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  1. jaguar51

    If a girl you were talking to was a virgin, how long would you wait?

    Well what are you waiting for ? To have "relations" or be in a relationship ? If it's the former why even get involved?
  2. jaguar51

    Relationship question. Vol. 1st one I ever did. Mature answers please

    1. Not YOUR friends if they aren't respecting your gf OR your relationship. I'd reconsider the label you use for them. 2. As a female, the only dude I'll let speak to me in that way is one who I've fooled around with ALREADY or PRESENTLY (or else why would I be socomfortable) ... catch my drift?
  3. jaguar51

    Generic Boy problems thread Vol. 2- You Men are difficult

    WHOA. Who just said that??
  4. jaguar51

    girls with deep voices?

  5. jaguar51

    “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness" WHO'S US?

    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ... if you handle that Jesus was "here" before he was physically here then you're good. Hope it's not confusing.
  6. jaguar51

    Generic Boy problems thread Vol. 2- You Men are difficult

    WOW, who wants to wait that long for a dude to get it together Thanks Simply ... interested in the responses as well.
  7. jaguar51

    SPOOFEM.COM (This has gone to far)

    Thanks for the idea
  8. jaguar51

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Movie Thread

    I enjoyed it but got antsy after the first HOUR and he was still an old man ! Good movie overall
  9. jaguar51

    Women who dont "take care" of themselves UN-appreciation Vol George W. BUSH

    Not all females are comfortable with the whole process (bushwhacking) ... and I've noticed the maintenance SHOULD come with maturity. There are however other factors that play into a woman's body chemistry that may affect her "eau de ______ " like a cycle, or weather, or fabric. Not making...
  10. jaguar51

    Serious Question for NT ladies......

  11. jaguar51

    Name A Movie(s) You Cant Stop Watching

    ATL Lord of the Rings - Return of the King Boomerang Little Miss Sunshine Borat Old School Semi-Pro
  12. jaguar51

    Fun Stuff to with ur girl

    I like ... kudos to you sir.
  13. jaguar51

    Black NTers: Did you or are you currently celebrating Kwanzaa?

    Have before when I was younger ... unfortunately not recently
  14. jaguar51

    How Many Song Do You Have in iTunes?

  15. jaguar51

    Kissing a girl with a fresh tongue ring?

  16. jaguar51

    Why is it that women think they can....

    Momma said "Don't advertise it if it ain't for sale!"
  17. jaguar51

    Anyone Buy Thier own Xmas gifts or Treat them selves ???

    Personal tradition ... bought myself a LV since I didn't want to ask anyone else for something so expensive
  18. jaguar51

    Why Americans Should Never Be Allowed To Travel

    A nice lady just called. She needed to know how it was possible that her flight from Detroit left at 8:20am and got into Chicago at 8:33am. I tried to explainthat Michigan was an hour ahead of llinois, but she could not understand the concept of time zones. Finally I told her the plane went very...
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