Congress clears historic health care bill...

you got one thing right, old, educated man...

you ARE being trolled

and the tears


the tears

they are delicious.
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Bottom line - we don't agree and aren't going to.

 Just pointing out the hypocrisy in your arguments against the current administration.
cpark, that's logic, he doesn't reside in the land of logic, bro....
bombs, taxcuts and pharmaceutical paydays?  american.

universal healthcare? marxist radical terrorism.
Originally Posted by Burn916

Burns1923 wrote:

No disrespect but your support of a government take over of healthcare is exactly why you come off as un-American. 

Ain't nobody getting "worked up".  If making points is "getting worked up" to you, you must think actual passionate, live debate is a meltdown.

Don't assume you know exactly what my political beliefs are just from my opposition to this healthcare bill. 

Go read up on Marxism.  Barack Obama's mother and father were Marxists.  His grandparents, who raised him for a time, attended the "Little Red Church" - a Communist congregation.  Obama learns, teaches, and implements Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" - a Marxist primer for community organizing and progressively changing infrastructure from within.  Notice a pattern here?

Now, take all of that influence and teaching and belief and mix it with this healthcare bill.  The answers are there if you wish to look.

But you are correct about lobbyists and special interests.  Members of both the House and Senate are chiefly interested in their own personal gain and maintaining power as opposed to doing the job voters sent them to do (represent constituents' interests and will).

Pardon me, I had to laugh at that.
You're indirectly ruining my screen name fam 

Don't flatter yourself.  Burns is a name personally exclusive to myself.
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Bottom line - we don't agree and aren't going to.

Actually I agree with this.

I am not trying to change your opinion at all. Just pointing out the hypocrisy in your arguments against the current administration.

The hypocrisy of conservative outrage against this partisan bill could be highlighted on so many levels. It is not partisan because it is all bad. It is partisan because it is politics. Here is one last for the road.


Come on, man.  Really.

Did you not read where I stated that the Republican congress overspent, too?

Their wrongs don't make the current president right.

burns, we're just wondering where all the outrage was then, for a payday.....

whereas 35 million americans will be directly impacted by this "overspending"

like i said before

if the government is continually overspending

i'd rather they overspend on things that will make the quality of life in america improve...

rather than

tax breaks

corporate pay days

bombs by haliburton
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Don't flatter yourself.  Burns is a name personally exclusive to myself.


Federal Trade Commission?

That's... really interesting.  I did not know that, sir.

Like I said, unless your last name is Burns, keep moving. Or just keep moving anyway.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

burns, we're just wondering where all the outrage was then, for a payday.....

whereas 35 million americans will be directly impacted by this "overspending"

like i said before

if the government is continually overspending

i'd rather they overspend on things that will make the quality of life in america improve...

rather than

tax breaks

corporate pay days

bombs by haliburton

I don't get outraged.

Second, I was pissed at the Bush administration and I'm pissed at the Obama administration.

Congress has sucked for the past 10 years, Democrat and Republican.

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Don't flatter yourself.  Burns is a name personally exclusive to myself.


I'm just giving you a hard time, Richard...though this name was registered in 03, and I was posting probably 2-3 years before that.  Maybe I should go change it to FRE$H or Davidits.

Don't worry...this too shall pass.  Cheers, dude.

Shouts to FTC SAC and FTC TYO.
oh, so everybody just sucks, eh?


like i said in my initial post


finally some overspending spent the RIGHT way....

to improve the quality of life over here....

instead of lining rich white people's pockets

and before you call that racist too

who owns haliburton, wellpoint and a majority of pharm. companies?

certainly non-white people....certainly.

infact, our previous administration had REAL ties with haliburton....and probably personally profited, as well...

newsflash, were not non-whites

and they say black people play the race card too quick.....


"i relish in white america's paranoia"
Originally Posted by Burn916

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Don't flatter yourself.  Burns is a name personally exclusive to myself.


I'm just giving you a hard time, Richard...though this name was registered in 03, and I was posting probably 2-3 years before that.  Maybe I should go change it to FRE$H or Davidits.

Don't worry...this too shall pass.  Cheers, dude.

Shouts to FTC SAC and FTC TYO.

Richard?  Let me think...   ... nope, don't know anyone named Richard.

Burn and Burns aren't the same thing - they look similar but each person's SN means something personal to them.

Burns + Irish family = me.
I may not understand every specific detail of the bill, or the health care industry as a whole, as well as some do. However, it is my personal belief that when it comes to people's health and wellbeing, the "what IS" should take priority over the "what IF"

We can argue with each other forever about what may or may not happen, but truthfully nobody knows. Sure, we can daydream about how this bill could ruin the country or fantasize about a secret Marxist agenda in the white house ("what if's"), but when we acknowledge how broken the current system is, including the millions of people who have not been able to afford medical coverage ("what is") I think any change that helps that many people live happier and healthier lives should be welcomed.

