Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Idk Ye is dead to me. White supremacy supporters dont deserve to live to me. If The clown ods on opioids I wouldn’t care.
Kanye shouldn’t blame his mother’s surgeon, but his low self esteem horse mouth mother for even having the surgery. Be happy with how you were born.
Never ment for it to come across like I think it does. Here is how I was addressing the topic:
Me: I don’t see all this racism tho. Do you?
You: No, but the data..

I never claimed that I haven’t seen it though. My father actually won an EEOC settlement with the company he works for a few months ago. I KNOW it exists and have seen it first hand. The data just backs up what I already know. I don’t have to rely on anecdotal evidence because statistics out weight one person experience, always.
Srs question. To the people that feel trump is a white supremecist, and knowing this country's underlying issue with race, would you consider moving to another country? I've considered France honestly. This country is the equivalent of an abusive relationship, and black people are the woman that keeps saying 'he's gonna treat me better, he said he'd stop beating me'. Nothing is gonna change. Marginally better, but no significant change, I think.
I Like the way arian Foster Thinks :lol::lol:

But On The real Scottie said something About Why Didn't Kanye do it himself & it reminded me of the countless amounts of discussions I've had with people on here who echoed the same sentiment... & it blew my mind.

When he was launching Yeezy, people were telling him to man up, create for yourself, Forget the discriminatory ways of the high fashion industry. Stop asking these white people for things knowing they don't like you.

These past few days & him telling black people to stop acting like victims & empower themselves is literally what people were asking him to do. :rofl::rofl:

Everyday i go on Social media and see people complain about white people granting us inclusion in media, inclusion in Film, Inclusion in award shows, inclusion in the Job Market......... and yet somehow don't support platforms that allow us to control our own narratives, or don't want to build communities or sectors in which we are in power and can include our own.

This is an ultimate keep that same energy moment, he's asking people to do the same ting on a smaller scale that ya'll blasted him for not doing on a larger scale. If you were one of those "just do it yourself" people when he was trying to solidify the yeezy company, i gotta ask why you would have a problem with him essentially telling black people to stop relying on white acceptance & build their own.

Don't even have the energy to get into the larger scale things being discussed in here, but I wanted to post my opinion On some of Kanye's new talking points.
Idk Ye is dead to me. White supremacy supporters dont deserve to live to me. If The clown ods on opioids I wouldn’t care.

I think he is just suffering from a life time of being insensitive and spoiled. Maybe more of an individual supremacist. To say he is a white supremacist gives him the credit of him caring about anyone else besides him or his family. I wouldn’t go that far. White supremacist would be a step up for him lol
I never claimed that I haven’t seen it though. My father actually won an EEOC settlement with the company he works for a few months ago. I KNOW it exists and have seen it first hand. The data just backs up what I already know. I don’t have to rely on anecdotal evidence because statistics out weight one person experience, always.

I can respect that. And I’m genuinely sorry to hear about your fathers misfortunes with inequality. I’ve seen it before myself, just not recently.
Srs question. To the people that feel trump is a white supremecist, and knowing this country's underlying issue with race, would you consider moving to another country? I've considered France honestly. This country is the equivalent of an abusive relationship, and black people are the woman that keeps saying 'he's gonna treat me better, he said he'd stop beating me'. Nothing is gonna change. Marginally better, but no significant change, I think.

I've been thinking of going to Canada for ages (since the W presidency once he bogged us into Iraq, actually).

I seriously thought Obama had marginalized the rump part of the GOP to the point where his policies would help get us back on track and finally become a beacon for the rest of the world.

But I never imagined what would happen when the racists, misogynists, homophobes and xenophobes who have literally been brainwashed by 24/7 Fox News and conservative talk radio (which is EVERYWHERE once you leave the coasts), got that extra social media push before the election using all the hijinks from the Russians.

I also think that anyone other than Hillary would have won 2016 handily. When I first registered for a hunting license in PA in '05 I was automatically (and without my permission) enrolled in the NRA, and they would fundraise call using her as the scary strawman. "Are you aware that Hillary Clinton wants to take away your guns?" was an actual question I was asked by one of these ***holes in one call). She never stood a chance to carry Obama #'s in rural areas.

