Half Of America Makes Less Than $27,520 A Year And 15 Other Signs The Middle Class Is Dying

does Obama deserve some of the blame?

  • yeah, he promised us a CHANGE and nothing changed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, Obama is a great president and he's helping America move forward

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
 Go out and freaking take it.
i like how you think 
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I think a lot of dudes forget how real it was after the election in 2008. We were headed toward an economic depression. Full disclosure, I voted for Obama twice, and think he's made his fair share of missteps and mistakes, but decisive action taken by government prevented a much much worse situation.

If anything Obama is slightly left of center guy, pretty much status quo
So Obama is to blame for you slackers making $27k? Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps instead of asking for government handouts from Obama.

Same dudes want to eliminate minimum wage are crying about $27k. You want it, you got it. Deal with it.

Large multinational corporations are doing great BTW. This is Republican prosperity. Rich people are doing great. The stock market is at an all time high. The Clippers just sold for $2 billion, with a B.
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Hard work and smart work. Some jobs offer more possibilities for upward mobility. Remember that McDonald's lady who sparked the whole Fast food worker, minimum wage debate when she questioned the CEO? She had been working their for about a decade. There's absolutely no reason she should have stayed there that long with that pay. With that experience (granted she was a good worker) she could have easily got a mangement position at another establishment.
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That's the Republican view right? People who work hard make more money. Work harder and you will become CEO one day. Don't blame government for your failures.


i believe in working smarter not harder

working hard doesnt mean more money

you have your opinion though
An that's why you'll always be an outsider looking in. The woe is me, the system is against me mentality on this board is disgusting. "Man if only the government forced rich people to give up more money then we'd all be equal"

Like my god, nobody owes you dudes anything. Go out and freaking take it.

An some of you are the same people that vilify the millenials because of their lackadaisical work ethic, and expectations that a good life should be handed to them. Yet, based on your posts many of you are guilty of the exact same thing.

Fam we are in a country that claims everyone has the same shot at success numbers say the exact opposite, people are starving, more and more people are losing jobs and opportunity because the rich feel the need to make it harder and harder on the class below so they can reach more profit.

I don't know who told you that in a "democracy" your suppose to just take what the hierarchy decides to give you and be happy and complacent about it. We are OWED a fair chance, we are OWED the ability to have the same rights someone with millions has, the truth is we aren't and every day the rich are making it more and more difficult for those who aren't rich to ever get to that plateau.

so sorry if having compassion for others not being able to live a normal life, while not feeling remorse for those accumulating more and more wealth just to appease their personal interest bothers you. It bothers me that your too soft to open your mouth and point out inaccuracies in a rigged system.

You have the type of sucka attitude that suggest that your willing to let everyone burn as long as you make it out if that what being on the inside consist of you can keep the ********. People with that mindset are the ones usually damning everyone else until their jobs are gone and their children can't pay for college, then suddenly the system needs reform in their opinion.
You have the type of sucka attitude that suggest that your willing to let everyone burn as long as you make it out if that what being on the inside consist of you can keep the ********. People with that mindset are the ones usually damning everyone else until their jobs are gone and their children can't pay for college, then suddenly the system needs reform in their opinion.

ty you goin in today son brah
Hard work and smart work. Some jobs offer more possibilities for upward mobility. Remember that McDonald's lady who sparked the whole Fast food worker, minimum wage debate when she questioned the CEO? She had been working their for about a decade. There's absolutely no reason she should have stayed there that long with that pay. With that experience (granted she was a good worker) she could have easily got a mangement position at another establishment.

How can you get a management position from being a non-management position at a fast food place?
How can you get a management position from being a non-management position at a fast food place?

Is this a serious question? I really can't tell.

Fam we are in a country that claims everyone has the same shot at success numbers say the exact opposite, people are starving, more and more people are losing jobs and opportunity because the rich feel the need to make it harder and harder on the class below so they can reach more profit.

