Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

If the album sucks all of this is going to be even funnier.

But the fact that he's making his mom's surgeon the album cover pretty much explains everything.

He's still not over it (who would be?) and it effects him every waking moment of his life.
Charlemange asked, "For those that think Kanye should be cancelld (by us), do you feel the same way about rappers that promote violence and drug usage? Because what has Kanye done that is more detrimental to black society than those things?"

Please responds

This is sad, this is CTG trying to keep his ties to Kanye and making money. CTG has been real pro black the last 2-3 years and to say something dumb like this, this is why I can't take CTG seriously.
This is sad, this is CTG trying to keep his ties to Kanye and making money. CTG has been real pro black the last 2-3 years and to say something dumb like this, this is why I can't take CTG seriously.

I think there is some truth to his question.

He argues that Kanye has (individually) hurt our feelings because of the Trump support but he hasn't hurt black people (the struggle) as a whole. (When compared to rappers that promote negative images)

He also argues no kids are going to be moved to be Trump supporters because Kanye became one, and if they did we have WAY bigger issues.

So I can agree with Char 100% here
**** Trump
**** kanye
And **** Charlamagne for playing devils advocate. He knows both sides are wrong in his argument

DGAF about Kanye or his music. Won’t be listening to anything he drops from here on out. To support him when he’s taken a stance against what I morally believe is right/wrong is bigger than something with material value.

Shout out to nipsey
Why do we look at thesw celebs and their political views as a form of alignment? Kanye is more like Trump (depending on your angle) than he is like most regular 9-5 black people.

So if Trump supports his best interest, that means you need to stop listening to his music?

We give these folks too much power man.
Why do we look at thesw celebs and their political views as a form of alignment?

cuz people are weirdos.

i cop Versace & Gucci stuff...does that mean i agree with some of da designers sexual lifestyle choices? nope.

whatever people do with their politics is their own business.

i remember not to long ago, politics & religion weren't spoken in polite conversation.
cuz people are weirdos.

i cop Versace & Gucci stuff...does that mean i agree with some of da designers sexual lifestyle choices? nope.

whatever people do with their politics is their own business.

i remember not to long ago, politics & religion weren't spoken in polite conversation.
I mean I get it, if you decide to stop being a fan of someone because of their political views, go on right ahead.

But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent. Like you just said, you don't have to agree with aspects of the personal lives people that provide you with a service display/have but how often do we turn a blind eye to the things folks do?

ALL of us go to WalMart
ALL of us buy Perdue chicken
ALL of us buy Nike's

But we are cancelling Kanye because of a Trump support tweet?

People are funny man.

But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
Why do we look at thesw celebs and their political views as a form of alignment? Kanye is more like Trump (depending on your angle) than he is like most regular 9-5 black people.

So if Trump supports his best interest, that means you need to stop listening to his music?

We give these folks too much power man.

How is that giving him power?
How is that giving him power?
To me, letting what someone believes/feel and using that as a basis to change YOUR practices (listening to his music which we all have enjoyed in the past) is giving them power.

CARING about a celebrity's political alignment is indirectly saying, "Hey, I look up to this person. What they say and do is somewhat important", is giving them power.

If you feel like that is a reach, I completely understand
I mean I get it, if you decide to stop being a fan of someone because of their political views, go on right ahead.

But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent. Like you just said, you don't have to agree with aspects of the personal lives people that provide you with a service display/have but how often do we turn a blind eye to the things folks do?

ALL of us go to WalMart
ALL of us buy Perdue chicken
ALL of us buy Nike's

But we are cancelling Kanye because of a Trump support tweet?

People are funny man.

But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.
But my issue is folks are WILDLY inconsistent.

You must have me confused with someone else, because I didn’t say that.

But wouldn’t inconsistency be shaming Kane west and then turning around and buying his album?

Everyone is inconsistent. It’s human nature. But at what point do you put both your feet down and make a decision that’s aligned with what’s morally right to you in life?