But, haven't bailed for Canada yet, because it's just too damn cold and I don't know if I could get a work visa. So I'm in the next best thing - Massachusetts.

I will say this, though: I definitely think Trump fatigue on the right is real. I'm a big Nascar fan, and when I was in Daytona in February for the week of the 500 I saw ZERO Trump hats or shirts, which I found shocking. I did see one anti-Trump shirt in the Fanzone, though. So who knows.

I just pray for indictments from Mueller soon, because I know the GOP congress is never going to impeach the fat bastard. And hopefully Dems can flip the house and senate this fall. At least they'd be able to put the brakes on the vandalism the SOB is getting away with now.
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Ultimately I think trump is trying to rid the country of the poor

Naw. America needs poor people in order to exist. But a balance has to be kept, because if Americans are too poor it'll get ugly fast.

"When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich."

Also America is already white, but I do think the goal is to revert to a time where "law and order" was kept and give rise to stronger open control of the country itself. It's obvious by him supporting the death penalty for drug dealers and his condemnation of scary brown people for taking their (white Christian males) country from them and driving up the crime rate.
Which is why you kill them off before they realize what's going on. No money, no food, no healthcare. Problem solved.
This would take a long time, people are resilient. But, poor folk of a certain persuasion have been voting against themselves for years, so you got a point.
I think what's being suggested is that your worldview is incomplete. If you acknowledge that White privilege exists, it's not necessary to suggest that a White person's experiences are dishonest or irrelevant if they don't think they've ever experienced White privilege. White privilege is presented as the default or normative experience in America. We all know how the public institutions are intended to work. We all know how the police are supposed to interact with citizens, for example. If your experiences match the way things are supposed to be, why would that feel like privilege? If you're hired or given a loan, you won't be told that it's because of your race. You'll be told, or you'll assume, that you earned it. Privilege would be as conspicuous to you as the presence of water to a fish. Only in its absence would you notice it.

If we want to better understand society, we need to view it from as many different perspectives as possible. We can't understand society as a whole from any one perspective or vantage point. The goal, then, is to synthesize and make sense of the varied ways in which we all experience society.

It's like the parable of the blind men and the elephant.


If you've never experienced racism, that doesn't invalidate the experiences of those who have.

To put it more bluntly, in this case it's a bit like saying, "You must be imagining things. I've been kissing this elephant's backside my whole life and I've never seen anyone gored by a tusk." You wouldn't, from where you're standing.

You're saying that discrimination can't happen because it's illegal. All crimes are illegal. Does crime not exist?

If you made even the most basic effort to research incidences of employment discrimination, you could find more than one example. It's the epitome of privilege to sit back and say, "it's your responsibility to convince me of this discrimination of which you speak!"

If you truly value education, if you believe in holding informed viewpoints, it's incumbent upon you to make the effort. Employers can conjure up all manner of justifications to mask discriminatory behavior. "Wasn't a culture fit." "Had a bad attitude." A person need not be explicitly motivated by prejudice to behave in discriminatory ways. Subconscious biases are more than sufficient.

Nobody knows everything. I couldn't tell you the first thing about rugby, but I don't pretend otherwise and I have no reason to criticize a rugby player for their performance in a sport I couldn't care less about.

You're judging people based on uninformed assumptions regarding a subject you've made no serious effort to understand. It's ridiculous to say "nobody can show me proof that employment discrimination exists" when any computer-literate person could locate such evidence in under thirty seconds using the Internet.


It seems you don't understand the distinction between relative and absolute percentages. It's perfectly reasonable to think, "of course more White people in America use drugs, because there are more White people in general." Black Americans make up about 12.7% of the population, an 12.5% of drug users, yet 29% of those arrested and 33% of those imprisoned for drug offenses are Black: http://www.naacp.org/criminal-justice-fact-sheet/

The 33% statistic you're referring to is a relative statistic. Think of a population survey group like a roulette wheel. On a typical roulette wheel, 47.36% of spaces are black and 47.36% of spaces are red. Even and odd numbers are equally distributed between red and black. If, instead, numbers were randomly assigned colors, there could be more of one color than another, and one color could have more even numbered spaces than odd numbered spaces.

