Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

How insecure does ninja get when he gets intellectually suplexed by Meth in all these political/racial threads?

did you just start reading da last page or something? meth not even talking to me, he in convo status wit that rock dude. :lol:
You takin' this **** TOO personally. Like he actually did something to you.

I get being disappointed with some of the things he's said and done over the past week...but wishing death on him? Idiotic.
White Supremacy is idiotic. White supremacists wish death on people of color daily. Kanye supports White supremacists. F him.
Send the location...

Charlemange asked, "For those that think Kanye should be cancelld (by us), do you feel the same way about rappers that promote violence and drug usage? Because what has Kanye done that is more detrimental to black society than those things?"

Please responds
Charlemange asked, "For those that think Kanye should be cancelld (by us), do you feel the same way about rappers that promote violence and drug usage? Because what has Kanye done that is more detrimental to black society than those things?"

Please responds

Biggie was just tryin' to get money to feed his daughter b. You win some, you lose some. Cause ya can't knock the hustle, etc. :nthat:
But Yeezy tryin' to destroy the entire black community all at once!!! :wow: :smh:
Charlemange asked, "For those that think Kanye should be cancelld (by us), do you feel the same way about rappers that promote violence and drug usage? Because what has Kanye done that is more detrimental to black society than those things?"

Please responds
Genocide comes in many forms.
Anecdotes is what all this **** is based on! Individual accounts! There is no mass firing of black people.

I’m doing the best I can with my phone.
Elephant example: No my point of view is not that I’ve been kissing the backside. My point of view is saying if you play by the tusks don’t be mad when you catch them. Have you ever been called a name that’s not true? Real racism does exist and no one is denying that but to call every misfortune you encounter racism is just absurd.


Your examples of “Wasn’t a culture fit” or “Had a bad attitude” are real examples of why some people should be let go! Are you saying that every time these reasons come up they are just making something up to keep the black man down? Sometime black people aren’t a culture fit.

Your roulette wheel example. Yeah say what you want. But once again you talking about lazy people doing easy work. And by that I mean detectives and officers. What’s easier to spot. A drug dealer in the projects where most people don’t have money to blow on a nice car? Or a drug dealer in the suburbs where everybody has a nice car? I’m not giving excuses, just my thought process on it. I’m not saying there isn’t descrimination.

Yes we know wealth isn’t “distributed” equally. But let’s not pretend that it doesn’t involve personal circumstances, decisions, career choices, and performance more than just skin color.


I’m not “trivializing” racism by comparing it to my brothers height. I’m just saying life isn’t fair and it never will be. If racism were a big problem, which I don’t believe it is, then you wouldn’t see black people doing well at all. And no one is being lynched anymore dude. To bring that up like it’s relevant is just silly IMO.

I’m not accusing anyone here in particular of being lazy but I would go as far as to assume that some of them are. The elevator that I took up? As you may have noticed I’m not the most articulate, or educated person. I learn what I can here and there and make the most of it. The “Elevator” I rode up on is not a special elevator. It’s the same one offered to every other American citizen looking to hop on.
I’m not saying no one shouldn’t try because the system is rigged and racism is a problem. I’m saying that if your saying “Racism that’s why” then your making excuses and telling people they are victims.

Look at all of this data you posted. Any easy google search as you pointed out right? This is all well known data by everyone, blacks and whites alike. Correct? How hard is it to find data that even marginally goes against some of this stuff? Go to google and type in any of these subjects and look at how many articles pop up in favor or racism, or inequality. All this well known information and yet somehow everywhere it’s still a problem. Just doesn’t seem logical to me.

Yes there are real victims. Real racial problems like the ones detailed in the Forbes link you posted. But some people are riding this racism wave when it does not apply to them or their situation. The actual lazy people who try for one day, or try for one job, get cut from one team and give up. And then scream from the mountains “Racism!”.

Everyone keeps saying “anecdotal”. Anecdotal is where you catch the problem. Obviously pointing to large surveys isn’t helping anything because we have that evidence right? But if Jerome says “I think they fired me because I was black”. Then shouldn’t that be the time to address the issue with the company?

An employee at Starbucks mad a bad decision one day. Because of this the entire franchise of Starbucks is on trial for black people for being racist. How does this even make sense?
You argue the way a "flat earth" conspiracy theorist argues. All of your reactions are based entirely on anecdotal claims and hand waving to dismiss any explanation you don't like. You've made no serious effort to engage the science and you self-select only those sources that support your preconceived notions. Consequently, your conclusions are only appear valid from your own limited perspective.

Flat earthers don't apply the same standard of evidence for their claims that they do to those that support the concept of a globe. If you say the Earth is round because astronauts have seen it from space, they'll say that astronauts are part of a global planet-wide conspiracy and the photos of the Earth from space are all fake. They think there's a massive ice wall holding in the oceans, but nobody has proof of that.

In either case, the best way to settle the dispute is to zoom out.

Your unit of analysis is almost exclusively individual. "If so and so got fired, they probably deserved it." "If so and so was arrested, they could've avoided it." "If things are so unfair, how come Kevin Hart has money?"

When we talk about systemic racism, our true unit of analysis is the society.

What would a racist society look like by the numbers? What would society where racism was a statistical non-factor look like?

When presented with data on drug offenses, you offered the following rationalization:

"What’s easier to spot. A drug dealer in the projects where most people don’t have money to blow on a nice car? Or a drug dealer in the suburbs where everybody has a nice car?"

Here, you appear to assume that the reason White respondents in the study were statistically more likely to have sold drugs is because they'd be "easier to spot" in the suburbs. If that were true, wouldn't they be arrested more often? Instead, the opposite is true - and by a wide margin.

