Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Anything to deal with heal slippage in loafers? Like I'm talking about inside the shoe slippage. :nerd:
Been lurking this thread all afternoon contemplating between dark chocolate and walnut Dalton's.

I'm struggling soooooooooo badly with this decision I want to be able to call that outlet first thing in the morning tomorrow and order my pair.

I'm thinking both would be overkill but I just might do it. So easy to justify when it would basically be buy one get one free.

Steezy posted that great pic of his walnuts last week, anybody have them and dark chocolate and feel like posting a pic?
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Looks good.. will check them out.. silly question, do you place em in the heal area or where the toes rest?
They're called tongue pads because you put them under the tongue. It pushes the whole foot back to avoid the slippage or at least minimize it. This is the best solution for loafers. I have them on 3 pairs of my shoes. I got mine via Amazon.
I understand happiness is subjective . However I believe if you try and live outside your means , you get exposed quick.
High end products are mostly targeted at high end consumers . Dudes makin 40k a year taking loans out to buy bespoke suits and $800 shoes, and top notch time pieces while eating ramen and tuna and never been outside the country. Lol people like this exist. If u wanna be the dude in a $2k suit waiting at the bustop with no money to spend on lunch, and that makes u happy then by all means go fr it. I just think it's poser-ish . But it's my opnion.
I see nothing wrong with it. When I see people who spend excessively on materialistic things while not taking care of people who depend on them, then I judge. For example, if you got 3 kids from 2 different girls and you still buy $800 shoes and $2k suits while you are 4 months behind on child support, I see that as a problem. However, if some kid chooses to spend his $40k entirely on clothing, $800 shoes, $2k suits,  without affecting the lives of others then so be it, it's not for me to judge. 
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Didn't realize BR codes are stackable. If you sign up for their newsletter you get a 25% code that you can use with their normal store code. Ended up getting something like 55% off my order. Never thought I'd see the day where I drop over $600 at BR :rolleyes

did dude really get verbally roundhoused over a steak? lol

All seriousness though, I have this guy at my job who drives luxury cars and stuff asking me why I spend 7-10 dollars on Lunch.
It's quite hilarious.

LIke what should I be eating everyday ramen and pizza?
Lol I may wear $300-500 shoes but the most I ever paid for them was once at $220.

Everything else was thrifts or Free - $130 hookups from my man C.
Add me to the list of filipinos with Daltons lol but I might need a 8E instead of 8D. Hopefully they have in stock.

And all this steak talk got me wanting a steak lol
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