Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

You described 75% of white dudes I knew in college. You're describing problems with American culture in general and blaming it on black people, and you're wondering why people are calling you racist :lol:

All that stuff he described are behavior statistically more prevalent in impoverished areas regardless of race. But someone how black people have to own it. Makes sense
Charlemange asked, "For those that think Kanye should be cancelld (by us), do you feel the same way about rappers that promote violence and drug usage? Because what has Kanye done that is more detrimental to black society than those things?"

Please responds

"For the music arises from a generation that feels, with some justice, that they have been betrayed by those who came before them, that they are at best tolerated in schools, feared on the streets, and almost inevitably destined for the hell holes of prison. They grew up hungry, hated, and unloved, and this is the psychic fuel that generates the anger that seems endemic in much of the music and poetry. One senses very little hope above the personal goals of wealth to climb above the pit of poverty."

Did someone say Apples to Apples?

African Americans are paid less than whites at every education level

Economic Snapshot • By Valerie Wilson • October 4, 2016

While the economy continues to improve and wages are finally beginning to inch up for most Americans, African Americans are still being paid less than whites at every education level. As you can see from the chart below, while a college education results in higher wages—both for whites and blacks—it does not eliminate the black-white wage gap. African Americans are still earning less than whites at every level of educational attainment. A recent EPI report, Black-white wage gaps expand with rising wage inequality, shows that this gap persists even after controlling for years of experience, region of the country, and whether one lives in an urban or rural area. In fact, since 1979, the gaps between black and white workers have grown the most among workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher—the most educated workers. More school will certainly increase wages, but education alone is not enough to overcome the effects of racial discrimination in pay. Closing this part of the racial pay gap begins with consistent enforcement of anti-discrimination laws in the hiring, promotion, and pay of women and minority workers, as well as greater transparency around within-firm pay by race, ethnicity, and gender.

Source: Economic Policy Institute, State of Working America Data Library, “Wages by education,”

Are you also aware of the fact that crime, especially violent crime, is more prevalent amongst those in poverty, guess whhat race is disproportionately poor? Think it’s a coincidence?

Why even correlate welfar queen behavior with a race? When abuse of the welfare system happens in all races.

Also with pointing out, fatherlessness is higher amongst the poor REGARDLESS of race.

“Average” tho... That means some make more some make less. Negotiations matter bro. Tell the bossman you ain’t going for it. When negotiating from power you have the option to get your demands met or leave, a lot of black people don’t have that luxury yet. But it’s coming.

Yeah it make sense for violent crime to be high amongst those in poverty. I could understand that. But more than 50%?! Black men are 6% of this country. When would you say it’s OK to stop making excuses? You know all of this stuff right? Are you out here shooting brothas? No probably not. Or is it justified because some (not all) of them make a few less dollars then the white guys?
“Average” tho... That means some make more some make less. Negotiations matter bro. Tell the bossman you ain’t going for it. When negotiating from power you have the option to get your demands met or leave, a lot of black people don’t have that luxury yet. But it’s coming.

Yeah it make sense for violent crime to be high amongst those in poverty. I could understand that. But more than 50%?! Black men are 6% of this country. When would you say it’s OK to stop making excuses? You know all of this stuff right? Are you out here shooting brothas? No probably not. Or is it justified because some (not all) of them make a few less dollars then the white guys?

Man it’s genunitely not worth unpacking all of this. Hope you were able to get something from our back and forth
^^ Basically. Pretty much what I’ve been saying the entire time. You’re doing a complete disservice to yourself even entertaining an argument from the likes of biscuithood & some new troll.

