Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

You dont fully comprehend the roadblocks that are in place and how hard it is to overcome them. All that sounds good, but racism and life dont work like that. You dont just will your way through life.

You don't know my story, at all.
Dont give a ***** about your story. Never mentioned it :lol:

Exactly. So you can't speak to the roadblocks I've experienced. Please explain why you can't will yourself through life. At what point do you give up and what does giving up look like?
Exactly. So you can't speak to the roadblocks I've experienced. Please explain why you can't will yourself through life. At what point do you give up and what does giving up look like?

C’mon now. You can’t ask them to think or try and solve problems. If they could do that they would have jobs and no time to complain.
I brought up other minorities but everyone brings it back to AA. Id like to hear a general answer though

and i'm being genuine in my ask for an answer. Not stirring the pot...
This question itself is so absurd, to begin with. If you've been denigrated over and over and over again to the point of being deprived of a fair shake in life, why is the responsibility of closing that gap on the victim?
Hand outs. We want hand outs! The government needs to give us free stuff so we have time to sit and complain and buy luxury sneakers! Don’t worry about the other black people around the world who actually have something to really complain about, I just turn the channel when those commercials come on. ****** crybabies!

This your dad?

Hand outs. We want hand outs! The government needs to give us free stuff so we have time to sit and complain and buy luxury sneakers! Don’t worry about the other black people around the world who actually have something to really complain about, I just turn the channel when those commercials come on. ****** crybabies!

literally not one single person today whos been going back and forth with you today has taken this position not one. you're chasing ghost talking points
That hard working African American man is not my father, sorry. I bet his kids are doing well tho.

And no, I don’t need help, or a “compadre”. I think I’ve been holding my own with you all pretty well.

No one has proven me wrong. Every successful person you know has worked hard for it or worked hard to keep it.
literally not one single person today whos been going back and forth with you today has taken this position not one. you're chasing ghost talking points

You are correct in saying this. But besides doing the best you can do, and live your life right what other answers could there be besides that?
I’m not in the sunken place fam. But since you brought up how well you and some other minorities are doing then let’s talk about that. Now these well off brothas that you speak of, did they go to special schools? Did they find some secret back door that the white Man hasn’t found yet? I’m sure they didn’t. I’m sure these brothas your talking about went to a normal high school, graduated, went to college or found a trade, and then bam! Success. This is all I’m saying. There is no secret white man conspiracy. If you do see something funny call them out in it. Maybe it’s not what you think, maybe it is. Either way. Coming up with excuses like I can’t do anything because the systematic oppression will hold me back is just complete BS.
And I wasn’t saying that you in particular were calling me names. I was just saying that the names and labels don’t bother me. These immature NTers saying I’m dumb doesn’t bother me. Because at the end of they day they will pick themselves up by the “bootstraps” and get their life together or they will be the next generation in the projects talking about the system and the evil white man. Y’all didn’t go through slavery but y’all sound like slaves lol.

Don’t need to give a census. Just tell me that Steve working next to you at your job doing the same work as you is getting paid more than you. You can do that right? All these brothas in here talkin the talk. Gotta be at least one example of it happening right now in real life.

I will be specific to my experience to prove the point. I am of mixed race(majority black and native american); however, I identify as black. I did put in the work to get into my electrical engineering position; however, during my academic and career journey I have applied for several positions and opportunities with other black people that were equally or more qualified for that position (i.e higher GPA, credentials etc.). I managed to get that position because at the time I was passable and less threatening to the position.

Last year at my firm I was awarded as employee of the year because I put in the work. Some would think that my salary is comparable to my white counterpart; however, compared to a white counterpart at my job that has the exact same credentials as me makes about 20k more than me. I've worked hared than him throughout the years, I have been told by my company that I have done so; however, he simply makes more money because the system of white supremacy allows him to. I've even spoken to him directly about it because we have that rapport and he agrees as well. I also caught wind of other salaries so I know for a fact that there is a wage disparity when it comes to blacks, women and the elderly just at my company alone.

I'm not necessarily hung up on the disadvantages but I am knowledgeable of them because I need to be in order to survive in America. The black men getting arrested at starbucks in philly happened a few blocks from my company. Things like that happen all the time in this city to black men. Racial profiling is a real thing in day to day life and in the workforce. Being aware of this literally means life or death. I'm glad that you haven't had to deal with the life experiences that require you to know whats going on in the world but it isn't like that for the rest of us.
You are correct in saying this. But besides doing the best you can do, and live your life right what other answers could there be besides that?

what? have you not been reading?

  1. fair and equal treatment by the criminal justice system
  2. fair and equal pay not affected by gender racial bias
  3. equally access to opportunity
  4. fair and equal access to quality education
notice how "doing the best you can do" does nothing to change the fact that those things above f*ck people of color each and every day.
Explain to me why it isn't. Within my statement are the roadblocks that life presents to us. Some of it racism, some of it not.

On a world built off colonization do you think 200 years of protests will change human nature? If everyone stops asking "it's that simple?" and become the best they can be no matter what it is, our community will be more positive within itself. Instead we are fueled by the hatred and negativity that has been used on us since we were brought here.

I’d say the past 200 years of protests have done a lot

They just made gay marriage legal like 3 years ago. Civil rights for different communities are still actively being fought for through protest.

Think about a chain restaurant. A decision like giving a customer 3 scoops of some ingredient instead of 2 isn’t a huge one for a company on a case by case basis if it’s literally just one person being effected. But Subway, Chipotle, etc make slight adjustments to these decisions and they aggregate to company making or breaking decisions. You let justice inequality, employment inequality, etc apply to every person in America and those inequalities will realize themselves in large differences, and those differences will
compound with other factors. Being proactive about your life and protesting inequalities aren’t mutually exclusive. A lot of minority communities in America have benefited from protestors. You can motivate people to do their best without trying to silence people who are trying to fix inequalities.
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I will be specific to my experience to prove the point. I am of mixed race(majority black and native american); however, I identify as black. I did put in the work to get into my electrical engineering position; however, during my academic and career journey I have applied for several positions and opportunities with other black people that were equally or more qualified for that position (i.e higher GPA, credentials etc.). I managed to get that position because at the time I was passable and less threatening to the position.

Last year at my firm I was awarded as employee of the year because I put in the work. Some would think that my salary is comparable to my white counterpart; however, compared to a white counterpart at my job that has the exact same credentials as me makes about 20k more than me. I've worked hared than him throughout the years, I have been told by my company that I have done so; however, he simply makes more money because the system of white supremacy allows him to. I've even spoken to him directly about it because we have that rapport and he agrees as well. I also caught wind of other salaries so I know for a fact that there is a wage disparity when it comes to blacks, women and the elderly just at my company alone.

I'm not necessarily hung up on the disadvantages but I am knowledgeable of them because I need to be in order to survive in America. The black men getting arrested at starbucks in philly happened a few blocks from my company. Things like that happen all the time in this city to black men. Racial profiling is a real thing in day to day life and in the workforce. Being aware of this literally means life or death. I'm glad that you haven't had to deal with the life experiences that require you to know whats going on in the world but it isn't like that for the rest of us.

Respect. But you’re wrong. I have gone through what you are going through. But I talked to the owner of the company. And I also threatened to take my talents elsewhere. Turned around and got more then my white counterpart along with a bunch of apologies.
Next time you have a review, bring up what you’ve done for the company, bring up your reward. Bring up that you could get paid more at Such-nSuch other company. You have experience and context with your company and those things count.
Capitalism is one tool that does not jive with racial inequality. Use it.
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