In a racist society, you would expect to see vast racial disparities in wealth - and that's exactly what we have. Yale researcher Michael Kraus has studied the racial wealth gap extensively. They've found that, "Black families in America earn just $57.30 for every $100 in income earned by white families, according to the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. For every $100 in white family wealth, black families hold just $5.04."

In a racist society, you would expect to see vast racial disparities in the criminal justice system - and that's exactly what we have. On average, one in three Black men in America will be jailed in their lifetime, compared to one in seventeen White men.

Overall, the nation's schools are as segregated today as they were in in the 1960's. http://www.newsweek.com/2018/03/30/school-segregation-america-today-bad-1960-855256.html

It's getting worse, not better. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/05/17/gao-study-segregation-worsening-us-schools/84508438/

At the societal level, the United States certainly looks intensely racist. The facts are what they are, and they run contrary to your anecdotal claims that racism is an overblown relic from a bygone era.

If you choose to justify these trends, you would have to believe some very racist things. To justify the disparities in arrest, sentencing, and incarceration, you'd have to argue, against evidence, that Black Americans are somehow predisposed to criminality. To justify the wealth/income gaps, you'd have to argue that Black Americans are, as a whole, somehow less qualified or deserving than White Americans.

Absent overtly racist explanations, when asked to explain any one of these broad social disparities in isolation, racists tend to defer to the other disparities. If Black Americans are more likely to be arrested, they may argue, it's because of poverty - but what, then, causes that economic disparity? If Black Americans are more likely to be poor, they often justify it by spouting some racist nonsense about "the Black family." If Black children are more likely to be raised in single-parent households, they justify that by referring to the number of Black men in prison - and the cycle begins anew.

In 1983, Marilyn Frye famously conceptualized sexism as a birdcage, writing,

"If you look very closely at just one wire in the cage, you cannot see the other wires. If your conception of what is before you is determined by this myopic focus, you could look at that one wire, up and down the length of it, and be unable to see why a bird would not just fly around the wire any time it wanted to go somewhere. Furthermore, even if, one day at a time, you myopically inspected each wire, you could still not see why a bird would have trouble going past the wires to get anywhere. There is no physical property of any one wire, nothing that the closest scrutiny would discover, that will reveal how a bird could be inhibited or harmed by it except in the most accidental way. It is only when you step back, stop looking at the wires one by one, microscopically, and take a macroscopic view of the whole cage, that you can see why the bird does not go anywhere; and then you will see it in a moment. It will require no great subtlety of mental powers. It is perfectly obvious that the bird is surrounded by a network of systematically related barriers, no one of which would be the least hindrance to its flight, but which, by their relations to each other, are as confining as the solid walls of a dungeon."

If you care in the least about basic justice and human rights, you need to step back. Stop focusing on anecdotes. Stop focusing on individuals. If you don't like people making excuses for the unfortunate circumstances in which they find themselves, stop making excuses for a society that has persistently manufactured racial inequality from the time of its inception.

What would you say to someone who's unhappy with the state of their lives? Don't count on someone else to improve things for you? Take responsibility? Put matters into your own hands?

If you don't like the injustice in our society, perhaps you should apply that same attitude to yourself. Stop making excuses and do something about it.

If not, don't pretend that you care and don't chastise those who are trying to pull this whole wretched society up by its bootstraps. What goodness America has comes from those who've dedicated themselves to this task, to the fulfillment of this country's purported ideals. A person who only cares for themselves cannot be considered a patriot.
Srs question. To the people that feel trump is a white supremecist, and knowing this country's underlying issue with race, would you consider moving to another country? I've considered France honestly. This country is the equivalent of an abusive relationship, and black people are the woman that keeps saying 'he's gonna treat me better, he said he'd stop beating me'. Nothing is gonna change. Marginally better, but no significant change, I think.

if i could read, write, and speak the language
secure good paying employment and their citizenship,

then the only countries i would like would basically be english type speaking countries like Canada and Australia.
If you choose to justify these trends, you would have to believe some very racist things. To justify the disparities in arrest, sentencing, and incarceration, you'd have to argue, against evidence, that Black Americans are somehow predisposed to criminality. To justify the wealth/income gaps, you'd have to argue that Black Americans are, as a whole, somehow less qualified or deserving than White Americans.

Absent overtly racist explanations, when asked to explain any one of these broad social disparities in isolation, racists tend to defer to the other disparities. If Black Americans are more likely to be arrested, they may argue, it's because of poverty - but what, then, causes that economic disparity? If Black Americans are more likely to be poor, they often justify it by spouting some racist nonsense about "the Black family." If Black children are more likely to be raised in single-parent households, they justify that by referring to the number of Black men in prison - and the cycle begins anew.

The whole response was for but I want to highlight this part for emphasis because when ever you encounter a systemic/institutionalized racism denier these thoughts are generally at the root. Let’s make it clear. If you look at disparities in arrests and make the argument that black people get arrested more because they’re inherently more criminal, that is 100% a racist thought. If you think that thenracial wealth gap and income disparity is because black People don’t work as hard or aren’t as deserving that is 100% a racist thought. If you think the disproportionate rate of poverty among the black population is because they’re choosing handouts and to be welfare queens over getting a quality education and getting a good job, that is 100% a racist thought.
We all know this d-bag will do anything for publicity, but I guarantee a big part of his choice to go this route is because Obeezy called him a jack*ss.

Dude is just like Drumpf in that sense.
Come on, we still doing fake meetups to squash beef on here? It's not that serious ya'll.

Only reason I'm meeting up with Ninja is so he can show me the spots where the Dominican women he be posting kick it at :pimp:
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