3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation

I saw on Anderson Cooper that Charles Ramsey said he doesn't want the award money and that it should go to the victims.  McDonalds thanked him for what he did and they said they will be in touch.
I have two problems right now...

1. Feels like the media is making a spectacle of Ramsey due to his personality. It's kind of taken a life of it's own and IMO, has overshadowed the actual case. I mean, I don't need CNN to tell me that McDonald's is planning on reaching out to him due to him dropping their name multiple times.

2. Why does the public need to hear the phone conversation between Berry and her grandmother? Sensationalizing the **** out of EVERYTHING.
I have two problems right now...

1. Feels like the media is making a spectacle of Ramsey due to his personality. It's kind of taken a life of it's own and IMO, has overshadowed the actual case. I mean, I don't need CNN to tell me that McDonald's is planning on reaching out to him due to him dropping their name multiple times.

THIS. Feels like they are low-key trying to play dude because of his mannerisms. Like he's some kind of minstrel. :smh:
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Reading that link, I'm cool with applying the death penalty in some non-murder cases.
Man hit her with a stun gun...on some **** in the African jungle with the spear from a far. 

With the aid of his wife? 

I was just thinking you never know what the **** is going on in these houses you drive by, and I bet this occurs more frequently than reported. 

Sick world. 
What's sad is that Amanda Berry's mom died a few years back due to heart failure ... Probably was so distraught about her daughter :smh:

I just don't get what would possess this person to do such a thing..

Curious to see what kind of details come of this as we move forward.

i read somewhere that she appeared on montel williams or some similar daytime show many years ago to spread the word about her missing daughter and noted fraud psychic sylvia browne told her that her daughter was, unfortunately, already dead.

amanda berry's mother took that lie to her grave when she died two years later

sylvia browne is getting roasted and rightfully so

and i bet you amanda berry must've been broken to see her mom on TV (if she got a chance to) saying my daughter is missing, and amanda is right there unable to do anything about it. fast forward, her mother never got to see her again, that's the worst part of this story to me.

stuff like this happens all the time, and you see missing kids all the time, and stuff like this makes you wonder what if these kids are locked up in a house you pass all the time. makes you wish u had xray vision. a neighbor like ramsey who gave a **** made all the difference in the world.

the cops dropped the ball with this one. house was repeatedly reported as suspect, yet they kept it moving. unfortunately in this country, missing children usually stay missing for long time, leads like this needs to be investigated thoroughly.

really happy they got reunited, its not often you hear of a happy ending to a missing story.

IB4 hollywood capitalizes off this in 10 yrs.
I have two problems right now...
1. Feels like the media is making a spectacle of Ramsey due to his personality. It's kind of taken a life of it's own and IMO, has overshadowed the actual case. I mean, I don't need CNN to tell me that McDonald's is planning on reaching out to him due to him dropping their name multiple times. .

2. Why does the public need to hear the phone conversation between Berry and her grandmother? Sensationalizing the **** out of EVERYTHING.

This reminds me of the Dave Chapelle standup where he talks about the White vs Black abductions.
honest to god i was just thinking this. how do u get kidnapped for YEARS in the same neighborhood u live in. You literally got kidnapped next door...how? I feel bad for em too but...some responsibility has to go in the victims direction imo. One girl hitchhiked and got abducted in 2003. So...in this age of information, u didnt know not to get in the car with strangers? You didnt call out to anybody in 10 YEARS?
Dudes tried to knock ninja's post but I sort of agree.

Same with you TEK, for 10 years?

You never know the type of influence they were under for all those years, but the thought process had to be shot. 
I have two problems right now...

1. Feels like the media is making a spectacle of Ramsey due to his personality. It's kind of taken a life of it's own and IMO, has overshadowed the actual case. I mean, I don't need CNN to tell me that McDonald's is planning on reaching out to him due to him dropping their name multiple times.

THIS. Feels like they are low-key trying to play dude because of his mannerisms. Like he's some kind of minstrel.
True. There are memes mocking this man as well autotuning videos as well.  Totally not cool.

You can't have a healthy life by just exclusively eating at McDonalds.  YOu're worth more than that
Y'all think maybe after seeing the cops come by continuously and not being help, they just gave up hope?
No loss of hope in that situation. I'm doing whatever it takes short of suicide. 
This story makes me sick to my stomach. The more details that come out the worse it will get.

10 years. That's maybe the worst torture I've ever heard of in this country.
THIS. Feels like they are low-key trying to play dude because of his mannerisms. Like he's some kind of minstrel. :smh:

I feel like he's becoming a mockery. The heroism aspect of what he did is clearly secondary to his personality. Obviously, he's not the same guy...but this is what Antonie Dodson became famous (or infamous) for.
This story makes me sick to my stomach. The more details that come out the worse it will get.

10 years. That's maybe the worst torture I've ever heard of in this country.

Reminds me of this one. Glad these girls survived though and are hopefully able to recover.

DAY 1: November 22, 1988: Kidnapped
Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy’s girlfriend
Raped (over 400 times in total)
Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away
Starved and malnutritioned
Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink
Forced to masturbate
Forced to strip in front of others
Burned with cigarette lighters
Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus
DAY 11: December 1, 1988: Severely beat up countless times
Face held against concrete ground and jumped on
Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag
Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through her mouth
Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach
Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn’t accept it)
Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms
Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fireBottle inserted into her anus, causing injury
DAY 20: December10, 1989:
Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns
Beat with bamboo sticks
Fireworks inserted into anus and lit
Hands smashed by weights and fingernails cracked
Beaten with golf club
Cigarettes inserted into vagina
Beaten with iron rods repeatedly
Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony
Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding
DAY 30: Hot wax dripped onto face
Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter
Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area
Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers
Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina
Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion
Unable to urinate properly
Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to crawl downstairs and use the bathroom
Eardrums severely damaged
Extreme reduced brain size
DAY 40: Begged her torturers to “kill her and get it over with”
January 1, 1989: Junko greets the New Years Day alone
Body mutilated
Unable to move from the ground
DAY 44: January 4, 1989: The four boys beat her mutilated body with an iron barbell, using a loss at the game of Mah-jongg as a pretext. She is profusely bleeding from her mouth and nose. They put a candle’s flame to her face and eyes.
Then, lighter fluid was poured onto her legs, arms, face and stomach, and then lit on fire. This final torture lasted for a time of two hours.
Junko Furuta died later that day, in pain and alone. Nothing could compare 44 days of suffering she had to go through.
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