I don't know who told you that in a "democracy" your suppose to just take what the hierarchy decides to give you and be happy and complacent about it. We are OWED a fair chance, we are OWED the ability to have the same rights someone with millions has, the truth is we aren't and every day the rich are making it more and more difficult for those who aren't rich to ever get to that plateau.

so sorry if having compassion for others not being able to live a normal life, while not feeling remorse for those accumulating more and more wealth just to appease their personal interest bothers you. It bothers me that your too soft to open your mouth and point out inaccuracies in a rigged system.

You have the type of sucka attitude that suggest that your willing to let everyone burn as long as you make it out if that what being on the inside consist of you can keep the ********. People with that mindset are the ones usually damning everyone else until their jobs are gone and their children can't pay for college, then suddenly the system needs reform in their opinion.

Yea, things are bad right now. But I be damned if I'm going to point fingers at anyone but myself if I'm not where I need to be. I do not have the luxury to sit here and worry about what other people are going through, because I'm pursuing my own ends. Blame the rich huh? Unless they are beating down your door and robbing you at gun point, your lack of success and net worth is your own fault. Complacency is birth in the minds of those who believe that they are helpless. That's the mindset you have, and you will never escape until you decide to stop blaming others for what you don't have.

The word fair is probably the most abused, misused, and perverted word in the English language right now. I absolutely hate it. Fair doesn't mean that everyone starts of with a million and then goes out and does with it what they please. Fair simply means that if you make the right decisions, do the right things, then you too can find success in this country. You are given the ability to PURSUE your happiness, actually attaining it is all on you.

I'd never purposefully burn anyone, but I have no qualms about not saving them if they already are. I owe nothing to anyone but my family.
How can you get a management position from being a non-management position at a fast food place?

Getting a degree would be obvious but I would cement the job requirements for a food service manager into my head and work on em. Everything from payroll, inventory, accounting, HR duties, licensing/tax regulations pertaining to a fast food joint, customer service qualities, sanitation standards, and understanding the laws for workplace safety.

Excel in getting those employee of the month awards in order to build some form of communication with district managers.

Develop and recommend plans to improve business operations

Work hard and develop leadership skills
Hard work and smart work. Some jobs offer more possibilities for upward mobility. Remember that McDonald's lady who sparked the whole Fast food worker, minimum wage debate when she questioned the CEO? She had been working their for about a decade. There's absolutely no reason she should have stayed there that long with that pay. With that experience (granted she was a good worker) she could have easily got a mangement position at another establishment.

How can you get a management position from being a non-management position at a fast food place?

"Start a business...Borrow money if you have to from your parents", Mitt Romney
How can you get a management position from being a non-management position at a fast food place?

Most retail gigs if you are a top performer and have been there a min you can apply for management gigs since after a while you began to be trained on various management task such as closing and opening registers and stuff. Most retail places have "lead" roles where you're still a low level employee but in a lead position so you're like next in line to be an assistant manager. Fast food though idk how they would gauge performance
Most retail gigs if you are a top performer and have been there a min you can apply for management gigs since after a while you began to be trained on various management task such as closing and opening registers and stuff. Most retail places have "lead" roles where you're still a low level employee but in a lead position so you're like next in line to be an assistant manager. Fast food though idk how they would gauge performance

I know most fastfood places have a few tiers of management. Shift leaders, assistant managers, and managers but what Rico doesnt understand that shift leaders dont make much more than regular workers. Retail is a whole different beast than fast food, fast food is an industry where the big companies have very high turnover rate. A quick search on glass door stats the average shift leader at mcdonalds only makes 9.68 an hour. Being a shift leader will never prepare you for management position. Most people who become shift leaders usually leave their jobs for a better paying job that usually isnt management.

Fast food jobs are usually dead end. One poster says they should go to school, well usually a lot of people who are stuck in fast food simply cant get a job, they have kids and barely make enough to support them, imagine the addition of school in to their life. Everyone talks about what they would do in these situations but no one is actually talking about it from the qualifications of who we are talking about. McDonalds workers are not gaining skills that will be valuable in another work place that is the biggest problem.
After looking at this thread I was curious to what % of people make more than 100k.