I’m not losing any ****ing sleep because I won’t hear the new kanye album :lol:

Nor will my life change because I choose not to support him anymore.

Life isn’t as black and white as you’re making it out to be with your “be consistent” argument.

And yes, we are cancelling that ***** because of a tweet. ****** have been cancelled for less. Why this ***** get a pass? Because you’re emotionally attached to his music? I’m not.
To me, letting what someone believes/feel and using that as a basis to change YOUR practices (listening to his music which we all have enjoyed in the past) is giving them power.

CARING about a celebrity's political alignment is indirectly saying, "Hey, I look up to this person. What they say and do is somewhat important", is giving them power.

If you feel like that is a reach, I completely understand
See, I don’t believe that.

I beilieve giving him power is knowing that you stand at a different place morally on something as important as people’s lives but still choosing to support him by buying his album and putting money in his pocket is giving them power.

You’re literally empowering them further by keeping them in the spotlight despite the criticism, you turn your cheek and continue to give them a platform and a voice to continue with the nonsense.

But that’s just my view on it. And to be honest, no amount of music is worth that.

But despite the disagreement, I at least appreciate you going about this in a non Ninjahood manner
You must have me confused with someone else, because I didn’t say that.

None of my comments were ever directed in response to anything you said, how did you even make that assumption?

big time.

when i read about certain folks cutting off family members because who they like politics wise, sounds like they're doing too much...

ish aint do different then gang tribalism :lol:

I respect this viewpoint.

Not sure where I stand but it is tribalism to a tee.
And yes, we are cancelling that ***** because of a tweet.

meanwhile we're on a website dedicated to Company with questionable labor practices, and people here emotional about a black man liking...wait for it... another black person's personal beliefs. :lol:

1. I am not emotionally attached to anyone's music. I was making a general statement for the masses, not me personally. I haven't REALLY listened to Kanye since Graduation

2. Inconsistency can come in many forms. When I brought up inconsistency, I was simply saying, We have tolerated MORE from others and not cancelled them, so why now? Why this? Why Kanye? Why not Nike? Why not other companies/individuals that have shown they weren't down for us (individually)? That is why I brought up inconsistency.

Because your post came right after mine and literally related to what I said in my post.

My bad.
I hadn't read your post at the time, I was just speaking on the general topic/tone of the thread.

meanwhile we're on a website dedicated to Company with questionable labor practices, and people here emotional about a black man liking...wait for it... another black person's personal beliefs. :lol:
Agree 100%

Be consistent people.

1. I am not emotionally attached to anyone's music. I was making a general statement for the masses, not me personally. I haven't REALLY listened to Kanye since Graduation

2. Inconsistency can come in many forms. When I brought up inconsistency, I was simply saying, We have tolerated MORE from others and not cancelled them, so why now? Why this? Why Kanye? Why not Nike? Why not other companies/individuals that have shown they weren't down for us (individually)? That is why I brought up inconsistency.

1. True true.

2. After clarification, I agree with that sentiment. But I feel like that touches back on point number 1. People get emotionally attached/invested in brands, companies, celebs, politicians, etc. Not everyone can just cancel dude off because they’ve been conditioned to eat up any and everything he does.
1. True true.

2. After clarification, I agree with that sentiment. But I feel like that touches back on point number 1. People get emotionally attached/invested in brands, companies, celebs, politicians, etc. Not everyone can just cancel dude off because they’ve been conditioned to eat up any and everything he does.

Exactly, and that goes back to the point of it NOT being a morality issue. It is more of a, "I care about this brand/entity too much to cancel them for what they said/did" issue.

I just laugh when I see people think they are making a MORAL decision to cancel Kanye, but refuse to cancel others that have done FAR worse (to black folks). It isn't because of morality, it is because they simply don't want to part ways with that product.

We all support someone/something that is garbage, so when someone else does the same, don't use the morality high-road card.
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