Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

here's all i want to know:

besides 'ye declaring his like of the character (or caricature) of 45 and his appreciation of the a way a black conservative woman thinks, has mr west articulated, coherently, any of their ideology that he is in agreement with?

After the Candace Owens tweet he tweeted out a bunch of stuff she said in the video but vaguely. And on this TI song he said the Democratic Plantation nonsense as if black people aren’t smart enough to vote and don’t vote a certain way for a reason just like say southern whites. He also said he doesn’t even know what conservatism is so *shrug*
James Farmer.

I was a James Farmer Scholar in middle and high school :smokin

Oh and Booker T Washington. Modern day I'm not really familiar with any tbh.
Edward Brooke is still looked at fondly within the older black community. He was a moderate Republican that was for Civil Rights, and against the racist that invaded the GOP

Ben Carson was nearly universally loved even though people knew he was a Christian conservative, it was not until he went on Fox News ****** on black people and comparing Obama to Hilter did he fall out of favor

Colin Powell messed with Reagan and Bush, and people don't slander him as much as he probably should, same with Rice.

When Cosby was touring the country preaching respectability politics, he was still getting loved by a majority of folk.

Glenn Loury gets looked at difference than Thomas Sowell even though they peddle some of the same "moral failings" shtick sometimes.

Black people accept all matters of so-called "respectability politics" over the years from their leaders, and they do so as long as it perceived that the person preaching is also for racial justice. This has been true of MLK, Malcolm, Obama, even clowns like Umar and Tariq serve up them respectability politics hard.

Black people especially black immigrants are more socially conservative from your average liberal. Conservatism is not the problem by itself. It is when a black person cosigns white supremacy then it becomes an issue, and right now the GOP is the party of white supremacy.
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Strawman. You're trying to distort the argument into a non-existant and absurd argument.
Anecdotes are worthless on their own when arguing broader statistics. At the end of the day, statistics are essentially data from mass amounts of anecdotes.
I imagine there are many New Yorkers who haven't been harassed by stop and frisk or didn't see it as problematic in any way. There is at least one New Yorker on NT who supports stop and frisk for example. Those are anecdotes. But broader statistics and data do not support those anecdotes. And as a result, the implementation of stop and frisk in NYC was ruled an unconstitutional violation of the 4th and 14th amendments.

Here and some statistics for example (Source: NYPD Annual reports)

And here are some additional statistics used in the Floyd vs. City Of New York lawsuit, which examined full records of 4.4 million stop and frisk searches over a period of 2004 to June 2012.
Source: University of Pennsylvania Law Review on Floyd vs. City Of New York.

As you can see, in 83% of 4.4 million stops, the person stopped was black or hispanic. NYC population records from 2010 show that its resident population was 33% white, 29% hispanic and 23% black. Yet whites only made up 10% of the 4.4 million stops. Now let's look at the NYPD's data on the results of those 4.4m stops.

Let's look at the rates of weapons being seized first, remember that blacks and hispanics account for 83% of all stops.
- Weapons were seized in 1% of stops of blacks
- Weapons were seized in 1.1% of stops of hispanics
- Weapons were seized in 1.4% of stops of whites
Here we see that the whites not only top the population charts but also the rates of weapons being seized by stops. Now let's move on to contraband excluding weapons.

- Contraband was seized in 1.8% of stops of blacks
- Contraband was seized in 1.7% of stops of hispanics
- Contraband was seized in 2.3% of stops of whites
Again we see here that the whites top the rates of stops resulting in seizing contraband.

As we can tell by these statistics, there is quite a pattern here. Not only were weapons and/or contraband found on blacks and hispanics at lower rates than whites, they were stopped at an enormously high rate compared to whites. A combined 83% of all stops were of black people and hispanics as opposed to a mere 10% stops of whites.
While there are surely many New Yorkers who did not have personal negative experiences with the NYC implementation of stop and frisk, anecdotes like that are mostly irrelevant given the trend shown by broader and larger statistics. And those statistics clearly show a trend of racial profiling and needless violation of civil liberties. By no means can targeting blacks and hispanics in 83% of stops be justified when stops of whites results in seizing both weapons and contraband at higher rates and they only make up 10% of all stops.

I picked this example because it is an easy one to explain how a tiny number of anecdotes to support a view are largely worthless when discussing a broader issue such as systemic racism.

I agree. And in that case it could be used to help pass legislation. But anecdotes can be used to help shed light on bad companies. Take into example a company like Glass Ceiling. You could go in and leave feedback about individual businesses. If so many racial claims are being made against one business then that would help point that business out. I just feel like that’s more useful instead of broad claim of racial bias in all businesses in america. That was my point.
that's a misnomer.

no one is stopping anyone from getting work, if Pablo got a job is cuz he worked for it, not cuz he took it from Brad or Tyrone.

True. But if I just got fired yesterday and need to look for a job now there will be less opportunities because of the line of illegal immigrants waiting for work.
There’s a reason the entire trump campaign focuses on **** like coal miners vs say retail which is also being crushed. I bet you’re smart enough to know the racial make up of those sectors. Also you going on the ignore list, I have zero interest in giving you any time.

Sorry if I offended you. Not looking to offend anyone.
I agree. And in that case it could be used to help pass legislation. But anecdotes can be used to help shed light on bad companies. Take into example a company like Glass Ceiling. You could go in and leave feedback about individual businesses. If so many racial claims are being made against one business then that would help point that business out. I just feel like that’s more useful instead of broad claim of racial bias in all businesses in america. That was my point.

So stats only work if they’re focused on one company but when data pulled from across the county that shows that points a singular conclusion, it doesn’t make sense? That’s not how data and statistics work.
True. But if I just got fired yesterday and need to look for a job now there will be less opportunities because of the line of illegal immigrants waiting for work.

economy is boomin, unemployment is at its lowest in 8 years...plenty of food everyone out here legal and illegal.
I just don't know.
Since kanye is rich I'm sure he has certain reasons to align with trump.
I respect the fact that he pointed out the "Crack selling, I'll shoot you" raps that's been negatively influencing young black kids for decades. But ti didn't want to acknowledge that, he just wanted to villainze trump.

Ultimately I think trump is trying to rid the country of the poor, then his ultimate goal is to make America white.
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So stats only work if they’re focused on one company but when data pulled from across the county that shows that points a singular conclusion, it doesn’t make sense? That’s not how data and statistics work.

No. I’m saying that. I’m saying the large amount of data collected could be used to pass legislation or address larger companies. While anicdotel cases could be used by an individul on smaller companies.
No. I’m saying that. I’m saying the large amount of data collected could be used to pass legislation or address larger companies. While anicdotel cases could be used by an individul on smaller companies.
I don’t disagree with that. Anecdotal evidence how ever doesn’t disprove large scale data and trend analysis
Kanye is probably gonna start giving away money/material things next. Which would be troubling bc that's a warning sign of suicide.
I don’t disagree with that. Anecdotal evidence how ever doesn’t disprove large scale data and trend analysis

Never ment for it to come across like I think it does. Here is how I was addressing the topic:
Me: I don’t see all this racism tho. Do you?
You: No, but the data..
Come on Ninja you know it's not that simple, unemployment is low consist of most americans being part of the "working poor", the wealth gap is outrageous and its plenty of food in the sense that most people are getting scraps with the small amount of people eating caviar and truffles

economy is boomin, unemployment is at its lowest in 8 years...plenty of food everyone out here legal and illegal.
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