If a FEMALE invites you to the movies.... UPDATE PICS (Pg.2) Final Update pg.14

Here's what you do: Go on the date, chat it up on the way to the ticket booth, etc. Here's where it gets sticky. If she starts to go into her purse at the booth (which would imply that she intended on paying) then you offer to pay. If she declines, ask ONCE more ("you sure?", "its no biggie", etc.). If she declines again, let her pay. If she hesitates, do it. BUT, if you get to the booth and she just stands there like a mannequin, politely imply that you did not come with the intentions to pay for her. How it goes from there is up to you bra. I only suggest this approach because it seems like you genuinely like the chick. Otherwise, dutch is clutch. Stay thirsty my friend.
Here's what you do: Go on the date, chat it up on the way to the ticket booth, etc. Here's where it gets sticky. If she starts to go into her purse at the booth (which would imply that she intended on paying) then you offer to pay. If she declines, ask ONCE more ("you sure?", "its no biggie", etc.). If she declines again, let her pay. If she hesitates, do it. BUT, if you get to the booth and she just stands there like a mannequin, politely imply that you did not come with the intentions to pay for her. How it goes from there is up to you bra. I only suggest this approach because it seems like you genuinely like the chick. Otherwise, dutch is clutch. Stay thirsty my friend.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

great response
i like the fact that you deleted all the text so ppl won't reread it.
Originally Posted by revirxreab

id trick on that shawty though

and dudes is lyin sayin she not that cute
she's really not, though.

any girl can get super done-up for a couple FB pics, but what do you think she actually looks like on a regular basis? probably 6/10
Originally Posted by revirxreab

id trick on that shawty though

and dudes is lyin sayin she not that cute
she's really not, though.

any girl can get super done-up for a couple FB pics, but what do you think she actually looks like on a regular basis? probably 6/10
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Murda He

Just to keep my image at a certain level, I'd still pay for both of us......BUT...it is bad protocol to INVITE someone to the movies and not cover their way IMO.

i agree.i got ask to breakfast...altho she offered to pay half. i felt like a sucka for havin to pay anything...i paid for it all
What image are you two trying to maintain?
Being a "gentleman" and offering to pay for a female?  Idk.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Murda He

Just to keep my image at a certain level, I'd still pay for both of us......BUT...it is bad protocol to INVITE someone to the movies and not cover their way IMO.

i agree.i got ask to breakfast...altho she offered to pay half. i felt like a sucka for havin to pay anything...i paid for it all
What image are you two trying to maintain?
Being a "gentleman" and offering to pay for a female?  Idk.
if you have job. pay for the tickets. just hint like, 'oh i guess you got the food after right ?' see where it goes from there. if a girl truly likes you, she will pay without hesitation.

if you have job. pay for the tickets. just hint like, 'oh i guess you got the food after right ?' see where it goes from there. if a girl truly likes you, she will pay without hesitation.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Murda He

Just to keep my image at a certain level, I'd still pay for both of us......BUT...it is bad protocol to INVITE someone to the movies and not cover their way IMO.

i agree.i got ask to breakfast...altho she offered to pay half. i felt like a sucka for havin to pay anything...i paid for it all
What image are you two trying to maintain?

i really was co signin the 2nd part of the quote.

but for sake of arguin/discussion.

i feel wierd splitting a bill. like askin for 2 checks.... thats with my homeboys too.  

now we can throw into together ($20 each for 1 $40 check) but to tell the waitress 2 checks for a "date" seems awkward.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Murda He

Just to keep my image at a certain level, I'd still pay for both of us......BUT...it is bad protocol to INVITE someone to the movies and not cover their way IMO.

i agree.i got ask to breakfast...altho she offered to pay half. i felt like a sucka for havin to pay anything...i paid for it all
What image are you two trying to maintain?

i really was co signin the 2nd part of the quote.

but for sake of arguin/discussion.

i feel wierd splitting a bill. like askin for 2 checks.... thats with my homeboys too.  

now we can throw into together ($20 each for 1 $40 check) but to tell the waitress 2 checks for a "date" seems awkward.
What if she is a friend-only type chick and only has the intention of catching a movie with a friend? IMO, you both pay for your own ticket unless its a certified date.
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