Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Exactly, and that goes back to the point of it NOT being a morality issue. It is more of a, "I care about this brand/entity too much to cancel them for what they said/did" issue.

I just laugh when I see people think they are making a MORAL decision to cancel Kanye, but refuse to cancel others that have done FAR worse (to black folks). It isn't because of morality, it is because they simply don't want to part ways with that product.

We all support someone/something that is garbage, so when someone else does the same, don't use the morality high-road card.

Who or what do u support that is garbage
“Don’t take politics so personal. It’s just politics”


“I want to say and side with dumb things but have a built in excuse”

Just like the whole “everybody does it” argument presented a couple days ago

Own up to your dumb ****
I'll bite.

I don't think anyone said politics isn't important, we said the political views of entertainers can be ignored by some while still enjoying their work.

I feel if someone is able to do both, it doesn't have to mean what you suggested.

For example, Kamala Harris is known to be down for the cause for Blacks and specifically black women but zhe has admittted that she still enjoys Too Short.

Very possible

You’ve missed my point. People on here have claimed that political beliefs are completely separate from themselves even though they support said party.

Example: support the side that disapproves of racial integration and then claim to not be racist

I don’t care about that mess you’re talking about

Got you. My fault.

I agree with you, not sure how you can separate those two things
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I'll bite.

I don't think anyone said politics isn't important, we said the political views of entertainers can be ignored by some while still enjoying their work.

I feel if someone is able to do both, it doesn't have to mean what you suggested.

For example, Kamala Harris is known to be down for the cause for Blacks and specifically black women but zhe has admittted that she still enjoys Too Short.

Very possible
You’ve missed my point. People on here have claimed that political beliefs are completely separate from themselves even though they support said party.

Example: support the side that disapproves of racial integration and then claim to not be racist

I don’t care about that mess you’re talking about really. But to comment on it there’s a difference between buying something and it happening to be endorsed or whatever by a particular person and buying something simply because that person endorses it. I’ll leave that at that
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I know he has some die hard fans on this site, but please listen clearly, a lot of us (black people) are finished with him. I know a lot of people that stopped being fans of him, after he married, and gave his entire life to the Kardashian family. I was never a huge Kanye fan, but I would listen to his music from time to time early in his career. It's way bigger than just having a personal opinion. The racial, and political climate in this country, is really bad right now.

That's why black and non white people are going to stop supporting him. Y'all think black people was going to be happy, and excited about Kanye loving Trump, while we watch innocent young black men get gunned down by police on video on a daily basis. Most people on here that are fans, are not the majority like the common struggling minority. Most of y'all are just thirsty for his limited kicks, and his recent subpar music, because of what he once was yeeeeeaaaars ago.

The issue of what and who he's supporting at this moment is bigger than just him having an opinion. Whether if he's trolling for attention, or if he's lost it, and really feels like that. He picked the wrong time to say the worst thing. If it's not hurting you, and you respect his opinion, then keep supporting him. The majority of us will not be supporting him.

Someone told me he's saying scoopity droop repeatedly on his one of his new songs. I don't care to listen to or watch he does at all. Like someone said earlier. He's the total opposite of what he use to be. In shape/trendsetter/black conscious lyrics/vocal about black issues/2 good Nike releases. Now he's overweight/on meds,traded his black family for a non black family, Trump supporter in some capacity, and he's not a trendsetter anymore. It's like he's a real life Get Out Character.
I feel like if he would've stayed single, and took a break for a couple of years being alone without a lot of people around him, while mourning his mother in the correct way. Then he wouldn't have lost his mind. Now if he wakes up in the future, it's to late, because he cut his foot off with his recent actions.
Republican or not Kanye will always get his... he let a lot of his left wing fans go by his recent antics but by doing so he is adding a bunch of right wing fans with $ to support him ...
Republican or not Kanye will always get his... he let a lot of his left wing fans go by his recent antics but by doing so he is adding a bunch of right wing fans with $ to support him ...
my boy who is a bernie bro said kanye could catch the hands, he was a kanye zealot at one time but he cant deal with kanye anymore
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