgesicle I thought there was another promo..

But I'm glad it is over with tonight that girl freaks me out
I hope who ever the videos are for isn't coming in with a 12/21/12 gimmick... @!%$... just typing those letters out makes me think he will...
Cena is the only person that can make 6 minutes feel like 4 hours..He really needs to take some personal time and leave for about a decade..
Cena's "shtick" reminds me of a HORRIBLE late night talk show intro...bad jokes, yelling, chessy smile...smh
What was the point of that opening segment?

Cena just continually repeats his gibberish and Kane throws in a line or two.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

I hope who ever the videos are for isn't coming in with a 12/21/12 gimmick... %$!#... just typing those letters out makes me think he will...


I'm going to be HEATED if that's the case.

EDIT: Rhodes v DB should be good.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

+!!+ it... at least Cena is better Hogan in the ring... if we're getting stuck with a new Hulk at least put on decent matches... I hate him and hope he Burns in hell..

alot of people ignore this very fact because of hype but i agree with you. i am very glad that i was too young to really understand the dynamics of the wrestling business during hogan's run in the wwf.

hogan would be eaten alive if officials pulled the same stunts they did with him.

on a side note, i know this has been going on for a while now but how is anyone suppose to be excited with these PPV matches when we just see them week after week on SD and Raw.

which is the reason why i don't watch SD. same matches every single week. matches that should be on a ppv with proper build.
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