New troll? Dude u got here in 2014 baby boy.
Lets get back on the topic at hand. Kanye is surviving in the game by what he's accomplished in the past. Most people like myself, haven't paid him any attention since he started trolling everybody with that trash album Yeezus. MDTBF was his last quality album. After his parents passed away, and after his mental breakdown, it hasn't been the same for him.
Saying he's in a sunken place, is being generous. It's sad, because he's just a shell of what he use to be. His core fans still follow his every move, hoping he'll turn back to what he use to be. Sorry to tell y'all, it's not going to happen. Dude is overweight, while wearing cut off sweat pants with a Maga hat on in the studio.
He lost his mind, and now he's pumped up with drugs, while Kris and Bruce draw up dad/orthopedic looking shoes for him to release. It's sad, because people think he's trolling. He's defenately trolling, but he's lost in a major way. The only people that are still captivated by him, are high school suburban white/asian/hispanic kids. Thats the only demographic I see still wearing his shoes, and still worried about his music in abundance.
African American kids aren't worried about Kanye like that. What most people fail to realize, is that the African American youth are the trendsetters of urban/pop culture. He's so out of it mentally, that he's going to be pumping out trash to non blacks, while trends being set by newer people are going to pass him up. You know it's over when someone makes a Pootie Tang song, while acting like the blind black racist guy off of the Chappell show just for attention.
Lets get back on the topic at hand. Kanye is surviving in the game by what he's accomplished in the past. Most people like myself, haven't paid him any attention since he started trolling everybody with that trash album Yeezus. MDTBF was his last quality album. After his parents passed away, and after his mental breakdown, it hasn't been the same for him.
Saying he's in a sunken place, is being generous. It's sad, because he's just a shell of what he use to be. His core fans still follow his every move, hoping he'll turn back to what he use to be. Sorry to tell y'all, it's not going to happen. Dude is overweight, while wearing cut off sweat pants with a Maga hat on in the studio.
He lost his mind, and now he's pumped up with drugs, while Kris and Bruce draw up dad/orthopedic looking shoes for him to release. It's sad, because people think he's trolling. He's defenately trolling, but he's lost in a major way. The only people that are still captivated by him, are high school suburban white/asian/hispanic kids. Thats the only demographic I see still wearing his shoes, and still worried about his music in abundance.
African American kids aren't worried about Kanye like that. What most people fail to realize, is that the African American youth are the trendsetters of urban/pop culture. He's so out of it mentally, that he's going to be pumping out trash to non blacks, while trends being set by newer people are going to pass him up. You know it's over when someone makes a Pootie Tang song, while acting like the blind black racist guy off of the Chappell show just for attention.

while i do think ‘ye is trolling, i also think he believes what he is peddling...and while i think it is demonstrably true that kanye’s influence to the younger contingent of black people has been fading, he is still is an icon to the set of people that those younger people are looking to...

maybe i’m just a wild kanye stan...but i feel like he has been a version of this dude all along, an ambitious creative, collaborative, self concerned, uncomfortably self confident but somewhat insecure, impulsive yet thoughtful dude...

i do think he has continuously misread the climate te past few years tho, and hasn’t been able to clearly get across or connect his increasing creative frustration with the audience, even though the themes he is referencing generically are kinda guru talk of the moment...the way he relays them to his very specific and seemingly insular ambition/world come off as trivial although in some respect that shouldn’t matter...
I'm late here, but Kanye has been mindlessly ranting/rambling for years it seems like and people still put value on things he says that aren't related to music. Dude isn't an intellectual, a "free thinker", or even a good lyricist, he's a man with serious mental health issues who (was) able to product amazing songs, but dassit.
I'm late here, but Kanye has been mindlessly ranting/rambling for years it seems like and people still put value on things he says that aren't related to music. Dude isn't an intellectual, a "free thinker", or even a good lyricist, he's a man with serious mental health issues who (was) able to product amazing songs, but dassit.

How you know he has serious mental issues?
I still think Kanye is a genius musically, but agree with you on everything else. When he speaks to cultural relevance, or anything that takes intellectual capacity outside of music he comes up short.
I still think Kanye is a genius musically, but agree with you on everything else. When he speaks to cultural relevance, or anything that takes intellectual capacity outside of music he comes up short.

But here we are 70 pages later....
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