10-15% makes 100k+

21% of "households" make 100k+
I know most fastfood places have a few tiers of management. Shift leaders, assistant managers, and managers but what Rico doesnt understand that shift leaders dont make much more than regular workers. Retail is a whole different beast than fast food, fast food is an industry where the big companies have very high turnover rate. A quick search on glass door stats the average shift leader at mcdonalds only makes 9.68 an hour. Being a shift leader will never prepare you for management position. Most people who become shift leaders usually leave their jobs for a better paying job that usually isnt management.

Fast food jobs are usually dead end. One poster says they should go to school, well usually a lot of people who are stuck in fast food simply cant get a job, they have kids and barely make enough to support them, imagine the addition of school in to their life. Everyone talks about what they would do in these situations but no one is actually talking about it from the qualifications of who we are talking about. McDonalds workers are not gaining skills that will be valuable in another work place that is the biggest problem.

Doesn't Micky ds offer tuition reimbursement?
Probably only for full time employees, IMO fast food should be for HS kids and normal retail should be for unskilled adults/college kids. It's wild you go to the mall in the summer and don't see any high school aged kids working, grown folks tryna sell you pretzels in the food court and stuff.
Is this a serious question? I really can't tell.
Yea, things are bad right now. But I be damned if I'm going to point fingers at anyone but myself if I'm not where I need to be. I do not have the luxury to sit here and worry about what other people are going through, because I'm pursuing my own ends. Blame the rich huh? Unless they are beating down your door and robbing you at gun point, your lack of success and net worth is your own fault. Complacency is birth in the minds of those who believe that they are helpless. That's the mindset you have, and you will never escape until you decide to stop blaming others for what you don't have.

The word fair is probably the most abused, misused, and perverted word in the English language right now. I absolutely hate it. Fair doesn't mean that everyone starts of with a million and then goes out and does with it what they please. Fair simply means that if you make the right decisions, do the right things, then you too can find success in this country. You are given the ability to PURSUE your happiness, actually attaining it is all on you.

I'd never purposefully burn anyone, but I have no qualms about not saving them if they already are. I owe nothing to anyone but my family.

stating that their is a huge problem in the system isn't pointing fingers at the government. It's holding them accountable for doing their ******* Jobs the way their suppose to be doing it. They are publically elected officials who by law are suppose to be working for the majority of the people, The government as of today is working specifically for the well being of the rich and being bolstered for it.

I just find it funny that you can sit here and tell people to just work hard and you can have this success as if state & federal governments don't add more regulations everyday that make it harder and harder for a person to reach the next class.

It's laughable that you use make the right decisions & do the right things as if people's ability to do these so called "right" things aren't completely negated due to social class. You can't sit here and tell me with a straight face that everyone in america has the same chance to obtain their goals, because outside of some government official promoting that garbage EVERY other piece of legitimate study & statistics proves otherwise.

and who needs guns when they can rob you by law.
Doesn't Micky ds offer tuition reimbursement?
Probably only for full time employees, IMO fast food should be for HS kids and normal retail should be for unskilled adults/college kids. It's wild you go to the mall in the summer and don't see any high school aged kids working, grown folks tryna sell you pretzels in the food court and stuff.

* Employee Scholarships
We offer, as an organization, 2 - $250 scholarships per semester, for employees continuing to work on a full or part time basis. Employees must fill out an application and the applications are submitted to an independent committee for review and are awared to two recipients each semester from all stores.
* Employee Tuition Reimbursement
McDonald's may reimburse an employee who attends college and works part or full time. The employee must first apply for the employee scholarship listed above. Those that are not awarded the above scholarship, are then considered for tuition reimbursement. The tuition reimbursement amount is $250 per semester and will not be awarded if the employee is given full financial aid. The employee must let us know if they received full financial aid and that classes were completed. Reimbursement will be given after the semester is completed. Employee must be in good standing with the company and final decision for reimbursement lies with McDonald's management.

So basically nothing.
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