Is the bill perfect? Far from it.

Is everyone satisfied? Obviously not.

Is there a large amount of people (currently suffering) that can benefit from regulations on insurance companies? Absolutely

Try to remember that even if you are extremely educated on a subject, you can never predict the future. If expert analysis and predictions were as close to gospel truth as some of us tend to believe they are then the Cavaliers would have one the championship last year, we would have found WMDs in Iraq, etc...

Sometimes when we dwell on a situation long enough we consider ourselves "educated" or "experts" and ego convinces us that our over-thought conclusions about what the future holds are the only possible outcome

We might all benefit for the time being if we relied more heavily on our observations of the present than our projections of the future. With that being said, my present observation is that many currently uninsured people will now be insured and that puts a smile on my face. Very simplistic, I know. Try to relax and enjoy the moment. If Obama's plan does fail horribly and hurt the country then I'm sure we as a people will put someone with better ideas in control. Have some faith. Not only in your president, but in your fellow countrymen.

At the end of the day we all want the same thing. Let's at least give this new system a shot at success. Negative thinking takes us no where.

sorry for the essay...
It's all a game.... Why not take "free" healthcare? They're playing with monopoly money anyway... A trillion here a trillion there.... The transfer of wealth is happening before our very eyes.... The bankers will get their portion and the insurance companies will still get paid
Originally Posted by dirty d 0903

I may not understand every specific detail of the bill, or the health care industry as a whole, as well as some do. However, it is my personal belief that when it comes to people's health and wellbeing, the "what IS" should take priority over the "what IF"

We can argue with each other forever about what may or may not happen, but truthfully nobody knows. Sure, we can daydream about how this bill could ruin the country or fantasize about a secret Marxist agenda in the white house ("what if's"), but when we acknowledge how broken the current system is, including the millions of people who have not been able to afford medical coverage ("what is") I think any change that helps that many people live happier and healthier lives should be welcomed.

Is the bill perfect? Far from it.

Is everyone satisfied? Obviously not.

Is there a large amount of people (currently suffering) that can benefit from regulations on insurance companies? Absolutely

Try to remember that even if you are extremely educated on a subject, you can never predict the future. If expert analysis and predictions were as close to gospel truth as some of us tend to believe they are then the Cavaliers would have one the championship last year, we would have found WMDs in Iraq, etc...

Sometimes when we dwell on a situation long enough we consider ourselves "educated" or "experts" and ego convinces us that our over-thought conclusions about what the future holds are the only possible outcome

We might all benefit for the time being if we relied more heavily on our observations of the present than our projections of the future. With that being said, my present observation is that many currently uninsured people will now be insured and that puts a smile on my face. Very simplistic, I know. Try to relax and enjoy the moment. If Obama's plan does fail horribly and hurt the country then I'm sure we as a people will put someone with better ideas in control. Have some faith. Not only in your president, but in your fellow countrymen.

At the end of the day we all want the same thing. Let's at least give this new system a shot at success. Negative thinking takes us no where.

sorry for the essay...
Once something like this is in, it's never going away.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by dirty d 0903

I may not understand every specific detail of the bill, or the health care industry as a whole, as well as some do. However, it is my personal belief that when it comes to people's health and wellbeing, the "what IS" should take priority over the "what IF"

We can argue with each other forever about what may or may not happen, but truthfully nobody knows. Sure, we can daydream about how this bill could ruin the country or fantasize about a secret Marxist agenda in the white house ("what if's"), but when we acknowledge how broken the current system is, including the millions of people who have not been able to afford medical coverage ("what is") I think any change that helps that many people live happier and healthier lives should be welcomed.

Is the bill perfect? Far from it.

Is everyone satisfied? Obviously not.

Is there a large amount of people (currently suffering) that can benefit from regulations on insurance companies? Absolutely

Try to remember that even if you are extremely educated on a subject, you can never predict the future. If expert analysis and predictions were as close to gospel truth as some of us tend to believe they are then the Cavaliers would have one the championship last year, we would have found WMDs in Iraq, etc...

Sometimes when we dwell on a situation long enough we consider ourselves "educated" or "experts" and ego convinces us that our over-thought conclusions about what the future holds are the only possible outcome

We might all benefit for the time being if we relied more heavily on our observations of the present than our projections of the future. With that being said, my present observation is that many currently uninsured people will now be insured and that puts a smile on my face. Very simplistic, I know. Try to relax and enjoy the moment. If Obama's plan does fail horribly and hurt the country then I'm sure we as a people will put someone with better ideas in control. Have some faith. Not only in your president, but in your fellow countrymen.