Let's say that there are 12 black spaces and 24 red spaces. Two thirds of the black spaces are even-numbered. That means 8 black spaces would be evenly numbered and 10 red spaces would be evenly numbered. In our sample, then, 2:3 black spaces are even-numbered compared to 5:12 red spaces. A black space selected at random would thus be statistically more likely to be even-numbered than a red space, even though there are more red spaces than black spaces, and more evenly-numbered red spaces than evenly-numbered black spaces.

For a start, you're relying on anecdotal evidence - and anecdotal evidence that does not disprove in any way the presence of systemic racism, unless it were argued that no Black person, anywhere, ever, has succeeded by any measure in a racist society.

We know that wealth is unequally distributed in this society. https://www.forbes.com/sites/briant...americas-most-pressing-epidemic/#283185b17a48

Michael Jordan is a billionaire, yet since Michael Jordan began playing college basketball, the wealth of the median Black household declined by 75%. That's not ancient history. That's not slavery. That's 1983-2013. Over that same span, median White household wealth increased by 14%.

It's also essential to acknowledge that affluent people of color experience racism, too. If your advice to Black Americans is "pull up your pants, get an education, and get a good job," one would think that Dr. Henry Louis Gates would qualify. Yet, in 2009, Dr. Gates was arrested after a White neighbor accused him of breaking into his own home. So much for "respectability politics."

You're attempting to trivialize racism by comparing it to your brother's height advantage. I've never heard of anyone being lynched for dating someone of a different height.

Second, as has been pointed out to you, I would wager that the vast majority of those you're telling to "stop making excuses" have jobs and college degrees. Dikembe Mutombo often says, "When you take the elevator to the top, please remember to send it back down so someone else might use it." They spent most of their day working. You, by your own admission, spent the day walking on the beach.

While everyone deserves time off, it seems an ill moment to accuse others of laziness. For all you know, many of the people you're insulting have worked harder and generated a larger share of their own wealth than you have for yours. Meanwhile, you act as though they're suggesting that there's no point in trying to work hard because racism exists. As far as I'm aware, not a single person here has made that claim. Again, it's a strawman.

I think you'd find that most decent people would like to leave the world better than they found it. That's a virtue, not a sign of indolence.

Everyone here who gives a damn about racism and social inequality is striving to be the best they can be individually while simultaneously demonstrating concern for this society's most grievous injustices.

Can you honestly say the same when you've yet to perform even the most basic research on the matter?

If your interest in having this conversation represents a first step towards bettering yourself on that front, great, but, in the interest of personal responsibility, shouldn't you be the one making the effort to research it, rather than asking the rest of the community to lay all the evidence at your feet?

You weren't the only one who received a warning or had their post deleted. We want everyone to treat each other with respect. Posts containing insults, personal attacks, and profanity are against the rules.

I wish enforcement of these rules could be perfect, but we have a small team and we can't possibly read every single post added to the forums each day. We rely on our fellow community members to help us by reporting the violations they encounter. Some users report posts only when they are personally upset by them, which can project their inconsistencies on the staff. Please know that's not our intention. We do the best we can to be as evenhanded as possible given the resources available to us.

If you encounter a rule violation, you're encouraged to use the report link to bring it to the staff's attention.

The Wizards' perennial failures are best discussed in the Sports & Training forum.

While I understand that many people here would rather discuss Kanye West's latest plea for attention directly, a serious discussion of systemic racism is at least peripheral to his proclaimed support for Donald Trump and thus relates to the topic. The latest NBA playoff results are not.

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Srs question. To the people that feel trump is a white supremecist, and knowing this country's underlying issue with race, would you consider moving to another country? I've considered France honestly. This country is the equivalent of an abusive relationship, and black people are the woman that keeps saying 'he's gonna treat me better, he said he'd stop beating me'. Nothing is gonna change. Marginally better, but no significant change, I think.

Yes if I have the opportunity, I would like to avoid raising children in this country. I have my eyes set on Central America, mainly Panama/Costa Rica. They each have their own set of issues, but I’ll take those over what’s going on here.
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