At the end of the day we all want the same thing. Let's at least give this new system a shot at success. Negative thinking takes us no where.

sorry for the essay...
Once something like this is in, it's never going away.
yeah, cause once buildings are falling down and americans are living in the sewers, itll be too late....
Again, you'll have to work with me a little here, because I'm not as informed as some. Isn't Social Security "something like this"? It's my understanding that it is commonly believed that SS won't be around by the time we would be able to benefit from it.
[h1]Reply from Grandpa[/h1]
by andrew on March 12, 2010

John G. is 63 years old and owns a small business.

He’s a life-long Republican and sees his dream of retiring next year has all but evaporated.

With the stock market crashing and new taxes coming his way, John assumes now that he will work to his dying day.

Ashley is a recent college grad.

She drives a flashy hybrid car, wears all the latest fashions, and loves to go out to nightclubs and restaurants (John G. is her Grandfather).

Ashley campaigned hard for Barack Obama.

After the election she made sure her grandfather (and all other Republican family members) received a big I told-you-so earful on how the world is going to be a much better place now that her party is taking over.

Having lost both roommates, Ashley recently ran short of cash and cannot pay the rent (again) on her 3 bedroom townhouse.

Like she has done many times in the past, she e-mailed her grandfather asking for some financial help.

Here is his reply:

Sweetheart, I received your request for assistance.

Ashley, you know I love you dearly and I ‘m sympathetic to your financial plight. Unfortunately, times have changed.

With the election of President Obama, your grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic plan of our own…

^ Nobody told Grandpa to start his own business. You know got damn well that you're taking more risk and incurring more expenses when it's your own business. Grandpa could have been a factory worker and his wife could been a secretary. They could have stacked chips and poured money into their 401K. They could have invested like any 50+ individual with common sense and had their funds in safe invstments. They put themselves in that situation and then wanna blame Obama for why they can't retire. They chose to play risky ball and got burnt.

I have an uncle who probably never made more than 40K in any year, that retired before he turned 60. If Obama raises taxes it probably won't effect him one bit.
Burns you further prove my point that you are dumb.... My viewpoint is un-american..Yeah because there were no progressive founders. You don't know $#%!.... You literally compared 9/11 and a health care bill...

My viewpoint is Un-american.... !$%% you.... Because I want everyone to have access to health care so they can live a healthy life... And I believe in giving everyone to have an actual chance to actually experience the "American Dream".. That is un-american.. I think you and your viewpoint have lost the view of what America is.. Where everyone deserves a chance.. Everyone should have an equal say....

But what you argue is the further redistribution of wealth to the rich... That has crippled the middle class and screwed up the economy twice in 30 years... You really have the best interest of America in mind.. Right... Your viewpoint is the reason the health care has gone up 119% in the past decade.. Your viewpoint is the reason millions are unemployed, and your viewpoint is the reason banks became to big to fail and take unacceptable risks with people's life savings so they got a bailout..

Your opinion is wrong and has been wrong for decades...

You talk about how Democrats hate Capitalism.. But your bow to corporations have killed capitalism.. You have decreased competition at every turn.. Got rid of rules that protect corporations and the people they sell to.. And have basically made us second class to corporations.... And then you look around and wonder what happened and try to blame everyone else...

I blame your ideology because it has FAILED.. Countless times.. But you will never admit it....

So don't say a damn thing about who or what is un-American because unlike you I care about all 330 million people (even the clowns like yourself) where as you care about the top 10%... If you ask me that is the definition of un-American

Shut your mouth and get the hell out of the debates......
You obviously dont get it. He did not just start this small business he is a long times small business owner who has been doing fairly well. It has nothing to do with poor investments
Originally Posted by Essential1

Burns I literally want to punch you in the face right now.... My viewpoint is un-american..Yeah because there were no progressive founders. You don't know %@*+.... You literally compared 9/11 and a health care bill...

My viewpoint is Un-american.... @%+$ you.... Because I want everyone to have access to health care so they can live a healthy life... And I believe in giving everyone have an actual chance to actually experience the "American Dream".. That is unamerican.. I think you and your viewpoint have lost the view of what America is.. Where everyone deserves a chance.. Everyone should have an equal say....

But what you argue is the further redistribution of wealth to the rich... That has crippled the middle class and screwed up the economy twice in 30 years... You really have the best interest of America in mind.. Right... Your viewpoint is the reason the health care has gone up 119% in the past reason.. Your viewpoint is the reason millions are unemployed, and your viewpoint is the reason banks became to big to fail and take unacceptable risks with people's life savings so they got a bailout..

Your opinion is wrong and has been wrong for decades...

You talk about how Democrats hate Capitalism.. But your bow to corporations have killed capitalism

So don't say a damn thing about who or what is un-American because unlike you I care about all 330 million people (even the clowns like yourself) where as you care about the top 10%... If you ask me that is the definition of un-American

Shut your mouth and get the hell out of the debates......

I appreciate you for saying what I've been holding back from saying all day.
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